1000字范文 > Mrs. White was a wealthy lady. She lived  36  in a large comfortable house where her child

Mrs. White was a wealthy lady. She lived  36  in a large comfortable house where her child

时间:2019-07-14 07:58:26


Mrs. White was a wealthy lady. She lived  36  in a large comfortable house where her child


Mrs. White was a wealthy lady. She lived 36 in a large comfortable house where her children and grandchildren came to visit her frequently. However, she was37. She spent a lot of time thinking about her 38 and about her dead husband. Her children 39about her and asked Dr. Green to see her.

Mrs. Green was an experienced doctor. She knew old people became upset in their ways and didn’t like to 40what to do. She decided to get to know Mrs. White before she said anything. During the visit, Dr. Green asked Mrs White to give her a 41of the house. Mrs. White was 42 her house and happily agreed. As they walked from room to room, Dr. Green 43that there were a lot of violets (紫罗兰) in every window. She asked, “44 _ do you have so many violets?” Mrs White replied, “ I love these 45and they 46so fast that I have more and more. When the tour of the house was over, Dr. Green said, “I have one suggestion to make. Whenever you 47a friend or a neighbor that is 48in bed or getting married, give 49one of your violets.”

Mrs White said 50about the doctor’s advice and for a few months 51her visit, she didn’t give away any of her violets. Then one day she was invited to the 52of her neighbors daughter. She put a ribbon(丝带) on one of her potted plants and took it to the party. Later one of her friends was sick so she took a violet plant and took it to the hospital. 53 she began to give more and more of her potted violets to her neighbors. Over the years she 54so many that she became known as the “ 55lady”.

【小题1】A.wellB.aloneC.quietlyD.happily【小题2】A.cheerfulB.delightedC.unhappyD.disappointed【小题3】A.moneyB.childrenC.big houseD.old age【小题4】A.talkedB.thoughtC.worriedD.learned【小题5】A.be toldB.be orderedC.be wantedD.be invited【小题6】A.tourB.viewC.sightD.picture【小题7】A.proud ofB.familiar with C.interested inD.anxious about【小题8】A.lookedB.showedC.noticedD.watched【小题9】A.HowB.WhyC.WhenD.Where【小题10】A.roomsB.windowsC.childrenD.flowers【小题11】A grow B. make C. become D. produce

【小题12】A.askB.getC.hearD.want【小题13】A.illB.sadC.excitedD.pleased【小题14】A.itB.meC.youD.them【小题15】A.nothingB.anythingC.somethingD.everything【小题16】A.beforeB.afterC.duringD.until【小题17】A.lectureB.graduationC.celebrationD.wedding【小题18】A.UsuallyB.ContinuouslyC.GraduallyD.Regularly【小题19】A.sold outB.gave awayC.grewD.kept on【小题20】A.oldB.violetC.richD.famousB





【小题1】由后面的句子her children and grandchildren came to visit her frequently可以知道她一人住

【小题2】由后面的句子She spent a lot of time thinking about her…可以知道她不高兴

【小题3】由后面的句子and about her dead husband.可以知道她花费很长时间想她的年龄和她已经去世的老公

【小题4】固定词组worry about意思“担心”,句子意思“她的孩子们担心她”

【小题5】由前面的句子She knew old people became upset in their ways可以知道不喜欢被告诉该做什么

【小题6】由前面的句子During the visit可以知道她让格林博士在她的房间参观了一下

【小题7】固定词组be proud of意思“以…为自豪”,句子意思“怀特太太以她的房子为自豪”

【小题8】由后面的句子that there were a lot of violets (紫罗兰) in every window.可以知道是注意

【小题9】由后面的句子do you have so many violets可以知道是问原因,句子意思“格林博士问:‘为什么有这么多的紫罗兰’”

【小题10】由前面的句子there were a lot of violets (紫罗兰) in every window.可以知道是花

【小题11】由后面的句子so fast that I have more and more可以知道紫罗兰生长得很快

【小题12】由后面的句子that is 48in bed or getting married,可以知道是听说

【小题13】由后面的句子in bed可以知道是生病,句子意思“听说生病的朋友或邻居”

【小题14】由前面的句子a friend or a neighbor可以知道是他们

【小题15】由前面的句子She knew old people became upset in their ways and didn’t like to…可以知道怀特太太什么都没说


【小题17】由前面的句子in bed or getting married,可以知道是参加婚礼


【小题19】由前面的句子she didn’t give away any of her violets可以知道是分发

【小题20】由前面的句子she began to give more and more of her potted violets to her neighbors.可以知道是紫罗兰女士
