1000字范文 > 单词拼写(共10 小题 每小题1分 满分10分)【小题1】All the information was

单词拼写(共10 小题 每小题1分 满分10分)【小题1】All the information was

时间:2019-01-02 05:20:49


单词拼写(共10 小题 每小题1分 满分10分)【小题1】All the information was


单词拼写(共10 小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

【小题1】All the information was then ready to be processed(加工,处理) into film negatives.

【小题2】He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has no previous(先前的) experience of this kind of job.

【小题3】He made a good impression(印象)on us by his rich knowledge.

【小题4】The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was constantly(不断地)hit by war.

【小题5】The painters don’t attempt(企图,尝试)to paint objects as we see them with our eyes.

【小题6】The manager finally approved(批准) the plan.

【小题7】The chemical companies are poisoning(毒害)our rivers with industrial waste.

【小题8】As the bell rang, the naughty boy squeezed(挤)his book into his bag and went out of the classroom.

【小题9】I am eager(渴望的,热切的) to slide into the classroom quietly.

【小题10】They finally adopted(采用)our advice on how to finish the work last week.



【小题1】考查动词。根据结构可知此处是不定式的被动to be done ,所以填 processed 。句意:所有的信息都准备好了,在等待加工处理成胶片。

【小题2】考查形容词。由所给词意可知此处填previous 。句意:他几乎在食堂找不到一份工作,因为他没有这样的工作经验。

【小题3】考查名词。固定短语:make a good impression on sb“给某人留下印象”。故此处填impression。句意:他通过他的学识给我们留下了很好的印象。






【小题9】考查形容词。固定短语be eager to do“渴望做某事”,句意:我期望能够偷偷溜进教室。

【小题10】考查动词。根据汉语提示和last week 可知此处填动词过去式adopted。句意:最终他们在上周采纳了我们关于如何完成工作的建议。

单词拼写(共10 小题 每小题1分 满分10分)【小题1】All the information was then ready to be processed(加工 处理) int
