1000字范文 > 单词拼写(共10题 每小题0.5分 满分5分) 【小题1】At this moment we are

单词拼写(共10题 每小题0.5分 满分5分) 【小题1】At this moment we are

时间:2021-07-21 16:06:53


单词拼写(共10题 每小题0.5分 满分5分) 【小题1】At this moment  we are



【小题1】At this moment, we are involved in a hot aargument about whether to go by sea or by air.

【小题2】Finishing reading the book, he made several ccomments on it.

【小题3】With no idea of what he would do with the roses, the little girl looked at the gardener ccuriously.

【小题4】I was still cconfused about what she said because she didn’t make herself understood.

【小题5】The company now has branches across China, and says it is looking to eexpand overseas.

【小题6】In the job market, you need to sell yourself to the employers by cconvincing them that you have the knowledge, skill and experience they need.

【小题7】She’s very mmodest about her success and says that it’s just the result of good luck.

【小题8】I have come to ccrossroads in my life and I need to choose the right path.

【小题9】With encouragement and determination, we can oovercome any difficulty.

【小题10】Hearing the news that their team won finally in the debate, all the students jumped to their feet with eexcitement.



【小题1】在这是我们关于是坐船还是飞机陷入了激烈的争论。根据后面about whether to go by sea or by air.


【小题2】读完这本书,他对这本书做了几点评论:comments。构成短语:make comments on 对。。。进行评论。

【小题3】由于不知道怎样处理这些玫瑰花,这个小孩好奇地看着园艺师。根据前面的原因With no idea of what he would do with the roses ,所以好奇地看着园艺师,想知道怎么办,所以是好奇地:curiously

【小题4】因为他没有把意思说明白,所以我仍然对于他说的话感到困惑。根据后面的原因:because she didn’t make herself understood.,所以我对他说的话感到困惑:confused

【小题5】这个公司已经在全国建立了分公司,而且会向海外拓展,前across china 和overseas之间是指公司的的业务的拓展. expand


【小题7】对于他的成功他很谦虚只是说是运气好。根据后句says that it’s just the result of good luck.


【小题8】我到达了人生的十字路口,需要做出决定该走哪条正确的路。根据后句I need to choose the right path.判断出是该做出决定,即人生的十字路口crossroads

【小题9】由于受到鼓励和决心,我们能够克服任何的困难。根据原因With encouragement and determination 和宾语是困难,所以是克服overcome

【小题10】听到他们赢得了辩论赛时,他们兴奋地跳了起来。根据原因Hearing the news that their team won finally in the debate,所以是高兴地跳起来,构成短语:with excitement兴奋地

单词拼写(共10题 每小题0.5分 满分5分) 【小题1】At this moment we are involved in a hot aargument about whet
