1000字范文 > 动力电池编码追溯系统_学习编码时如何保持动力(10条可行的技巧!)


时间:2023-07-07 19:50:23




This post was originally published on Coder-.

该帖子最初发布在Coder-上 。

Does this story sound familiar?


You’ve decided to learn to code! Filled with excitement at finding a new career, you quickly sign up for a Udemy course and register at freeCodeCamp.


Feeling optimistic and eager, you sit down and start going through the material that evening.


In the next several weeks, you fall into a pattern of studying coding till late at night, then waking up early the next morning to go to work. But you’re starting to get confused by some of the concepts, and there isn’t anyone to ask for help.


You’ve sacrificed your free time, and haven’t watched TV to unwind in a while. Also, having to miss nights out with friends sucks.


After a couple of months, all the late nights and lack of sleep are starting to weigh down on you. You bitterly come to the realization that you won’t be anywhere near landing a new job in 6 months. The thought is incredibly discouraging.


Finally, you decide to take a break. You’re feeling burned out and frankly exhausted. That break extends out for further months.


Later that year, you realize you haven’t cracked open your tutorial for a really long time. Sighing, you shove the thought of someday having a job you love into the back of your mind.


Maybe next year.


编码时保持动力 (Staying motivated while coding)

Is this story similar to your own? If you’re trying to teach yourself how to code, you are probably pretty familiar with the struggles in the story.

这个故事和你自己的故事相似吗? 如果您想教自己编码,那么您可能对故事中的挣扎非常熟悉。

Learning coding or any skill on your own is way different from being in a classroom with a teacher. You don’t have mandatory classes, tests, grades, or the fear of failing to keep yourself motivated.

自己学习编码或任何技能与在老师的教室里学习是不同的。 您没有必修的课程,测试,成绩,也不必担心无法保持动力。

When you’re learning to code by yourself, you have to generate your own motivation.


So how can you accomplish this? How can you make sure that you keep learning, and don’t give up?

那么如何才能做到这一点呢? 如何确保自己不断学习,不放弃?

It’s tough, but it is possible. This article will share some tips and strategies that you can use to stay motivated when learning to code.

很难,但是有可能。 本文将分享一些技巧和策略,您可以在学习编码时使用这些技巧和策略来保持动力。

Here’s a quick outline of what we’ll be going over:


Have an end goal in mind.有一个最终目标。 Be realistic about your goals.对您的目标保持现实。 Choose consistency over speed.选择一致性而不是速度。 Build up your willpower muscle.增强意志力。 Avoid burnout and get rest.避免倦怠并休息。 Don’t let impostor syndrome get you down.不要让冒名顶替综合症使您失望。 Find a community of peers.寻找同龄人社区。 Get involved with local meetups.参与当地聚会。 Don’t compare yourself to others.不要将自己与他人进行比较。 Stay curious and keep it fun!保持好奇并保持乐趣!

Hope you find these tips helpful!


1:牢记最终目标。 (1: Have an end goal in mind.)

This might seem obvious, but have a concrete goal in mind when you’re starting out. Take a few minutes to really think about what your #1 goal is. What’s the most important part to you?

这看起来似乎很明显,但是刚开始时要牢记一个具体的目标。 花几分钟时间真正考虑一下您的#1目标是什么。 对您来说最重要的部分是什么?

It could be to find a full-time job as a web developer so you can support your family financially. Or to have a flexible career where you can live anywhere. Or to work for yourself, without having a boss.

可能是找到一名全职的Web开发人员,以便您可以在经济上支持您的家人。 或者拥有灵活的职业,可以在任何地方生活。 或者为自己工作而没有老板。

In all this, know what your “why” is. What’s the one goal that will get you out of bed in the morning, and makes you want to continue?

在所有这一切中,知道您的“为什么”是什么。 能使您早上起床并使您想要继续的一个目标是什么?

Once you’ve figured out what it is, write it down in a place where you’ll see it often.


Yeah, this sounds cheesy, I know. But it’ll help remind you of your goals and the whole reason that you’re giving up your free time.

是的,这听起来很俗气,我知道。 但这将使您想起自己的目标以及放弃自由时间的全部原因。

It doesn’t have to be a super nice, designed poster. It can just be a post-it note or a piece of paper. One Instagrammer, Marie on @girlknowstech, creates her own simple motivational posters with posterboard. She hangs them on the wall above her computer so she can always see them.

