1000字范文 > Once there was a king. He had two old ministers. One was kind and the other was bad. The b

Once there was a king. He had two old ministers. One was kind and the other was bad. The b

时间:2023-08-19 22:23:34


Once there was a king. He had two old ministers. One was kind and the other was bad. The b


Once there was a king. He had two old ministers. One was kind and the other was bad. The bad minister often said bad words about the kind minister before the king. The king was very angry.

One day the king said to the bad minister , “Write two words on two pieces of paper. Write ‘live’ on one piece and ‘die’ on the other . Then put them in a jar and tell him to choose. If he takes out the paper with ‘live’ on it , I will let him go. If he takes out the paper with ‘die’ on it ,I will kill him at once.”

The bad minister was quite happy. He got two pieces of paper ready. He wrote “die” on each piece of paper.

The kind old man came. He knew the bad minister wanted to kill him. He also knew the words on the two pieces both “die”, but he knew what to do. Later the king had to keep his word and let the old minister go. Do you k now what the kind man do about this at that time?

【小题1】The king was angry with .A.himselfB.the kind ministerC.the bad ministerD.the two ministers【小题2】was told to write “live” and “die”.A.The kingB.The kind ministerC.The bad ministerD.The two ministers【小题3】There is no “live” on both pieces of paper because .A.the kind minister didn’t want it.B.the bad minister couldn’t write the wordC.the king told the bad minister not to write it D.the bad minister hated the kind minister and wanted to kill him【小题4】must be disappointed in the end .A.The kingB.The kind ministerC.The bad ministerD.All the other ministersB




【小题1】B 推理题。根据文章第二段One day the king said to the bad minister , “Write two words on two pieces of paper. Write ‘live’ on one piece and ‘die’ on the other . Then put them in a jar and tell him to choose. If he takes out the paper with ‘live’ on it , I will let him go. If he takes out the paper with ‘die’ on it ,I will kill him at once.”可知国王对于the kind minister很生气,故B正确。

【小题2】C 细节题。根据第二段1,2行One day the king said to the bad minister , “Write two words on two pieces of paper. Write ‘live’ on one piece and ‘die’ on the other .可知C正确。

【小题3】D 细节题。根据文章3,4段The bad minister was quite happy. He got two pieces of paper ready. He wrote “die” on each piece of paper.

The kind old man came. He knew the bad minister wanted to kill him.可知the bad minister想要杀死The kind old man,故D正确。

【小题4】C 推理题。根据文章内容可知the bad minister想要杀死The kind old man,但是最后Later the king had to keep his word and let the old minister go国王只能让The kind old man,可知和辉让The bad man失望。故C正确。
