1000字范文 > Linda is an English girlShe is twelve years old.She has two brothers. 1 are Jack and Jim.

Linda is an English girlShe is twelve years old.She has two brothers. 1 are Jack and Jim.

时间:2021-07-13 06:20:02


Linda is an English girlShe is twelve years old.She has two brothers. 1 are Jack and Jim.


Linda is an English girl.She is twelve years old.She has two brothers. 1 are Jack and Jim.But she doesn’t 2 any sisters.

Linda goes to school by 3 . She usually 4 to school at eight o’clock. Thc first 5 starts at nine o’clock.She has five classes every day. Her favorite 6 are math and science. She has math from Monday 7 Friday.

On weekends, she 8 her brother with his homework at home. Sometimes she listens to music.She likes 9 very much. Her favorite musician is Liu Huan from China.She thinks his songs are very 10 .She likes them very much.

【小题1】A. WeB. YouC.They

【小题2】A. haveB. know C. find

【小题3】A. radioB. busC. watch

【小题4】A. leaves B. takes C. gets

【小题5】A. bookB. classC. picture

【小题6】A.subjects B. clothes C. colors

【小题7】A. ofB.atC. to

【小题8】A.asksB saysC. helps

【小题9】A.dancing B.singing C. running

【小题10】A.relaxing B. boring C. difficultC




【小题1】A. We我们 B. You你,你们 C.They他们根据句意:琳达有两个弟弟,他们是杰克和吉姆。故选C

【小题2】A. have有 B. know 知道 C. find找到根据句意:但是,她没有姐妹。故选A

【小题3】A. radio收音机 B. bus公共汽车 C. watch手表根据句意:琳达乘公共汽车去上学。故选B

【小题4】A. leaves离开 B. takes 取走 C. gets到达根据句意:琳达通常8点钟到达学校。故选C

【小题5】A. book书 B. class课 C. picture图片根据句意:第一堂课9点钟开始。故选B

【小题6】A.subjects科目 B. clothes衣服 C. colors颜色根据句意:她最喜欢的科目是数学和科学。故选A

【小题7】A. of的 B.at在 C. to到根据句意:她从星期一到星期五都有数学课。From…to 从…到…故选C

【小题8】A.asks问 B says说 C helps帮助 根据句意:周末,她帮助他的弟弟做功课。

Help sb with sth帮助某人做某事 故选C

【小题9】A.dancing跳舞 B.singing唱歌 C. running跑步根据前文:她有时听歌,她非常喜欢唱歌。故选B

【小题10】A.relaxing放松 B. boring无聊 C. difficult困难根据句意:她认为刘欢的歌让人很放松。故选A