它不一定是设计精美的海报。 它可以只是便条纸或一张纸。 一位Instagram使用者@girlknowstech上的玛丽(Marie),用海报板创建了自己的简单励志海报 。 她将它们挂在计算机上方的墙上,以便始终可以看到它们。

What’s your end goal in learning to code?


2:对您的目标保持现实。 (2: Be realistic about your goals.)

Staying motivated essentially means not getting so discouraged that you just give up.


One really big pitfall in getting good at anything is having unrealistic expectations. Why is this?

擅长任何事情的一个很大的陷阱就是抱有不切实际的期望。 为什么是这样?

Well, when you get discouraged, it’s often because your expectations don’t match up with reality.


If you’re jumping into learning to code, thinking that you will go from complete newbie to professional web developer in 6 weeks or 12 weeks, youmaybe setting yourself up for failure.


I’m not saying that it’s impossible to land a job after learning for a couple months, but it’s really, really hard.


(And I’m not a huge fan of proponents of the “learn to code in X weeks!” mentality, because they’re usually trying to sell you something. But that’s a whole ‘nother story ? )

(而且我也不是“ X星期内学习编码!”心态的拥护者,因为他们通常是在试图向您出售东西。但这是一个完全的“另类故事?”)

Personally, I think it may take you more like 1 - 2 years to get good enough at coding to apply and land jobs. Of course, a lot depends on your own circumstances. If you are working part or full-time, or you have children, you will have less time than someone who is in high school or doesn’t have to work at the moment.

就个人而言,我认为您可能需要大约1-2年的时间才能精通编码,以申请和找到工作。 当然,很大程度上取决于您自己的情况。 如果您是兼职或全职工作,或者您有孩子,那么您的时间将少于高中或目前无需工作的人。

It also depends on how fast you learn, and pick up new concepts. This is simply something that varies from person to person.

这也取决于您学习和学习新概念的速度。 这只是因人而异的东西。

Ultimately, just know that everyone moves at their own pace. Try to gauge how your progress is going and don’t set up yourself for failure by having unrealistic expectations.

最终,只要知道每个人都按照自己的步调前进即可。 尝试评估进度,不要因抱有不切实际的期望而使自己陷入失败。

3:选择一致性而不是速度。 (3: Choose consistency over speed.)

On the same note, the rather cliched saying, “Slow and steady wins the race” is very true.


When you are just starting out, you might want to rush into things and spend hours each day dedicated to studying and practicing coding.


However, like I mentioned in the previous tip, that may be a somewhat unrealistic expectation, and you may well end up burning out and giving up.


You’ll be more likely to continue if you figure out how much time you can realistically and sustainably spend each day or each week studying coding. Once you find that out, stick to it.

如果弄清楚每天或每周可以花多少时间来现实和可持续地学习编码,您将更有可能继续。 一旦找到答案,就坚持下去。

Even if it’s only 30 minutes per day, if you do this for seven days a week, you’ll have studied for 3.5 hours that week. In one month that would be about 14 hours, and in one year, almost 200 hours!

即使每天只有30分钟,如果您每周进行7天,那么该周您将学习3.5个小时。 在一个月中大约要花14个小时,而在一年中就差不多要200个小时!

Even small efforts, when combined with consistency, can lead to big accomplishments.


Take brushing and flossing your teeth, for instance. You might spend 4–5 minutes per day on brushing and flossing. A tiny amount of time!

例如,刷牙和用牙线洁牙。 您每天可能要花4-5分钟刷牙和使用牙线。 很少的时间!

But doing that every single day means the difference between having great teeth, and having no teeth.


This is why consistency is more important than trying to go as fast as you possibly can.


4:增强意志力。 (4: Build up your willpower muscle.)

Have you ever heard of the idea of willpower being an actual muscle?


I recently learned about how to develop it, through household chores (yes, exciting, I know).


At home, my husband and I divided up the chores. In the kitchen, my husband would wash all the dishes from that day in the sink, and put them in the dishwasher rack to dry overnight.

在家里,我和丈夫分担了家务。 在厨房里,我丈夫将那天起的所有碗碟都洗在水槽中,然后放入洗碗机架中晾干一整夜。

The next morning, first thing, I would put the dishes away while my morning tea was steeping. It only took a few minutes to do, but I haaaated doing it. It’s kind of a boring chore.

第二天早上,第一件事,我要在早上喝茶的时候把盘子收起来。 只花了几分钟的时间,但是我很讨厌这样做。 这有点无聊。

But I just kept forcing myself to do it, because I knew that it was my responsibility.


