1000字范文 > A long time ago there was a tiger in the forest. He was the26of the animals. One day the t

A long time ago there was a tiger in the forest. He was the26of the animals. One day the t

时间:2024-03-07 18:00:37


A long time ago there was a tiger in the forest. He was the26of the animals. One day the t


A long time ago,there was a tiger in the forest. He was the26of the animals. One day the tiger asked a little cat to see27his palace was built. After a few hours,the little cat28and said to the tiger,“My dear king,your29is very large,tall and beautiful.” The tiger was very30to hear that.Several31later,the tiger said to a pig,“It’s been days since the cat saw my palace. Now,you go and see it32.” But when the pig came back,he said to the tiger,“My dear king,I thought that your palace is beautiful,but it33yourself only.”

The tiger was very34when he heard what the pig said. “Why are the cat’s and the pig’s35not the same?” he said to36.He then asked a camel to go to have a(n)37.Before long the camel ran back out of breath (气喘吁吁) and said to the tiger,“Oh,your palace is too38for you to live in,my king.”

The king became very angry when he heard what the camel said. He said to the animals,“Maybe somebody of you tells39.You three have three ideas. I want to40you.” Just at the moment,a fox came out to41the tiger. He asked the tiger himself to go to see it before killing them. The tiger42.After he saw the palace himself,he thought that their answers were all43.He said to the44,“You should remember that to see with your own eyes is more important than only to45others.”

【小题1】A.brother B.friendC.kingD.enemy【小题2】A.whyB.whereC.whenD.how【小题3】A.got upB.came backC.paid backD.turned up【小题4】A.stationB.officeC.bedD.palace【小题5】A.sadB.crazyC.happyD.nervous【小题6】A.yearsB.minutesC.daysD.hours【小题7】A.once againB.no moreC.as usualD.at last【小题8】A.protectsB.suitsC.coversD.helps【小题9】A.excitedB.interestedC.tiredD.surprised【小题10】A.suggestionsB.experimentsC.answersD.excuses【小题11】A.themB.himselfC.itD.yourself【小题12】A.lookB.seatC.examD.rest【小题13】A.uglyB.smallC.darkD.tall【小题14】A.newsB.messagesC.storiesD.lies【小题15】A.teachB.leaveC.killD.hate【小题16】A.stopB.praiseC.cheatD.order【小题17】A.shookB.agreedC.appearedD.worked【小题18】A.strangeB.differentC.easyD.right【小题19】A.plantsB.servantsC.animalsD.soldiers【小题20】A.feelB.hearC.tasteD.smellC




【小题1】考查名词辨析。很久以前,森林里有一只老虎。他是百兽之王。brother兄弟;friend朋友; king国王 ;enemy敌人。根据常识推断,选C。


【小题3】考查动词短语辨析。几个小时后,小猫回来对老虎说。后面有“小猪回来”类似的话。get up起床; come back回来; pay back偿还; turn up出现。故选B。

【小题4】考查名词辨析。station车站 ; office办公室; bed床; palace宫殿。从前面看,谈论的都是老虎的宫殿,所以最佳选D。

【小题5】考查形容词辨析。sad伤心; crazy疯狂 ; happy高兴; nervous紧张。小猫说老虎的宫殿高大漂亮。老虎听了当然应该是很高兴了。选C。

【小题6】考查名词辨析。year年 ; minute分钟; day天; hour小时。结合后面的话选几天后最合适,选C。

【小题7】考查副词短语辨析。once again再; no more不再; as usual和往常一样; at last最后。几天后老虎又让一只猪去。结合语境选A。

【小题8】考查动词辨析。小猪回来说,我亲爱的大王,我认为宫殿很美,但只你合适用。protest抗议; suit适合; cover覆盖; help帮助。 代入四个词结合语境选B。

【小题9】考查形容词辨析。结合后一句话。老虎听到了不一样的评价。所以这里应该是很惊奇。Excited激动; interested感兴趣; tired疲倦; surprised吃惊。故选D。

【小题10】考查名词辨析。suggestion建议; experiment实验; answer回答; excuse借口。猫和猪对老虎问的同一个问题回答不一样。故选C。

【小题11】考查代词辨析。them他们 himself他自己; it它;yourself你自己。say to oneself 自言自语。这里是老虎对他自己说。故选B。

【小题12】考查名词辨析。然后他让一只骆驼去看看。have a look看一看; have a seat坐下; have an exam考试; have a rest休息。结合语境选A。

【小题13】考查形容词辨析。ugly难看; small小; dark黑; tall高。骆驼说,你的宫殿太小了你住不进去。结合语境,应该是小的容不下。故选B。

【小题14】考查名词辨析。news消息; message信息; story故事; lie谎话。tell lies 说谎。三种回答各不相同,所以老虎认为有的动物说了谎话。故选D。

【小题15】考查动词辨析。teach教学; leave离开; kill;杀;hate憎恨。结合后面的意思知是要杀他们。故选C 。

【小题16】考查动词辨析。stop制止; praise表扬; cheat欺骗; order命令。狐狸过来阻止他的行为。故选A。

【小题17】考查动词辨析。shake晃动; agree同意; appear出现; work工作。后面老虎去看了。所以这里是B。

【小题18】考查形容词辨析。strange陌生; different不同; easy容易; right正确。老虎亲自看了之后认为,他们三个都对。所以选D。

【小题19】考查名词辨析。Plant植物; servant仆人; animal动物; soldier士兵。老虎是百兽之王,所以应该对动物们说。故选C。

【小题20】考查动词辨析。feel感觉 ; hear听说 ; taste尝起来 ; smell闻起来。老虎说:你们应该记住百闻不如一见。故选B。
