1000字范文 > 动力电池编码追溯系统_如何保持动力以继续学习编码


时间:2024-04-02 13:40:27




It's hard to stay motivated and to continue learning in today's world of constant change in technology, languages, and frameworks. We may feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options, and how far the rabbit hole goes down each one.

在当今技术,语言和框架不断变化的世界中,很难保持动力并继续学习。 如此众多的选择,以及每个选择下的兔子洞有多远,我们可能会感到不知所措。

So I wanted to share some of the things I do to stay motivated to keep learning to code, and how I continue to enjoy it day after day, year after year.


Here is myTLDRfor those who want to view this at a glance. But if you want to know more, keep reading!

这是我的TLDR,适合那些希望一目了然的人。 但是,如果您想了解更多,请继续阅读!

Start by setting aside only 5 minutes to learn首先,仅预留5分钟即可学习 Break down any learning into smaller achievable parts将所有学习分解为更小的可实现部分 Just pick 1 thing to learn and get started on it immediately只需选择一件事来学习并立即开始 Enjoy the process of learning itself as part of the journey在旅途中享受学习的过程 Keep to a routine with scheduled time set aside to learn consistently留出一定的时间安排例行活动以保持一致的学习 Avoid mindlessness of social media, etc when learning学习时避免社交媒体等盲目性 Do it again, continue to learn, it's not something you can fail at, only something you might temporarily put on hiatus再做一次,继续学习,这不是您会失败的,只是您可能会暂时中断的事情

5分钟的学习 (5 minutes of Learning)

It doesn't seem like much. It isn't much. But it's more than not doing anything at all.

似乎不多。 不多 但是,它根本不做任何事情。

It's easy to get overwhelmed when contemplating setting aside hours of your time to learn something you might not understand.


The engagement for learning to code sometimes misses that level of entertainment you might get when playing a sport or game. But that's because that level of fun happens only once we get into the thick of things.

学习编码的活动有时会错过您在玩运动或游戏时可能获得的娱乐水平。 但这是因为只有当我们深入研究事物时,这种有趣的程度才会发生。

Setting aside5 minutes each dayor weekis enough to get you started, and starting is the hardest part. Once you start coding, the rest will come more naturally.

每天或每周留出5分钟足以让您入门,而开始是最困难的部分。 一旦开始编码,其余的将变得更加自然。

You will enjoy and gain the motivation to want to do a little more. I've often found myself learning a lot for hours at a time after planning to have only spent 5 minutes on it.

您将享受并获得要做更多事情的动力。 在计划只花5分钟时间之后,我经常发现自己一次学习了很多小时。

将大型学习分解成更小的部分 (Break down large learning into smaller parts)

Most thing's can be broken down into simpler and simpler parts that are easier to understand at each level. Learning to code is no different.

大多数事物可以分解为越来越简单的部分,这些层次在每个级别上都易于理解。 学习编码也没有什么不同。

Learning JavaScript, for example, might seem like a huge task. There are so many nuances to it. Yet, every part ofJavaScript, down to how it handles an array (a group of items), to the way you can call methods (a way to do something) can be broken down layer by layer.

例如,学习JavaScript似乎是一项艰巨的任务。 有很多细微差别。 但是,JavaScript的每一部分,包括如何处理数组(一组项目),到调用方法的方式(做某事的方式),都可以逐层分解。

The final result is that you might just start by learning how topop(remove a single entry from the group). If you continue learning bit by bit, you will eventually learn how all the methods and functions work, until you can use this one aspect JavaScript without having to google it every time.

最终结果是,您可能只是从学习如何弹出(从组中删除单个条目)开始。 如果您继续一点一点地学习,那么最终您将学习所有方法和函数的工作方式,直到您可以使用这一方面JavaScript而不必每次都使用Google了。

You are essentially building on what you learn bit by bit until you get a better understanding of the whole, and this can be only done by reducing it all into smaller components to start off with.


选择1件事要学习,并立即开始学习 (Pick 1 thing to learn, and start learning it immediately)

You probably already know what you want to learn, you might have had it in the back of your mind for a while. Whether it is HTML, CSS, React or even just plain old JavaScript, it's great to want to start learning something.

您可能已经知道要学习的内容,您可能已经将它放在脑海中了一段时间。 无论是HTML,CSS,React还是只是普通的旧JavaScript,都希望开始学习一些东西。

If you don't know yet what you want, freeCodeCamp has you covered with heaps of topics so you can just pick one or start at the top.


But if you already have a topic, don't just think about it. It's all great to read the latest articles, look at the documentation over and over, see the news of what's happening in that language, but to really get started, you need to just start.

但是,如果您已经有一个主题,请不要仅仅考虑它。 读最新文章,反复阅读文档,了解该语言的最新消息真是太好了,但是要真正开始,您需要重新开始。

This means if you want to learn React for example, just open up a new project right now and start working on it. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, you might just be doing the Hello World getting started guide, but the goal is to stop thinking about learning, and start learning.

这意味着,例如,如果您想学习React,请立即打开一个新项目并开始进行工作。 不必花哨,您可能只是在编写《 Hello World入门指南》,但目标是停止思考并开始学习。

在旅途中享受学习的过程 (Enjoy the process of learning itself as part of the journey)

When you go for a run, eat some food, or go to watch a movie even, you don't think of it in terms of "I want to complete eating this dinner", or "I successfully watched that movie". Rather, you enjoy the process of what you do.