And the interesting thing was, over time, it got easier to just start putting the dishes away!


Now, I didn’t enjoy it any more than I did at the beginning. Yeah, still boring.

现在,我没有比开始时更喜欢它了。 是的,还是很无聊。

But my disliked chore had become a habit.


How does this relate to willpower being a muscle?


Well, if you start working out a muscle that’s really out of shape, it’s obviously really difficult at the beginning to do a workout.


But over time, working out will actually increase the size of your muscle, and you’ll get stronger. The workout will become easier to do. (This is why weightlifters continue increasing weights, to keep challenging their muscles.)

但是随着时间的流逝,锻炼实际上会增加肌肉的大小,并且您会变得更强壮。 锻炼将变得更容易。 (这就是为什么举重运动员不断增加体重,以不断挑战自己的肌肉的原因。)

When I first started with my dishes chore, my willpower to put them away was very weak. At that point I would much rather not put them away.

当我刚开始做家务时,将它们收拾起来的意志非常薄弱。 到那时,我宁愿不将其丢弃。

But over time, as I kept just forcing myself to do it, I was working out that muscle for dishes and creating a new habit in my daily routine.


After a while, the habit became so ingrained in my brain that it was actually easier to go ahead and complete that chore, than to put it off until later!


To successfully become a coder, you have to develop your willpower muscle to spend time learning to code.


Even though coding can be really fun, it sometimes sucks to have to make yourself sit down and code, instead of doing other, more fun things in your life.


But just know that it will get easier over time, the longer you discipline yourself to do the work.


If you have a realistic, concrete goal, aim for consistency in your time spent learning, and understand that your will to code will get stronger over time, you’ll be much less likely to give up midway through.


5:避免倦怠并休息。 (5: Avoid burnout and get rest.)

Overworking yourself is a pretty common temptation if you’re trying to achieve something in your nights and weekends.


I’ve also noticed on Instagram, which has a vibrant community of programmers, there are many people who post about how late they stayed up, or how early they woke up to do coding.


While this plan may work in the short term, it’s really not good for you in the long term.


In my own experience, I’ve been working nearly full-time hours doing freelance web development, and then working on this website in my spare time.


There was a point I hit where I would work a full day, then stay up until midnight or 1am working on writing a tutorial or article.


I remember one weekend where I’d spent all day and night working on the website, and by Sunday evening, I felt simply exhausted.


Knowing that I would have a full day of work the next day was discouraging.


I realized then that I had probably burnt myself out. And I really needed to make time to rest and rejuvenate myself.

那时我才意识到自己可能已经筋疲力尽了。 我真的需要抽出时间休息和使自己恢复活力。

So one day that week where I didn’t have any projects due, I just lay on the couch and read a book for most of the day. It was glorious. At the end of the day I felt so wonderfully rested!

因此,那一周的某天,我没有任何应交的项目,我躺在沙发上看了一天的书。 这是光荣的。 一天结束时,我感到非常放松!

In your pursuit of learning to code, make sure that you carve out time to not just work, but to rest, if possible. It’ll help you in your progress in the long term.

在学习编码的过程中,请确保您腾出时间不仅要工作,还要休息。 它将长期帮助您的进步。

6:不要让冒名顶替综合症使你失望。 (6: Don’t let impostor syndrome get you down.)

Ah, the dreaded impostor syndrome. It’s something that plagues all beginners. Even more advanced programmers sometimes find it hard to shake off that feeling of not being good enough.

啊,可怕的冒名顶替综合症。 这困扰着所有初学者。 甚至更高级的程序员有时也很难摆脱这种不够出色的感觉。

I’ve said this before, but when I first started working in web development, I was completely terrified of being found out as a faker. This was pretty constant in my first two years at my first job.

我之前已经说过这一点,但是当我刚开始从事Web开发工作时,我完全被发现是伪造者而感到震惊。 在我第一份工作的头两年里,这一直很稳定。

It took almost five years before I actually started feeling more confident in my own skills. So don’t feel discouraged if you’re feeling impostor syndrome. You are most definitely not alone!

我花了将近五年的时间才真正开始对自己的技能更加自信。 因此,如果您感到冒名顶替综合症,不要气feel。 您绝对不是一个人!

One reason that I think this is such a common fear for coders is because the fields of programming and web development are just so broad. There are several programming languages, many different technology stacks, new frameworks seeming to come out every few months, and any number of tools.

