1000字范文 > 计算思维与计算机导论 计算思维与计算机导论_董荣胜.pdf

计算思维与计算机导论 计算思维与计算机导论_董荣胜.pdf

时间:2022-07-19 22:43:45


计算思维与计算机导论 计算思维与计算机导论_董荣胜.pdf


36 4 Vol.36 No.4

4 Computer Science Apr.


计算思维是目前国际计算机界广为关注的一个重要概念。 年6 月, A CM 提交的《CS2001 中期审查》 报

(草案)将“计算思维”与“计算机导论”课程绑定在 一起, 明确要求“计算机导论”课程讲授计算思维的本质。 根据

ACM 的要求, 分别介绍了以“计算思维”和“ 学科思想与方法”为基础的两类“计算机导论”课程, 给出了两类“计算机导

论”课程的讲授提纲, 指出了它们的不同点以及课程讲授本质上的一致性。 最后认为, 两类课程各有所长, 值得相互吸

收和借鉴, 同时, 也有助于以“计算思维能力”培养为核心的“计算机导论”课程的教学改革, 并为计算学科其他课程的

教学提供 一种可以借鉴的改革模式。

计算学科, 计算思维, 计算机导论, 计算机科学与技术方法论


Computational Thinking and Introduction to Computer Science

DONG Ron -shen

(School of C om puter and Control, Guilin University of Electronic T echnolo y, Guilin 541004, China)

AbstractComputational thinkin is becomin an important concept widely concerned over the field of computer science

today.CS 200 1 Interim Review (draft), submit ted by A CM in June , proposed that the introductory course should

capture the essence of computational thinkin .Accordin to the report, this paper respectively described tw o kinds of

introductory courses:one is based on computational thinkin , and the other based on discipline principles and methodo-

lo ies;it also provided their syllabuses and pointed out their differences and consistency in essence.Finally we thou ht

the stren ths of the tw o kinds of introductory courses are different but complementary, and the com plementarity can al-

so contribute to the teachin reform of the course “ Introduction to computer science” with a core of competency trainin

of computational thinkin , w hich w ill provide a ood example for the teachin of other courses of computer science.

KeywordsComputer science, Computation
