1000字范文 > 比较教育方法论 comparative education methodology英语短句 例句大全

比较教育方法论 comparative education methodology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-26 23:00:46


比较教育方法论 comparative education methodology英语短句 例句大全

比较教育方法论,comparative education methodology

1)comparative education methodology比较教育方法论


1.The Concept of National Character and Holmes Methodology of Comparative Education;民族性概念与霍姆斯比较教育方法论

2.On Relativism Paradigm of Comparative Education--Concurrently Discuss the Comparative Education Methodology of Holmes;论比较教育的相对主义研究范式——兼谈霍姆斯的比较教育方法论

3.On the Development of Comparative Education Methodology Based on Interdisciplinary Approach;基于科际整合研究的比较教育方法论发展

4.Schriewer"s‘Comparative Inquiry in Global Interconnection"and Its Methodology Thoughts on Comparative Education施瑞尔《全球互联背景下的比较探究》及其比较教育方法论思想述要

5.Wandering About Humanism and Positivism:Probing the Developmental Track in Comparative Education Methodology;徘徊于人文主义与实证主义之间——比较教育方法论的发展轨迹探析

6.Jürgen Kar Schriewer"s Comparative Education Research Method and its Application from the Perspective of Social Science施瑞尔在社会科学视野下的比较教育方法论及其应用

parison of Values and Methodology of Educational Economy Theory;教育经济理论的价值观和方法论比较

8.Methodology and Comparative Education Research in the View of Philosophy;哲学视野下的方法论与比较教育研究

9.The Development and Debates of Comparative Education Methodology and Its Inspiration to Chinese Comparative Education;比较教育研究方法的发展与争论及其对中国比较教育的意义

10.On Holmes s Comparative Education Research Methodology:Problem-solving Approach;试论霍姆斯的比较教育研究方法论——问题法

parative research of comparison methodology and study of sports legislation;比较法方法论与体育法学的比较研究

12.On Development of Comparative Education Methodology in Globalization;论全球化背景下比较教育研究的方法论拓展

13.A Discussion on the Critical Ethnography Methodology in the Comparative Education Research试论比较教育学研究中的批判民族志方法论

14.On Holmes s Comparative Education Research Method:Problem-solving Approach;试论霍尔姆斯的比较教育研究方法——问题解决法

15.The Comparative Education Methodology in the Poststructuralism Perspective;后结构主义视角的比较教育研究方法论

16.The Application of Qualitative Research in Chinese Comparative Education Study;论质的研究方法在我国比较教育研究中的应用

17.Ideas on the Methodology of Comparative Education in a Visual Angle of Culture;文化的视角与比较教育学的方法论问题

18.Seeking Harmony in Differences:the Philosophy and Method of Chinese Comparative Education Research“和而不同”:比较教育研究的哲学与方法(论纲)


methodology in comparative education比较教育学方法论

3)On the Method of Comparative Study in Education Science论教育比较研究法

4)comparative education method比较教育法

1.This essay has inquired into the basis of theory and practice,the concrete use and the thing should be paid attention to in the process of the use aboutcomparative education method.文章探讨了比较教育法的现实基础、理论依据、具体运用及应注意的问题。

5)theory of comparative method比较方法论

1.About two hundred years ago,with emergence of so many comparative schools of thought,Hegel analyzed "comparative research" in the light of "theory of comparative method".大约在二百年前,黑格尔针对当时各种“比较学科”所兴起的“比较研究”,以思辨的“比较方法论”视界作过透视。

6)"Comparative Education Review"《比较教育评论》

1.Taking the academic papers published during 1998- by"Comparative Education Review" as research object to analyze these papers research themes, research methods and the difference of research regions.以《比较教育评论》在1998—间所发表的学术论文为研究对象,分析这些论文的研究主题和研究方法以及在研究地域上的差异,发现:在研究主题上,《比较教育评论》重视宏观教育制度研究,关注各国教育改革与发展;紧跟时代发展,研究当前热点问题;微观教育实践领域的研究日益升温;比较教育学科建设探讨起伏不定。


