1000字范文 > Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized trainingTherefore the3 6 of a j

Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized trainingTherefore the3 6 of a j

时间:2021-04-16 23:34:35


Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized trainingTherefore  the3 6 of a j


Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training.Therefore, the3 6 of a job should be made even before the choice of a curriculum (课程)in high schoo1.Actually, 3 7 , most people make several job choices during their working lives,38 because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve 39 position.The“one perfect Job”does not exist. Young people should 40enter into a broad flexible(灵活的)training program that Will 4 1 them for a field of work rather than for a single 42_.

Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans _43 benefit of help from a 44 vocational counselor(顾问)or psychologist Knowing 45about the professional world,or themselves for that matter,they 46 their1ifework aimlessly.Some move from job to job.Others 47to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not 48

One common mistake is choosing an occupation for its real or imagined prestige (声望) Too many high—school students—or their parents for them— choose the professional field, not49 the relatively small proportion of workers in the professions or the extremely high educational and personal 50 . The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a White-collar job is 51 good reason for choosing it as lifes work. 52 , these occupations are not always well paid. 53 a large proportion of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the 54_ of young people should give serious 55_ to these fields.

36.A.procedure B.fate C.college D. choice

37.A.however B. naturally C.though D. especially

38.A.entirely B.mainly C.partly D. totally

39.A.its B.his C.ourD. their

40.A.since B.therefore C.furthermore D. forever

41.A.make B.prepare C.take D. leave

42.A.job B.way C.means D. company

43.A.to B.for C.without D. with

44.A.competitive B.good C.strict D. terrible

45.A.1ittle B.few C.much D. a lot

46.A.quit B.choose C.d ream D. stop

47.A.apply B.appeal C.stick D. turn

48.A.pleasedB.fit C.interested D. fond

49.A.spending B.following C.considering D. making

50.A.preferences B.requirements C.tendencies D.ambitions

51.A.a B.any C.no D. the.

52.A.Anyway B.However C.Nevertheless D.Besides.

53.A.For B.Since C.Though D.As if

54.A.majority B.many C.minority D. much

55.A.proposal B.suggestion C.consideration D. hesitation36-40 DACDB 41-45 BACBA 46-50 BCBCB 51-55 CDBAC


(答案→)36-40 DACDB 41-45 BACBA 46-50 BCBCB 51-55 CDBAC

解析: 36.D考查名词。上文讲到,大多数理想的职业都需要某种专门的培训,所以应该是先选择职业,然后再选择高中的学习课程。.





4l_B考查动词。prepare sb for sth使……为……作准备.



44.B考查形容词.此处所填的词修饰vocational eounsdor or psychologist,对于寻求帮助的年轻人来说,“好的”专家才是重要的.



47.C考查动词.stick tO意为“坚持”,这里指一直从事相同的工作.

48.B考查形容词.be fit for…。胜任……”.







55.C考查名词。give consideration tO sth意为。考虑某事”。
