1000字范文 > 快收藏!英语口语100句短语 俚语 常用语(中)

快收藏!英语口语100句短语 俚语 常用语(中)

时间:2018-07-26 10:42:36


快收藏!英语口语100句短语 俚语 常用语(中)

33. I can live with that.

Thats something I can get used to.

34. I can argue with that.

I agree with what you said.

35. I couldn ask for more.

Everything is fine, and there is nothing else that I could want.

36. I didn hear you.

I didn hear what you said, so would you please repeat it.

37. I declare!

Im surprised to hear that!

38. I don mean maybe!

Im very serious about what I said!

39. (I) don mind if I do.

Yes, I would like to.

40. I hate to eat and run.

An apology by someone who must leave a social event soon after eating.

41. I hear you.

I know exactly what you mean!

42. Ill bite.

Okay, Ill answer your question / Ill listen to your joke.

43. Ill have to beg off.

An expression used to turn down an informal invitation.

44. Im all ears.

You have my attention.

45. Im easy.

Im not fussy. / Ill accept whatevers on offer.

46. Im with you.

I understand what you e saying.

47. In this day and age.

Now./ In these modern times.

48. I read you loud and clear.

An expression to signal that the hearer understands.

49. I spoke out of turn.

I said the wrong thing.

50. Its not half bad.

Not as bad as one might have thought.

51. Its on me.

I will pay this bill.

52. (Its) time to split.

An announcement of ones desire or need to leave.

53. Its your funeral.

If thats what you want to do, you will have to endure the consequences.

54. Ive been there. / Been there, done that.

Ive experienced the same thing and I know what you e talking about.

55. Ive had it up to here.

I will not endure any more of something.

56. I won tell a soul.

I will not tell anyone.

57. I wouldn know.

There is no way that I would know the answer to that question.

58. Keep this to yourself.

A phrase introducing something that is meant to be a secret.

59. Keep your shirt on!

Be patient! Just wait a minute!

60. Knock it off!

Be quiet! Stop that noise!

61. Lovely weather for ducks.

Something you say when its raining heavily, or youve just come in out of the rain.

62. Name your poison.

What would you like to drink?

63. No can do.

I cannot do it.

64. No siree (, Bob)!

/ Yes siree, Bob! Absolutely no! / Of course!

65. Not for my money.

Not as far as Im concerned.

66. Not in a thousand years!

No, never!