当您去跑步,吃东西,甚至去看电影时,您不会以“我想吃完这个晚餐”或“我成功看过电影”的方式来思考。 相反,您喜欢自己的工作过程。

Often we forget about this in learning, we focus so hard on "Understanding the language" that we forget about "Enjoying the learning process".


The best sort of learning is done when you enjoy what you are doing. Your brain will pick it up easier and remember it longer. That's why so many people who do well are the ones already invested and happy to learn something new.

当您享受自己所做的事情时,最好的学习方法就完成了。 您的大脑将更容易拾起它,并记住更长的时间。 这就是为什么这么多做得好的人就是已经投入并乐于学习新知识的人。

The trick is to stop thinking too much about "finishing" and more about what is fun and interesting in each topic you encounter. This way you will go further and be happier for it. When you look back, you will do so happily and when you look forward, you will want to experience more learning journeys.

诀窍是不要过多地考虑“完成”,而要更多地考虑在遇到的每个主题中有趣和有趣的事情。 这样,您将走得更远并为此感到高兴。 当您回头看时,您会很高兴,而当您回头时,您将想体验更多的学习旅程。

留出一定的时间安排日常活动以保持学习的一致性 (Keep to a routine with a scheduled time set aside to learn consistently)

It's easy to put learning last. Last thing of the day to do, last thing of the week to do. You are essentially setting it as the last object with little importance. You won't have energy by the time you get to it, and you might altogether let it lapse.

将学习放在最后很容易。 一天要做的最后一件事,一周要做的最后一件事。 本质上,您将其设置为重要性不高的最后一个对象。 当您到达能量时,您将没有能量,您可能会完全放弃它。

Instead, schedule it in first. First thing you might do when you wake up, or the first part of your day that you complete before going to work.

而是先安排它。 醒来时可能要做的第一件事,或者上班前一天的第一部分。

You will be setting an agenda for it that is easier to keep. You will have more energy at the start of the day so you will learn it easier. And if you schedule it in before anything else, routinely, you will over time (days and days, weeks and weeks) learn quite a lot.

您将为此设定一个易于维护的议程。 一天开始时您将拥有更多精力,因此您将更轻松地学习。 而且,如果您将其安排在其他任何事情之前,那么随着时间的推移(几天又几天,几周甚至几周),您将学到很多东西。

It doesn't have to be for hours – when you spend just 15 minutes on a subject daily over a year, that's over 90 hours of learning!


学习时避免社交媒体的盲目性 (Avoid the mindlessness of social media, etc when learning)

It's easy to forget yourself or lose concentration when you have a hundred little distractions. Learning requires mental focus, and staying motivated to learn means that you should put only one focus in front of you.

当您分散注意力时,很容易忘记自己或失去专心。 学习需要精神上的专注,而保持学习的动力意味着您应该只将一个重点放在自己的面前。

With social media notifications popping up in the background, YouTube playing on the side in a picture-in-picture, and a dozen other distractions, you might feel like you are never able to learn.


The best way to stay motivated and focused on learning is to simply switch all of these things off during your learning period. Set your phone to silent or do not disturb. Close all your browser windows, and if you plan on having music, make sure it's without lyrics that might be so catchy that you find yourself singing along.

保持积极性和专注于学习的最好方法是在学习期间简单地关闭所有这些东西。 将手机设为静音或请勿打扰。 关闭所有浏览器窗口,如果打算播放音乐,请确保其中没有歌词,因为歌词可能会如此吸引人,以至于您会唱歌。

All of these affect your learning, and if you can cut them out, you will do a better job.


再来一遍 (Do it again)

Continue to learn. It's not something you can fail at, only something you might temporarily put on hiatus.

继续学习。 这不是您会失败的,而是您可能会暂时搁置的东西。

If you get used to the idea of learning, it doesn't become a chore, rather, it becomes something you look forward to.


Since technologies, libraries and frameworks are changing so often, it will be something you will need to keep doing in coding. Look forward to it and take time to appreciate that things will never be stale and boring because there will always be something new on the horizon to learn and do.

由于技术,库和框架变化频繁,因此您将需要在编码中继续这样做。 期待它,并花一些时间去体会事物永远不会过时和枯燥,因为在学习和做事中总会有新事物。

保持动力,继续学习编码 (Stay Motivated to keep Learning to Code)

These are some of the things I do personally to stay motivated to keep learning to code. I think they have helped me a lot in getting to where I am, which is a Full Stack developer who enjoys doing both Front end development and some Back end work as well.

这些是我个人为了保持学习代码的动力而做的一些事情。 我认为他们对我所处的位置帮助很大,这是一个全栈开发人员,他同时喜欢进行前端开发和一些后端工作。

Over the years I learnt HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, React, React Native and more. I figured out early on I enjoyed React, so I learn more in that area such as mobile applications, how to use state, and more.

多年来,我学习了HTML,CSS,JS,PHP,React,React Native等。 我很早就发现自己很喜欢React,所以我在该领域学到了更多东西,例如移动应用程序,如何使用状态等等。

As you learn more yourself, and code more, you will figure out what you enjoy learning and you can focus in on it, but you will only do so if you stay motivated to keep learning to code.


I'm Adrian from Australia 🦘 I have a tiny channel on Twitter & YouTube, so if you want to know more about me or enjoy my content, check me out sometime 😃






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