1000字范文 > In a land far away once upon a time there was great poverty (贫困) and only the rich could

In a land far away once upon a time there was great poverty (贫困) and only the rich could

时间:2024-03-14 17:16:48


In a land far away  once upon a time there was great poverty (贫困)  and only the rich could


In a land far away, once upon a time there was great poverty (贫困), and only the rich could manage without great 36 . Three of those rich men and their servants were 37together on a road when they came to a very 38village.

The first could not stand seeing the poverty, 39he took all the gold and jewels from his wagons (四轮载重马车) and shared 40out among the villagers. He wished them all the best of luck, and he left.

The second rich man, seeing the 41situation, stopped for a short time and gave 42all his food and drink, since he 43 see that money would be of little 44 to them. He made sure that they each45 their fair share and would have enough food to46 for some time. Then, he left.

The third rich man, on seeing such poverty,47and went straight through the48 without stopping. The two other rich men saw this from a distance and commented with each other49the third rich man lacked sympathy. It was 50that they themselves had been there to offer help.

However, three days later, they 51 the third rich man, who was coming in the opposite direction. He was52 travelling quickly, but his wagons,53 the gold and valuables they had been 54 , were now full of farming tools and bags of 55 . He was rushing back to help them out of poverty.

【小题1】A.lossB.expectationsC.successD.problems【小题2】A.standingB.travellingC.gatheringD.running【小题3】A.farawayB.poorC.differentD.ancient【小题4】A.unlessB.becauseC.soD.if【小题5】A.themB.anythingC.nothingD.those【小题6】A.curiousB.worryingC.dangerousD.puzzling【小题7】A.the villagersB.his servantsC.the othersD.the rest【小题8】A.couldB.mightC.shouldD.must【小题9】A.interestB.concernC.useD.attraction【小题10】A.returnedB.gainedC.offeredD.received【小题11】A.remainB.lastC.supplyD.share【小题12】A.turned backB.set outC.showed offD.speeded up【小题13】A.villageB.landC.fieldD.road【小题14】A.whether B.howC.whereD.when【小题15】A.goodB.certainC.trueD.strange【小题16】A.welcomedB.metC.acceptedD.persuaded【小题17】A.stillB.alreadyC.alwaysD.indeed【小题18】A.except forB.instead ofC.apart fromD.along with【小题19】A.loadingB.treasuringC.carryingD.earning【小题20】A.foodB.jewelsC.moneyD.seedsD





【小题2】考查动词:A. standing站, B. travelling旅行,C. gathering聚集,D. running跑,根据本剧中的on a road 可以推断出此处是三个富人和仆人在路上旅行,选B。

【小题3】考查形容词和上下文串联:faraway:遥远的; poor:贫穷的;different:困难的;ancient:古代的,古老的。根据前后文中的poverty 可以推断出此处选B。

【小题4】考查连词:A. unless除非,B. because因为,C. so因此,D. if如果,句意:第一个人不能忍受看见贫困,所以他把财宝分给村民,此处所填词用作并列连词,表结果,根据句意可知其意思是:因此,所以,选C。

【小题5】考查代词:A. them他们,B. anything任何事,C. nothing没有什么,D. those那些,此处所填代词指代前文中的jewels,是复数,故用them。选A。


【小题7】考查名词:A. the villagers村民,B. his servants仆人,C. the others其他人,D. the rest其余人,所填部分做give 的间接宾语,是人,由上下文意思可知此处表“村民”之意,选A。

【小题8】考查情态动词:A. could能够,B. might可能,C. should应该,D. must必须,此处所填表示能力,意思是:能,会,句意:因为他能看出钱对他们没有用。选A。

【小题9】考查名词:interest:兴趣;利润;使对……感兴趣;concern:关心,在乎;use:使用,利用;attraction:吸引力。所填词构成of 结构,be of no use没有用,选C。

【小题10】考查动词辨析:A. returned回来,归还, B. gained获得,C. offered提供,D received收到,此处所填词表动作,意思是:收到。接到,选D。

【小题11】考查动词:remain:剩下,仍就是;last:持续;supply:供给;供应;share:分享。由some time 可知是:他确保每个人都有自己的那份可以维持一段时间。选B。

【小题12】考查词组:turn back:转回,返回;set out:着手,开始;show off:炫耀;speed up:加速。根据went straight和 without stopping可知第三个人看见贫困的情况,加快速度。所以选D。

【小题13】考查上下文串联:A. village村子,B. land土地,C. field田地,D. road公路,由前文可知此处所填词意思是:村庄,第三个人没有停下径直穿过了村子,选A。

【小题14】考查连接词:A. whether是否, B. how怎样,C. where哪里,D. when什么时候,所填词引导宾语从句,且表示感叹,感叹的中心词是动词lack,故用how。句意:两个人评价第三个人是多么缺乏同情心啊,选B。

【小题15】考查形容词:A. good好的,B. certain一定的,C. true确实的,D. strange奇怪的,本句表达的是前两个富人的思想,即他们自己对自己的行为感到自豪,他们自己做的是很好的。故选A。

【小题16】考查动词:A. welcomed欢迎,B. met遇见,C. accepted接受,D. persuaded说服,本句意思是:他们遇见了第三位富人。选B。


【小题18】考查介词短语:except for:除……之外;instead of:代替;而不是;apart from:除了,除过;along with:和。由句意:马车没有装金子和珠宝,可知选B。

【小题19】考查动词:load:装载;treasure:珍惜;carry:运,搬运;earn:挣,赚。根据后文的full of 可以推断出是马车上装载的珠宝,财产都不见了,选A。

【小题20】考查名词:food:食物;jewel:珠宝;money:金钱;seed:种子。此处所填词与farming tools 并列,且与bags of 修饰,可知马车上现在装的是农具和种子,故选D。
