1000字范文 > When Mr. David retired(退休) he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it

When Mr. David retired(退休) he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it

时间:2024-06-04 18:58:39


When Mr. David retired(退休)  he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it


When Mr. David retired(退休), he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it. But to his surprise, many visitors came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night, there were visitors outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into the house. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said,“If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心),come in and look around. Price: twenty dollars.”Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire, not to work as a guide(导游)”, he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.

【小题1】Mr. David’s house was that many visitors came to see it.A.so small B.so quietC.so interestingD.such interesting【小题2】Mr. David put a notice on the window in order.A.to drive the visitors awayB.to satisfy the visitors curiosityC.to let visitors come in and look aroundD.to get some money out of the visitors【小题3】The notice made the visitors .A.more interested in his houseB.lost interest in his houseC.angry at the unfair priceD.feel happy about the price【小题4】After Mr. David put up the notice .A.the visitors didn’t come any moreB.fewer and fewer visitors came to see his houseC.more and more visitors came for a visitD.no visitor would pay the money for a visit【小题5】At last he had to sell his house and move away because .A.he did not like it at allB.he could not work as a guideC.he made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive houseD.he could not live a quiet life in itC



解析:本文讲述了Mr. David退休以后来到海边买了一个小房子,想安静地度过自己的退休生活,却没有想到,很多游客对他买的这个小屋很感兴趣,不断的有人来参观,最后他不得不把这个房子卖掉了。

【小题1】C 细节题。根据文章第三行for it was the most interesting building in the village.说明他的这个小房子非常有趣。故C正确。

【小题2】A 细节题。根据文章5,6,73行He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said,“If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心),come in and look around. Price: twenty dollars.”说明他写的那个告示是想把游客赶走的。故A正确。

【小题3】A 推理题。根据文章倒数2,3,4行Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house.说明这个通知并没有让那些游客离开,反而让他们对这个小房子更加感兴趣了。故A正确。

【小题4】C 细节题。根据倒数2,3,4行Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house.说明更多的游客来到小房子参观,故C正确。

【小题5】D 推理题。根据文章最后一句“I came here to retire, not to work as a guide(导游)”, he said angrily.和第一句When Mr. David retired(退休), he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it说明他是想来这里过安静地退休生活的,但是很多游客让他的计划落空,所以他不得不把房子卖掉了。故D正确。
