1000字范文 > One of my favourite films is Mr. Bean At a Fancy(化装)Restaurant. In the film after being 2

One of my favourite films is Mr. Bean At a Fancy(化装)Restaurant. In the film after being 2

时间:2022-09-13 16:24:49


One of my favourite films is Mr. Bean At a Fancy(化装)Restaurant. In the film  after being 2


One of my favourite films is Mr. Bean At a Fancy(化装)Restaurant. In the film, after being 21at his table,Mr. Bean takes out a 22,writes a few words on it,signs his name,puts it into an envelope and 23it on the table.After a moment,he looks at the 24 but this time he looks surprised,as if he did not know it was there.He opens it to find a birthday card and delightedly puts it on the table for everyone to see.

When he looks at the 25,an astonished look quickly 26on his face.He takes all 27out of his pockets,counts it and puts it in a saucer(碟子).He then looks from the menu to the money with 28until he finds one thing that makes him smile. He29 a dish called “steak tartare.” When the dish arrives,he is 30 to discover that “steak tartare” is 31 a raw(生肉的)hamburger.He 32 an attempt to eat it,but it is 33,from the look on his face,that he finds the taste really terrible.He cannot 34his feelings,except when the waiter asks whether everything is OK.He smiles and nods, 35 that everything is fine.36no one is looking,however,he 37himself hiding the raw meat anywhere he can 38,inside a sugar bottle,a tiny flower vase and under a plate.He becomes so disappointed in the end that he 39hides some inside the 40of a woman sitting near him and throws some under the seat of the restaurant’s violinist!

I like to watch Mr. Bean on TV but I wouldn’t want to meet someone like him in real life.

【小题1】A.treated B.invited C.accepted D.served【小题2】A.magazineB.book C.cardD.wallet【小题3】A.throwsB.places C.removes D.spreads【小题4】A.waiter B.watch C.envelope D.table【小题5】A.customers B.tablecloth C.surroundingsD.menu【小题6】A.appears B.grows C.turns D.shows【小题7】A.cardsB.moneyC.billsD.keys【小题8】A.satisfaction B.careC.confidence D.concern【小题9】A.buysB.ordersC.washesD.breaks【小题10】A.shockedB.pleased C.movedD.frightened【小题11】A.mostly B.indeedC.actuallyD.nearly【小题12】A.makesB.gets C.triesD.takes【小题13】A.doubtfulB.sureC.clearD.likely【小题14】A.hide B.express C.preventD.explain【小题15】A.admitting B.recognizing C.indicatingD.realizing【小题16】A.Because B.WhenC.OnceD.Although【小题17】A.pretends B.helpsC.prepares D.busies【小题18】A.reachB.see C.getD.arrive【小题19】A.rather B.almost C.exactly D.even【小题20】A.hand B.purseC.blouseD.hairD




【小题1】serve sb.给某人提供服务,该句的意思是在别人给他提供过服务之后,他拿出一张卡片。







【小题8】他非常谨慎地看看菜单然后看看钱,with care=carefully谨慎地。

【小题9】他最后点了一份steak tartare。在餐馆中点菜用order。

【小题10】当菜被端上的时候他发现,steak tartare实际上是a raw(生肉的)hamburger,他很是震惊。所以用shocked表示震惊。

【小题11】见上题的分析。actually=in fact实际上。

【小题12】固定短语。make an attempt to do sth.尽力去做某事。在这里是指他尽力把这道菜吃掉,但是它的味道太可怕了。





【小题17】固定短语。busy oneself in doing sth.忙于做某事。