我认为这是程序员普遍担心的一个原因是,编程和Web开发的领域是如此广泛。 有几种编程语言,许多不同的技术堆栈,似乎每隔几个月就会出现的新框架以及许多工具。

It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by the vast number of skills that you “need” to know. It’s no wonder that so many aspiring developers struggle with impostor syndrome!

很容易被您“需要”知道的大量技能所淹没。 难怪这么多有抱负的开发人员都在与冒名顶替综合症作斗争!

Conquer impostor syndrome with patience and focus.


You’re never going to learn every single thing there is to know about coding. To be honest, no one knowsevery single thing. Most programmers become experts in one programming language, maybe two, and may be moderately proficient or just familiar with others.

您永远不会学到任何有关编码的知识。 老实说,没人知道每一件事。 大多数程序员成为一种编程语言(也许是两种)的专家,并且可能会精通某些语言或只是熟悉其他语言。

There’s nothing wrong with learning more than one language, but try to not jump around too much. You’ll spread yourself too thin.

学习一种以上的语言并没有什么错,但是请尽量不要跳得太多。 你会分散自己的力量。

Instead, try to focus on one main language and one stack, and get good at it.


Over time, as your skills grow, your confidence will also grow. And the best part is, you will have picked up many of the core principles about programming, which you can then apply to learning other languages, frameworks, and tools more quickly.

随着时间的流逝,随着技能的提高,您的信心也会随之增强。 最好的部分是,您将掌握许多有关编程的核心原则,然后可以将其应用于更快地学习其他语言,框架和工具。

Another tip is to simply be patient with yourself (this is related to being realistic about your goals). Understand that learning coding is a marathon, not a sprint. It will likely take years before you are very proficient in it.

另一个技巧是对自己保持耐心(这与现实地实现目标有关)。 理解学习编码是马拉松,而不是短跑。 您可能需要很多年才能精通它。

Now, that doesn’t mean that you will never be good at programming - it will just take time.


If you can be patient with yourself and your progress, and focus on one or a few skills to build up, you will be more equipped to battle impostor syndrome.


7:找到同龄人社区 (7: Find a community of peers.)

Another common struggle of people learning web development is that you feel alone.


When you’re learning in a physical classroom, you have fellow students who are doing the same thing as you. And you have a teacher that you can talk with and ask questions about the material.

当您在物理教室学习时,您会遇到与您做相同事情的同学。 并且您有一位可以与之交谈的老师,并询问有关材料的问题。

If you’re learning coding online or with books, you often don’t have that luxury.


Finding peers and mentors can be very difficult, but there are some resources online that you can take advantage of. If you haven’t found any coding communities yet, I highly recommend that you take some time to look into them.

寻找同伴和导师可能非常困难,但是您可以利用网上的一些资源。 如果您还没有找到任何编码社区,我强烈建议您花一些时间来研究它们。

Being part of a community can really help with that feeling that you’re alone.


Reading about other people with similar experiences, who may be struggling with the same issues that you are, can be hugely encouraging and motivating.


Here are a few suggestions for places where you can find peers and/or mentors about coding:


Instagram:There are a lot of programmers on Instagram, of every skill level. While it’s not exactly the place to ask for help on coding questions, it’s an amazing place where you can see what other coders are working on or struggling with. I’ve personally really liked it because I feel like I’m part of a greater community of coders worldwide. Check out or take part in the #100DaysOfCode challenge that is really popular there.

Instagram:Instagram上有很多程序员,每种技能水平都有。 虽然它并不是在编码问题上寻求帮助的地方,但它却是一个了不起的地方,您可以在其中看到其他编码人员正在从事的工作或正在苦苦挣扎的工作。 我个人非常喜欢它,因为我感觉自己是全球一个更大的编码器社区的一部分。 签出或参加#100DaysOfCode挑战赛,那里真的很受欢迎。

freeCodeCamp:It’s not only an online full-stack bootcamp, but also has a very helpful message board and Facebook groups that can help out their students.


Dev.to:A vibrant online message forum for programmers where you can find discussions, articles, and get support for your questions.


One word of advice! If you join any of these communities, try to help others, and don’t just ask others for help.

一句话忠告! 如果您加入这些社区中的任何一个,请尝试帮助其他人,而不仅仅是向其他人寻求帮助。

While it’s great to get support and assistance, these communities only work if there are people who are willing to donate their time and energy helping answer questions.


When you help others, you’re doing your part to help these places continue to work and help people!


