1000字范文 > My name is Ben Mansury. I’m fifteen years old and study in a middle school. In school I n

My name is Ben Mansury. I’m fifteen years old and study in a middle school. In school I n

时间:2022-06-27 16:49:43


My name is Ben Mansury. I’m fifteen years old and study in a middle school. In school  I n


My name is Ben Mansury. I’m fifteen years old and study in a middle school. In school, I never join in any group discussion or stage (舞台) program. So, I never knew what stage nervousness was.

Our community (社区) has a weekly “Students Ideas” program. About two years ago, I received a(n) 1 from the chairman of our community. He invited me to the “Students Ideas” talk the next morning to speak to the group.

The time between his call to the next morning was like several weeks for me. The whole night, I could not sleep. Many 2 were coming. One of them was to call the chairman, with regret, and tell him that I could not come. But finally, I thought, if I missed this 3 , the community would never invite me again to any of their programs. So, I decided to go.

I reached the hall in time. When my turn came and I started, my heartbeat increased and my mouth went dry. I wasn’t even able to 4 the words on the paper properly. I had no idea where I was standing and what I was talking. That was the day when I 5 my biggest weakness: public speaking.

After I finished, I met with the chairman and 6 what happened to me. He said that this happens to everyone. It is very 7 . He suggested that I should come again the next week.

I 8 a talk carefully. This time when I gave the talk, I was somewhat comfortable but not confident (自信的). Afterwards, I met with the chairman again and told him about the improvement I 9 I had made. He was kind enough to invite me again.

For around one month, I practiced a lot for my talk. This time I was feeling comfortable and both the chairman and my neighbors thought I did a good job.

I learned that everything is 10 if we take the first step, as the saying goes: A journey of thousand miles begins with first step.

【小题1】A.letterB.callC.card D.email【小题2】A.topicsB.regretsC.thoughts D.words【小题3】A.man B.groupC.stageD.chance【小题4】A.readB.spellC.seeD.recite【小题5】A.hadB.forgot C.realizedD.improved【小题6】A.asked B.checkedC.explainedD.wondered【小题7】A.usefulB.successfulC.difficultD.common【小题8】A.wroteB.prepared C.gaveD.finished【小题9】A.knew B.feltC.believedD.hoped【小题10】A.easyB.greatC.helpful D.possibleB




【小题1】A. letter信 B. call电话 C. card 卡片 D. email电子邮件根据后文可知:大约两年前,作者接到了一个社区管理员的电话。故选C

【小题2】A. topics主题 B. regrets后悔 C. thoughts想法 D. words话语根据句意:涌现出很多想法。故选C

【小题3】A. man男人B. group团体,组 C. stage 舞台D. chance机会根据句意:作者想如果他错过了这次机会,社区管理员以后就再也不邀请他参加任何节目了。故选D

【小题4】A. read读 B. spell拼写 C. see 看见 D. recite背诵根据句意:作者甚至不能准确地读出演讲稿上的字。故选A

【小题5】A. had有 B. forgot忘记 C. realized 意识到 D. improved提高根据句意:那天,作者意识到了自己最大的弱点:公众演讲。故选C

【小题6】A. asked 问 B. checked 检查C. explained解释 D. wondered想知道根据句意:作者见了管理员并解释自己怎么了。故选C

【小题7】A. useful有用的 B. successful成功的 C. difficult 困难的D. common普通的根据句意:他说中很正常。故选D

【小题8】A. wrote写 B. prepared准备C. gave给 D. finished完成根据句意:作者认真的准备了讲稿。故选B

【小题9】A. knew知道 B. felt 感到 C. believed 相信 D. hoped希望根据句意:作者感到自己进步了。故选B

【小题10】A. easy容易的 B. great伟大的 C. helpful有用的 D. possible可能的根据句意:作者学到了如果我们开始了第一步任何事情都是可能的。故选D
