1000字范文 > 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分 满分20分)It’s 10:30 p.m. and 11-year-old

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分 满分20分)It’s 10:30 p.m. and 11-year-old

时间:2019-02-18 00:46:09


完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分 满分20分)It’s 10:30 p.m.  and 11-year-old



It’s 10:30 p.m., and 11-year-old Brandon Blanco is sound asleep at home. Suddenly, a loud noise (1) him up. Naturally, Brandon (2) his cell phone. He blinks twice, and the message on the screen becomes clear: “R U awake?”

The (3) text does not annoy Brandon since he gets frequent (4) and calls, even after bedtime. And he can’t imagine life without them. “If I didn’t have a cell phone, I wouldn’t be able to talk to my friends or family as often,” he told the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Brandon’s use of (5) doesn’t stop there. He also has a computer, a TV and three video-game consoles(控制台)in his room. With so many (6) , it is no surprise that when he is not at school, he spends nearly every (7) minute using one or more of these devices. Brandon is hardly (8) . According to a recent study by TFK, kids aged 8 to 18 are spending more time than ever before using (9) devices. How much time? More than seven and a half hours a day (10) , the study found. That’s about an hour more than just five years ago.

The jump is the result of a huge explosion in mobile devices, says Victoria Rideout, the lead author of the study. “These devices have opened up many more (11) for young people to use media, whether it’s on the bus, on the way to school or waiting in line before the cashier,” says Rideout.

Often, kids (12) , or use more than one device at a time. “If you’ve got a chance to do something on your (13) and take a phone call and have the TV on at the same time, why not?” Media expert Cheryl Olson says. Most experts agree technology has much to (34) kids. But some worry the kids could be (15) other (16) like playing outside or (17) with friends. “It’s a matter of balance,” says Olson.

Multitasking while (18) is another concern. Some kids listen to music, watch TV or use the phone while doing their homework. “It’s important to make sure that you should (19) one thing deeply,” says Rideout.

With new and exciting devices hitting stores every year, keeping technology use (20) is more important than ever. “Kids should try,” adds Rideout. “But parents might have to step in sometimes.”

【小题1】A.wakes B.takes C.makes D.gets【小题2】A.reaches forB.takes out C.puts out D.turn off【小题3】A.early B.afternoon C.morning D.night【小题4】A.books B.messages C.letters D.passages【小题5】A.cell phonesB.papers C.technology D.words【小题6】A.friends B.assignments C.devices D.interrupts【小题7】A.working B.speaking C.sleeping D.waking【小题8】A.happy B.aloneC.tired D.worried【小题9】A.electric B.useful C.electronicD.fashionable【小题10】A.on averageB.in total C.for fun D.without stop【小题11】A.jobs B.machines C.rooms D.opportunities【小题12】A.like B.enjoy C.hate D.multitask【小题13】A.computer B.desk C.own D.time【小题14】A.employ B.offer C.attract D.tell【小题15】A.setting upB.missing out C.working with D.relying on【小题16】A.methods B.ways C.chances D.activities【小题17】A.helping out B.fighting withC.hanging out D.looking after【小题18】A.listening to music B.watching TV C.using phone call D.doing homework【小题19】A.looking for B.concentrate on C.staring atD.writing down【小题20】A.in checkB.at the same time C.more often D.less oftenA



解析:本文叙述了以11岁的Brandon Blanco 为代表的一些青少年,他们在使用新的设备如电脑,手机,电视机视频游戏机等方面,花费的时间很长,因而他们有些活动就不能参加了,因此短文最后提出,要在这方面要加强控制,家长也应给予足够的重视。

【小题1】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 wakes 醒来; takes 花费; makes制造; gets到达。根据上文Brandon Blanco当时在睡觉,手机短信把他惊醒了,故选A。

【小题2】考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。 reaches for伸手去拿; takes out取出; puts out伸出; turn off关掉。根据语境他去拿手机,故选A。

【小题3】考查副词及上下文的呼应。 early早; afternoon下午; morning早晨; night晚上。根据It’s 10:30 p.m. 可知这是晚上,故选D。

【小题4】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 books 书; messages 信息; letters 信; passage走廊,一段;根据上文the message on the screen becomes clear: 这里是短信,故选B。

【小题5】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 cell phones手机; papers 文件;technology技术; words单词。根据He also has a computer, a TV and three video-game consoles(控制台)in his room. 可知这里指的是技术,故选C。

【小题6】考查名词及上下文的呼应。Friends朋友; assignments作业; devices装置; interrupts中断。根据上文或下文using one or more of these devices.可知有电脑等设备,故选C。

【小题7】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 working 工作; speaking讲话; sleeping睡觉; waking醒。根据常识他花费大约醒着的时间去用这些设备,故选D。

【小题8】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 happy高兴的; alone孤独的,独自; tired累的; worried担心的。根据kids aged 8 to 18 are spending more time than ever before using…可知Brandon并非孤独,还有很多和他一样的人,故选B。

【小题9】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。electric电的; useful 有用的; electronic电子的; fashionable流行的,时髦的。electric的基本意思是“电动的”“电的”,指以电作动力、由电产生、产生电的、使用电的或用于导电的,作此解时,只用作定语。electrical指“与电学有关的”。如an electrical engineer电机〔气〕工程师; an electrical fault电力故障。故选C。

·<拉丁语 electrum (琥珀)

【小题10】考查固定短语及上下文的呼应。on average平均; in total总计; for fun开玩笑; without stop不停地。研究发现大约一天平均花费7个半小时,故选A。

【小题11】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 jobs工作; machines机器; rooms房间; opportunities机会。这些设备对于年轻人来说打开了方便之门,也就是有更多的机会去使用它们,故选D。

【小题12】考查动词及上下文的呼应。like喜欢; enjoy 喜欢; hate 恨; multitask任务多。孩子们的任务多,有时同时用好几个设备,故选D。

【小题13】考查名词及上下文的呼应。computer 电脑; desk桌子; own自己的; time时间。如果你能在你的电脑上做一些事情,同时也能打电话,同时也开着电视,故选A。

【小题14】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 employ雇佣; offer 提供; attract吸引; tell告诉。大多数专家都同意科技给孩子们提供很多东西,故选B。

【小题15】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 setting up设立,装置; missing out遗漏; working with共事; relying on依赖。有些人担心孩子可能会漏掉一些活动,故选B。

【小题16】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 methods方法; ways 方法; chances机会; activities活动。根据like playing outside 这是对活动的举例,所以选D。

【小题17】考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。helping out 帮助摆脱困难; fighting with与……斗争;hanging out常去; looking after照顾。经常和朋友出去,故选C。

【小题18】考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。 listening to music听音乐; watching TV 看电视;

using phone call 用手机; doing homework做作业。可以一边做作业一边做很多事情,故选D。

【小题19】考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。looking for寻找; concentrate on 全神贯注;

staring at盯着; writing down写下。那是很重要的你要全身贯注一件事,故选B。

【小题20】考查固定短语及上下文的呼应。 in check受控制的; at the same time同时; more often 更经常; less often偶尔。保持技术的使用受控制的是比以前更重要的,故选A。

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分 满分20分)It’s 10:30 p.m. and 11-year-old Brandon Blanco is sound asleep at
