1000字范文 > It had been three months since Ms Miller had started teaching. She was gradually being abl

It had been three months since Ms Miller had started teaching. She was gradually being abl

时间:2020-08-21 11:17:48


It had been three months since Ms Miller had started teaching. She was gradually being abl


It had been three months since Ms Miller had started teaching. She was gradually being able to understand all her students, except one, Bob. Bob was the only boy who came to school dressed untidily and sat in the class completely lost in his own world. His performance had been deteriorating gradually with every single day.

Ms Miller searched through the progress reports of Bob and was shocked to see Bob used to be the topper in his class. Bobs performance began to slowly decline when his mother fell ill. He was doing badly in each and every subject when his mother died leaving him alone with his father, who was a businessman and had to travel always. Apart from his performance worsening gradually, Bobs nature too began to change. He had forgotten to laugh and showed no interest in any activity. All his friends had abandoned him.

One day, Bob was asked to stay back.Ms Miller asked him if he had any problem understanding his lessons. Gradually she began to give him a comfort zone so that he could talk and share. After three weeks, she found Bob gradually improving. He was being able to answer the questions he previously failed. Every day after all the students went away, Ms Miller gave personal attention to Bob and began to spend time with him. Bob improved a lot over the next semester, showing definite signs of progress in his performance.

On a Friday, Bob came up to Ms Miller, handed her a box and requested her to open the box on Sunday. On Sunday morning, curious, she opened it and saw a bottle of perfume, half filled. Together with it was a small letter, saying that this bottle of perfume used to be his mothers and he wished Ms Miller to wear it so that every time she was around, he could feel his Mom near him. He thanked her for everything. Ms Miller took the bottle of perfume in her hand and saw a new tag attached to it; it said Happy Mothers Day”!

Ms Miller suddenly realized that it was not she who had made a difference to Bobs life but it was Bob who made her realize what true humanity is!

【小题1】According to the text, Bob.A.wore clean clothes all the timeB.was taller than any other one in his classC.lost all of his friends after his mothers deathD.could always have his father for company at home【小题2】The underlined word deteriorating in Paragraph l probably means.A.worseningB.changingC.thrillingD.Improving【小题3】 Paragraph 3 is mainly about.A.why Ms Miller would like to help Bob.B.what Ms Miller did to help Bob. C.how Bob attracted Ms Miller’s attention.D.where Bob could sit comfortably【小题4】The bottle of perfume given to Ms Miller.A.showed Bob was thankful for Ms Miller’s helpB.was given on Mother’s DayC.made Bob a different studentD.was new and never used before【小题5】What does the author wanted to tell us .A.a teacher can totally change a student’s lifeB.family is the most important place for kidsC.children don’t have to solve problems by themselvesD.one should have sympathy for another’s suffering and offer helpC




【小题1】细节题:从文章第二段的句子:He had forgotten to laugh and showed no interest in any activity. All his friends had abandoned him.可知自从妈妈去世后,鲍勃失去了大多数朋友,选C。

【小题2】猜词题:从第一段的句子:Bob was the only boy who came to school dressed untidily and sat in the class completely lost in his own world.鲍勃是唯一穿着不整洁的学生,坐在教室里面完全迷失在自己的世界中,下文说His performance had been deteriorating gradually with every single day.他的表现一天一天变得更差,还有第二段的句子:Apart from his performance worsening gradually,可以推知deteriorating 是“变差”的意思,选A。

【小题3】段落大意题:从第三段的句子:Every day after all the students went away, Ms Miller gave personal attention to Bob and began to spend time with him.可知这段主要讲的是米勒老师做了什么帮助鲍勃。选B。

【小题4】细节题:从文章第四段的句子:He thanked her for everything.可知给米勒老师的香水瓶表示鲍勃很感谢老师对他的帮助,选A。

【小题5】写作意图题:从文章最后一段的句子:Ms Miller suddenly realized that it was not she who had made a difference to Bobs life but it was Bob who made her realize what true humanity is!可知作者想要告诉我们一个人应该同情帮助那些有痛苦的人,这样自己也会得到回报,选D。
