1000字范文 > The world would be a better place if we all had children’s eyes. This is not because child

The world would be a better place if we all had children’s eyes. This is not because child

时间:2023-04-22 02:46:57


The world would be a better place if we all had children’s eyes. This is not because child


The world would be a better place if we all had children’s eyes. This is not because children’s eyes are too sharp to allow any blot(污点,瑕疵)to pass without being, but because adults have too many conflicting concerns to keep their eyes open to all wrongdoing.

Not long before, an examination, intended tosome police officers to higher positions, was held in Gansu province. Someonewith a good idea that 18 primary pupils could be invited to act as invigilators (监考人). At that age, students would do as they are told and act fearlessly., they caught 25 officers cheating on the spot, which has caused a stir (轰动,搅动) andthe question of whether adult invigilators wouldtheir duties as well.

The implication of this event goesits impact on the work style of local police officers and the examinations. Most people said what these children have done points to the sad fact ofbeing less trustworthy. If adults acted as invigilators, they would quiteturn a blind eye to cheating.

We Chinese have been holding thethat human nature was good at birth: asof blot as a sheet of blank paper, which can bewith content (good or bad) in the process of growing up. Everything should be done on the basis of certain principles(原则)., nowadays the repeated reports of cheating in examinations, selling ranks andand embezzling (挪用) public funds paint apicture of common social morals. Adults have become too concerned with their own personal gains tobasic sense of principles. When no oneany principle and the only concern is personal interest, everyone will, not only those who first break the rules.

Besides, cheats are unfair to honest examinees, and when the success of cheatsmore people to cheat, the consequences will be disastrous.

In a word, we adults need to have our eyes asas children’s on matters of principle.

【小题1】A.praisedB.dismissedC.caughtD.thrown【小题2】A.developB.investigateC.preventD.promote【小题3】A.caught upB.came up C.kept up D.put up【小题4】A.SurprisinglyB.UsuallyC.SafelyD.Slowly【小题5】A.hid B.recommendedC.raisedD.affected【小题6】A.acceptB.ignore C.refuse D.perform【小题7】A.without B.beyond C.into D.for【小题8】A.tutorsB.pupils C.adults D.teachers【小题9】A.probably B.suddenly C.luckilyD.gradually【小题10】A.opportunityB.dream C.belief D.hope【小题11】A.free B.busy C.uglyD.dirty【小题12】A.describedB.filledC.purchased D.charged【小题13】A.Unless B.Therefore C.However D.Thus【小题14】A.namesB.titlesC.goodsD.products【小题15】A.brightB.beautiful C.pleasant D.sad【小题16】A.care aboutB.put asideC.contribute toD.come across【小题17】A.understandsB.observes C.possesses D.change【小题18】A.actB.existC.sufferD.survive【小题19】A.advises B.encourages C.warns D.informs【小题20】A.beautifulB.young C.wide D.clearC




【小题1】考查动词:A. praised表扬,B. dismissed解雇,排除,C. caught抓住,D. thrown扔,这不是因为孩子的眼睛太尖锐,不能让污点没有被抓住就通过了,选C

【小题2】考查动词: A. develop发展,B. investigate调查,C. prevent 防止,D. promote促进,提高,一次一场意图提拔一些警官到更高职位的考试在甘肃举行,选D

【小题3】考查词组:A. caught up跟上,B. came up提出,C. kept up保持,D. put up竖立,举起,有人提出一个好主意,让18个小学生做监考人,选B

【小题4】考查副词:A. Surprisingly令人惊讶的是,B. Usually通常,C. Safely安全的,D. Slowly慢的,令人惊讶的是,他们抓住25个官员作弊,选A

【小题5】考查动词:A. hid躲藏,B. recommended推荐,C. raised举起,饲养,提出,D. affected影响,这件事引起巨大的轰动,提出了一个问题成年的监考者是否能象孩子表现的这么好,选C

【小题6】考查动词:A. accept接受,B. ignore忽视,C. refuse拒绝,D. perform表现,成年的监考者是否能象孩子表现的这么好,选D

【小题7】考查介词: A. without没有,B. beyond超出,C. into进入,D. for为了,这件事的影响超出了对当地警察工作作风的影响,选B

【小题8】考查名词:A. tutors导师,B. pupils学生,C. adults 成年人,D. teachers老师,这些孩子做的事情指出成年人不值得信任的事实,选C

【小题9】 考查副词:A. probably可能,B. suddenly突然,C. luckily 幸运地,D. gradually逐渐地,如果成年人做监考者,他们可能会对作弊睁一只眼闭一只眼,选A

【小题10】考查名词: A. opportunity机会,B. dream 梦想,C. belief信念,,D. hope希望,我们中国人一直相信人天生的善良的,选C

【小题11】考查形容词: A. free自由的,免费的,B. busy忙的,C. ugly丑陋的,D. dirty 脏的,象白纸一样没有污点,选A

【小题12】考查动词:A. described描述,B. filled填满,C. purchased 购买,D. charged要价,在成长的过程中可能会被填上好的和坏的,选B

【小题13】考查连词: A. Unless除非,B. Therefore因此,C. However然而,D. Thus因此,前面的Everything should be done on the basis of certain principles(原则). 和nowadays the repeated reports of cheating in examinations,是转折关系,选C

【小题14】考查名词: A, names名字,B. titles头衔,C. goods货物,D. products产品,和ranks并列的是titles,指出售头衔,官衔的行为,选B

【小题15】考查形容词:A. bright聪明的,B. beautiful美丽的,C. pleasant令人愉快的,D. sad悲伤的,考试作弊,出卖官衔和挪用公款给社会道德观画上一个悲伤的图画,选D

【小题16】考查词组: A. care about关心,在乎,B. put aside放置一边,C. contribute to有助于,D. come across遇上,成年人太关心他们的个人得失不在乎社会基本准则,选A

【小题17】考查动词: A. understands理解,B. observes 观察,C. possesses 拥有,D. change改变,如果没有人遵守原则,唯一关心的是自己的利益,选B

【小题18】考查动词: A. act表现,B. exist存在,C. suffer遭受,D. survive幸存,每个人都会遭受损失,不仅仅是一开始破坏规则的人,选C

【小题19】考查动词: A. advises 建议,B. encourages鼓励,C. warns警告,D. informs 通知,当作弊成功鼓励更多人作弊,后果是灾难性的,选B

【小题20】考查形容词: A. beautiful美丽的,B. young年轻的,C. wide广泛的,D. clear清楚的,总之,在原则问题上,成年人的眼睛应该和孩子一样的清楚,选D