8:参与当地聚会。 (8: Get involved with local meetups.)

While you find coding communities online, don’t forget about networking in person!


Look for meetups or other networking events related to programming in your local area. There are many benefits of regularly attending events.

查找与您的本地编程相关的聚会或其他网络活动。 定期参加活动有很多好处。

Meeting other coders who may be in the same position as you can be really fun and also encouraging! You’ll be able to talk about common struggles and share strategies for how you are overcoming them.

与可能与您处于同一职位的其他编码员会面真的很有趣,也令人鼓舞! 您将能够谈论共同的斗争并分享如何克服斗争的策略。

In addition, many tech companies looking to hire web developers often attend or even co-host meetups. If you get to talking with some of these company reps, you may be able to eventually land a job through them.

此外,许多希望雇用Web开发人员的科技公司经常参加甚至联合举办聚会。 如果您要与其中一些公司代表交谈,您最终可以通过他们找到工作。

All in all, it doesn’t hurt to get involved with communities, and it can only help you.


9:别把自己和别人比较 (9: Don’t compare yourself to others.)

As you start getting more involved in the coding community, please try to remember not to compare yourself to other coders.


Obviously it’s impossible to not see what other people are doing or accomplishing. But try (as much as possible) to not feel like you have to keep up with everyone else.

显然,不可能看不到别人在做什么或正在做什么。 但是,请尝试(尽可能)不要与其他所有人保持同步。

It’s not bad to see the drive that others have in their own journey, and to transfer some of that energy and excitement to your own. But if you start feeling down if you see someone talking about learning or doing things that you don’t have experience in, or feeling jealous if someone seems to be more ahead of you, you may end up just feeling discouraged.

看到别人在自己的旅途中的动力,并将其中的一些能量和兴奋转移给自己,这并不坏。 但是,如果您看到某人在谈论学习或做自己没有经验的事情而感到沮丧,或者如果某人似乎领先于您而感到嫉妒,您可能最终会感到沮丧。

Everyone has a different situation and progresses at different speeds. Some people will have more time than you, or may be faster at learning certain things than you are. Others will have less time or learn slower than you. No one is better than another person.

每个人都有不同的情况,并以不同的速度前进。 有些人会比您拥有更多的时间,或者在学习某些事物上可能比您更快。 其他人将比您拥有更少的时间或学习得更慢。 没有人比另一个人更好。

Ultimately how fast or slow other people are (or seem to be) doesn’t have any direct effect on you.


Although it may be difficult, don’t worry about someone else’s journey, just worry about your own ?


10:保持好奇并保持乐趣! (10: Stay curious and keep it fun!)

One of the best characteristics of us coders is that we are curious about how things work. It’s one reason that I love programming and computers!

我们编码人员的最大特点之一是我们对事物的工作方式感到好奇。 这是我喜欢编程和计算机的原因之一!

While you’re learning, you may, for one reason or another, start feeling weary if you’ve been focused on one narrow area for a while.


Feel free to change gears every so often. If you’ve been slogging away at a JavaScript tutorial and your brain is starting to feel fried, try taking a step back and working on a random side project. Or watch a video or read an article about a different area in programming from what you’re working on.

随时如此频繁地换档。 如果您一直在烦琐地学习JavaScript教程,并且大脑开始感到不舒服,请尝试退后一步并从事一个随机的副项目。 或观看视频或阅读与您正在从事的工作有关的不同领域的文章。

Mixing things up every so often can help keep things fresh.


There are so many things that are possible with coding – CSS animations, fun API integrations, even just making silly mini apps for fun.

编码可以实现很多功能– CSS动画,有趣的API集成,甚至只是为了制作有趣的迷你应用程序。

One random app I built for fun was a “lorem ipsum” generator. It was a relatively simple tool that randomly chose words and phrases from a list that I had put together. Not the most complicated thing in the world, but it was incredibly fun to make and to show my friends!

我为娱乐而构建的一个随机应用是“ lorem ipsum”生成器。 这是一个相对简单的工具,可以从我整理的列表中随机选择单词和短语。 这并不是世界上最复杂的事情,但是制作和展示给我的朋友们都非常有趣!

在结束时 (In closing)

Learning to code is a really difficult thing to do, and if you’re somewhere on that path, I commend you!


Even if you feel like you are completely lost and you’ll never be good at programming, just know that it will come with time.


I really hope that these tips are helpful to you. Any of them strike a chord in your particular situation? Feel free to leave a comment below!

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