1000字范文 > 产品质量 product quality英语短句 例句大全

产品质量 product quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-13 09:23:07


产品质量 product quality英语短句 例句大全

产品质量,product quality

1)product quality产品质量

1.Coalproduct quality and result of national supervison and spot check;煤炭产品质量与国家监督抽查结果

2.Influence factors of PETproduct quality;PET产品质量的影响因素

3.Ways to guaranteeproduct quality of ureabased compound fertilizer;稳定尿基复合肥产品质量的途径


1.quality assurance personnel保证产品质量的人员

2.Considerable improvement in the quality of farm produce.农产品质量明显提高。

3.Improve quality of work-product改进工作-产品质量

4.We should also consider how to raise the quality of products.还要研究提高产品质量。

5.regular inspections to control product quality对产品质量的常规检查.

6.Examination confirmed that the quality of the products was up to specification.经检查,产品质量合格。

7.Discuss the Effective Way of Improving the Quality of Production Quality Inspection Institution"s "Production"论提高产品质量检验机构“产品”质量的有效途径

8.Take about Defining Product" Quality in the Product Quality Law关于《产品质量法》中界定产品质量问题的商榷

9.Strengthening the control of quality and safety of agricultural products and enhancing their quality;加强农产品质量安全管理,提升农产品品质

10.Reliability characteristic of a product is the core for the quality of product.产品的可靠性是产品质量的核心。

11.Guaranteeing the Effective Control of Quality by Perfecting the Testing Mode of Products完善产品检验模式 有效控制产品质量

12.Analysis of Quality problems of the New Product ABS CH-520新产品ABS CH-520产品质量问题分析

13.Attend the QC project team, continue improve the quality of product.参与公司质量小组,持续改进产品质量。

14.Strengthen the Control of Fidle Quality Improve the Standard of Product Quality;强化现场质量控制 提高产品质量水平

15.The explanation in the advertisement of the product must conform to the actual quality of the product.产品广告中关于产品质量的说明,必须符合产品的实际质量。

16.Products awarded with the title of trustworthy quality质量“信得过”产品

17.the quality of producing a greater yield增加产量的一种品质

18.maintenance of standards of quality of manufactured goods.保持产品的质量标准。


quality of product产品质量

1.The influence of nonproductive factors onquality of products such as absorbent cotton etc;非生产因素对脱脂棉等产品质量的影响

2.The data of trial production showed that thequality of products meet the standard,and every consumption index basically are up to design requirements.对生产的聚丙烯牌号T30S、T36F、YD50G、H39S产品的工艺操作条件、能耗物耗、产品质量进行了分析总结。

3.The suitable technological conditions are determined by orthogonal test,and thequality of product is evaluated.应用正交试验法 ,选择了适宜的发酵工艺条件 ,并对产品质量作了评

3)quality of products产品质量

1.Different proportions of FCC slurry were blended into the feedstock of the unit and the test results indicate that blending too high proportions of FCC slurry will lead to declined recovery efficiencies of gasoline,diesel oil and total liquid production,deterioratedquality of products and accelerated attrition of equipment,thereby reduc.试验结果表明,延迟焦化装置掺炼油浆比例过高,会造成汽柴油收率及总液体收率降低,产品质量变差,设备磨损加剧,综合效益将大大降低。

2.After innovation, thequality of products was improved.介绍了液氯生产工艺改造的内容,通过改造提高了产品质量,降低了生产成本,满足了用户的需要,实现了循环经济的发展。

3.To evaluate thequality of products by the Chinese pharmacopeia.目的评价不同厂家注射用加替沙星的产品质量,供医院用药参考。


1.On Comprehensive Quality Evaluation of Material Dyeing and Finishing;面料染整产品质量综合评估研究

2.Analysis and Control Study on Influence the Quality of SBS;影响SBS产品质量的原因分析及控制

3.Considerations onquality supervision of water product;水利产品质量监督管理工作的探索与思考

5)products quality产品质量

1.Mathematical statistics applied toproducts quality analysis and control;数理统计技术在产品质量分析与控制中的应用

2.This paper introduces basic concept of business culture and systematically analyses internal relations ofproducts quality and business culture- Then, points out the shortcomings of extant buslness culture.本文介绍了企业文化的基本含义,系统地分析了产品质量和企业文化的内在联系,指出了现存企业文化的弊端,提出了建立有中国特色的企业文化的模式和具体方法。

3.So some rules must be formulated to strengthen quality management, adopt advanced technology and do well in ecologically environmental construction in order to improve theproducts quality.我国在产品质量方面存在安全性能差、使用寿命短、科技含量低、环保性能差、缺乏经济性、外形不美观等问题,应从制定规章制度、加强质量管理、采用先进技术、搞好生态环境建设等六个方面采取对策以提高产品质量。

6)production quality产品质量

1.The district partition and function of measurement and control system online ofproduction quality in modern heavy plate mill were introduced in this paper.本文介绍了现代中厚板厂产品质量在线测控系统的区域划分及相应功能,重点对测温、测宽、测厚、板形测量等所需的主要测控仪表和对测控系统的管理进行了讨论。

2.We draw a conclusion from the paper: mixing of foreign material becomes one factor ofproduction quality.文章以具体的数据分析出:异物混入成为影响产品质量的重要因素之一。


