1000字范文 > 【小题1】We can read the above material mostly______.Aon TVB.in the newspaperC.in a school re

【小题1】We can read the above material mostly______.Aon TVB.in the newspaperC.in a school re

时间:2023-08-03 06:12:44


【小题1】We can read the above material mostly______.Aon TVB.in the newspaperC.in a school re


【小题1】We can read the above material mostly______.A.on TVB.in the newspaperC.in a school reportD.in the bike factory【小题2】From the reading we know the shop sells______.A.only bikesB.only the parts of bikesC.bikes and other itemsD.only car parts besides bikes【小题3】It’s clear that‘WILCO’ refers to (指) ______;A.the boss of the main shopB.the main shopsC.the brand of the bikeD.the summer sale【小题4】If you go to any of WILCO shops on Sundays, you have to______.A.call number 012223 414825B.pay more than &69.99 for one bikeC.visit www. wilcomall@ wilco-fastlift. co. ukD.arrive at it before 4:00 p. m.【小题5】In this advertisement we cannot know______.A.the information about bikesB.the e-mail address of the main shopC.the time the shops open on weekdaysD.whether customers can easily park at all WILCO shopsB




【小题1】主旨大意题。题干表面上问我们在哪里可以看到这个材料,实际是要求我们判断该材料的体裁,A选项的关键词是TV(电视),B选项的关键词是newspaper(报纸),C选项的关键词是school report(学校报告),D选项的关键词是bike factory(自行车厂)。结合该材料的目的:给自行车做广告。得出答案B.

【小题2】细节理解题。题干考查商店经营的业务种类,即卖什么东西。定位到图片中的信息“car parts and accessories, bikes for street and trail, tools and equipment”可以得出,这家商店不仅卖自行车,还卖与自行车相关的附件,因此ABD三个选项中的only都太过于绝对化,可以直接排出。所以选C.

【小题3】推理判断题。题干问WILCO是指什么,通过筛选图片所给的信息,我们发现WILCO这个标志出现的位置下面是一些网站,邮箱,地址以及开业时间,所以A项中的boss显然不符合文章环境,排除;同理排除C项;通过第一题我们已经得知此图片信息是关于自行车售卖的广告,根据广告的构成要素,D项的”the summer sale” 这样的概括性文字,应该出现在文章的开头,故排除;广告一定会有电话和地址,所以B项最符合。若学生能够先读题再看文章,其实【4】的题干已经给出了【3】的答案,即If you go to any of WILCO shops on Sundays,我们可以很容易的知道WILCO指的是商店。因此选B.

【小题4】细节理解题。A项中的数字比文章中给的数字多了一个2,所以排除;B项中的more than是文章所没有提到的,故排除;C项是文章中网址和邮箱的合并版,显然错误,故排除;因此选D.

【小题5】推理判断题。本题考查学生文中的细节信息的整合理解能力,主要看学生的细心程度。尤其要注意题干”In this advertisement we cannot know”中的not,并没有大写或加粗,要特别小心。广告的中间部分都是关于自行车的介绍,故A项正确,不选;wilcomall

wilco-fastlift. co. Uk正是文章中出现的主要商店的邮件地址,故B项正确,不选;D项是对文章中用大写标出的”EASY PARKING AT ALL BRABCHES”的解释,故D正确,不选;文章中用大写标出OPEN SUNDAYS,即工作日不营业,C项正好相反,但是本题的正确答案。得出答案C.
