1000字范文 > My best friend is one of my classmates. We have thehobby. We both enjoy music. I am good E

My best friend is one of my classmates. We have thehobby. We both enjoy music. I am good E

时间:2020-05-23 01:37:47


My best friend is one of my classmates. We have thehobby. We both enjoy music. I am good E


My best friend is one of my classmates. We have thehobby. We both enjoy music. I am good English, but she isn’t. She has great interest in university (大学) life and wants to go to university when sheschool. One day, I found her studyingso I wanted to help her with it.she closed (关上) the book. I asked, What are you doing?

Nothing, she answered shyly. I didn’t know she closed her book. I just want toyou, I said. Please don’t laugh at me. My English is not good and I’m a littleabout learning it in front of others.

laughs at you. That’s why you don’t make any progress (进步) in English. You should try. You should do your best toEnglish with your friends. You can also ask for help from them.

【小题1】A.differentB.sameC.difficultD.necessary【小题2】A.inB.forC.atD.with【小题3】A.comesB.comes overC.leavesD.leaves for【小题4】A.EnglishB.chemistryC.physicsD.history【小题5】A.AndB.IfC.ButD.Though【小题6】A.whenB.whyC.howD.what【小题7】A.seeB.worryC.meanD.help【小题8】A.wild(狂野的)B.shyC.calm(镇静的)D.angry【小题9】A.SomeoneB.EveryoneC.AnyoneD.No one【小题10】A.studyB.showC.teachD.HearB



解析:我最好的朋友是我的一个同学。我们有 相同的爱好。我们都很喜欢音乐。我英语好 ,但她不是。她想要去上大学。一天,我发现她在学英语,所以我想帮她。但是她却合上了书说:请不要笑我。我的英语不是很好, 我说:这就是为什么你英语不能进步的原因。 你应该和朋友一起学英语。此外你可以请他们帮忙。

【小题1】考查形容词辨析及语境的理解。后面说:我们都很喜欢音乐。所以这里是:我们有相同的爱好。A.不同的; B.相同的; C.困难的;D.必要的。故选B。

【小题2】考查介词辨析及语境的理解。我擅长英语,但她不是。be good at 擅长, 所以选C。

【小题3】考查动词辨析及语境的理解。她想要中学毕业后去上大学。A来; B.走过来;C.离开;D.动身去。短语leave school是中学毕业。所以选C。

【小题4】考查名词辨析及语境的理解。A 英语;B. 化学; C.物理; D.历史。从下文可知是在学英语。故选A。


【小题6】考查关系词辨析及语境的理解。我不知道她为什么要合上她的书。A.当 ……时候;B.为什么; C.如何;D.什么。选B。

【小题7】考查动词辨析及语境的理解。“我只是想帮你,”我说。A.看见;B.担心; C.意思是;D.帮助。C.人 D. 选D。



【小题10】考查动词辨析及语境的理解。你应该尽最大的努力和您的朋友一起学英语。A.学习;B.展示;C.教; D.听到。选A。
