1000字范文 > 产品质量问题 product quality problem英语短句 例句大全

产品质量问题 product quality problem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-13 19:23:12


产品质量问题 product quality problem英语短句 例句大全

产品质量问题,product quality problem

1)product quality problem产品质量问题


1.Analysis of Quality problems of the New Product ABS CH-520新产品ABS CH-520产品质量问题分析

2.Take about Defining Product" Quality in the Product Quality Law关于《产品质量法》中界定产品质量问题的商榷

3.Resolve quality problems in molding production.解决注塑生产中的产品质量问题。

4.So the general idea is about the quality of product.总而言之是关于产品质量问题。

5.Causation and Countermeasures of Agricultural Machinery Quality Problem;浅谈农机产品质量问题的原因及对策

6.Responsible for quality management. Give the final arbitration and decision over vital issue concerning quality.负责产品质量管理工作,对重大的产品质量问题做出仲裁和决定。

7.Participate in solving product quality problems in molding production.积极参与解决注塑生产中的各种产品质量问题。

8.Solve product quality problems in assembly/ coating production line.及时解决总装/塑流水线生产中的产品质量问题。

9.The Research on the Produce Quality Safety Management of Changsha;长沙市农产品质量安全管理问题研究

10.The Investigation on the Quality Upgrade of Gasoline and Diesel Oil in China;我国汽油柴油产品质量升级问题探讨

11.On safety of edible agricultural products and process control;食用农产品质量安全问题及全程控制

12.Reflections on the Law of Product Quality;关于我国产品质量法有关问题的探讨

13.Reflections on the Quality Problem of China-made Products and Countermeasures;我国产品质量存在的问题与对策思考

14.Aquatic Product Safety Problems in China and Countermeasures我国水产品质量安全问题及对策研究

15.Discussion on the Quality Security Problem and Supervising Countermeasure of Agricultural Product in China我国农产品质量安全问题及监控对策

16.Quality Problems and Countermeasures of Institutes in War Industry Products Manufacturing研究所在军工产品生产中的质量问题与对策

17.Production lot sizing problem for deteriorating item with fuzzy demand模糊需求的易变质性产品生产批量问题研究

18.Abstract: Quality of the external purchase equipment is the mai n factor that influence the quality of initiating explosive device.文摘:火工品用外购器材的质量问题是影响产品质量的重要因素。


agricultural products quality safety农产品质量安全问题

3)drug quality problems药品质量问题

1.By analyzing how the drug regulators disposed complaints and reports ofdrug quality problems,the existing problems of the existing work to deal with complaints and reports were discussed.从药品监管部门处置药品质量问题的投诉举报工作入手,探讨了现行处置工作中存在的问题,从强化人文关怀、排查药品不良反应、加强执法监督和行政监督的角度,提出了做好工作的意见和建议。

4)the quality mishaps and defects of commercial housing商品房质量问题

5)product problem产品问题

6)quality problem质量问题

1.Simply to analyze thequality problems of lotions and control these in developing and producing;浅析化妆水在研制生产过程中的质量问题与控制

monquality problem and control of yoghurt drinking;乳酸菌饮料常见的质量问题及控制措施


