1000字范文 > I remember vividly that first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (ther

I remember vividly that first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (ther

时间:2021-12-17 06:16:50


I remember vividly that first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (ther


I remember vividly that first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (there were no girls in the school) were 16 expectantly for the new teacher to appear. Before long, through the door came a tall ordinary-looking man 17about 40. He said shyly, “Good afternoon, gentlemen.” His 18had a surprising tone (语气) of respect, almost 19 he were addressing (向---讲话)the Supreme Court (最高法院)20 a group of youngsters. He wrote his 21 on the blackboard---Wilmer T. Stone-- ,and 22 sat on the front of his desk.. “Gentlemen,” he began, “We are now this23 ---your last---to continue your study of24 . I know we shall25learning with and from one another. We are going to learn 26 about journalism and how to write your weekly school paper. And 27we are going to try to28 the joy of good literature (文学). Maybe some of us will be really 29 in reading and writing. A man who reads 30a happy life. A man who doesn’t read 31 on the earth with a blindfold(眼罩). If I have to put all my32 into a single word, it would be: ‘browse(广泛浏览)’”. Mr. Stone went on like that, 33in a friendly and understanding tone. The34 of the class came much too soon. And we boys had to 35 the classroom with an unexpected feeling of excitement.

【小题1】A waiting B. looking C. asking D. calling

【小题2】A.forB.ofC.atD.on【小题3】A.soundB.voiceC.appearanceD.look【小题4】A.asB.ifC.as ifD.after【小题5】A.besideB.except forC.insteadD.instead of【小题6】A.addresB.telephoneC.name D.word【小题7】A.thenB.butC.soD.suddenly【小题8】A.feelB.seasonC.yearD.term【小题9】A. mathB. chemistry C EnglishD. physics

【小题10】A.beginB.enjoyC.practice D.suggest【小题11】A.somethingB.anythingC.nothingD.all【小题12】A.ReallyB.EspeciallyC.TrulyD.Possibly【小题13】A.feelB.writeC.memorize D.accept【小题14】A.movedB.excitedC.interestedD.used【小题15】A.knowsB.saysC.hasD.lives【小题16】A.runsB.visitsC.walksD.chooses【小题17】A.praiseB.trustC.adviceD.promise【小题18】A.speakingB.singingC.tellingD.shouting【小题19】A.beginningB.endC.middleD.time【小题20】A.keepB.enterC.leaveD.reachA




【小题1】A 短语辨析。Wait for等待;look for寻找;ask for要求;call for需要;我们正在等待新老师的出现。

【小题2】B 介词辨析。介词短语“0f+年龄”修饰前面a man;指一个40岁左右的男人。

【小题3】B 名词辨析。A声音B嗓音C外貌D表情;根据He said可知他说话的嗓音里有一种很尊敬别人的感觉。

【小题4】C 连词辨析。As if似乎,好像;他的语气里有很尊敬别人的感觉,好像是对最高法院的人说话而不是面对着一群年轻的学生。说明这位老师很平易近人。

【小题5】D 词义辨析。A在…旁边B除…之外C代替(副词)D代替(介词);他的语气里有很尊敬别人的感觉,好像是对最高法院的人说话而不是面对着一群年轻的学生。本句中应该使用介词,因为后面有宾语。

【小题6】C 名词辨析。A地址B电话C名字D话;他在黑板上写下了他的名字。

【小题7】A 词义辨析。A然后B但是C于是D突然;这里是指上下文串联,他先写下名字,然后坐在前面的桌子上。

【小题8】D 上下文串联。文章以开始就提及in the last term这是最后一个学期了。故term学期正确。

【小题9】C 上下文串联。根据文章1,2行可知我们在等待这新的教英语的老师来给我们上课。

【小题10】B 动词辨析。A开始B喜欢C练习D建议;我知道我们应该喜欢学习英语,并喜欢相互学习。

【小题11】A 词义辨析。我们要学习一下关于旅行和写作论文的某些问题。Something某些东西。

【小题12】B 副词辨析。A真地B尤其C真正地D可能;尤其是我们要接受一些关于文学方面的知识。

【小题13】A 动词辨析。A感觉B写作C记忆D接受;这里是指我们要接受一些文学方面的具体知识。

【小题14】C 固定搭配。Be interested in…对…感兴趣;也在我们中的很多人真地会对阅读和写作感兴趣了。

【小题15】D 固定搭配。Live a … life过着一种…的生活。真正喜欢阅读的人会过着一种幸福的生活的。

【小题16】C 动词辨析。A奔跑B参观C步行D选择;不阅读的人是带着眼罩行走在地球之上。

【小题17】C 名词辨析。A表扬B信任C建议D诺言;把所有的建议都写成一个单词,那就是‘browse(广泛浏览)’。

【小题18】A 动词辨析。A讲话B唱歌C告诉D喊叫;这位老师用一种友好并且理解的语调在和我们讲话。

【小题19】B 名词辨析。A开始B结束C中央D时间;这里是指下课结束的时间很快就到了。

【小题20】C 上下文串联。既然下课的时间就要到了,那么我们不得不离开教室,故leave正确。
