1000字范文 > I went to my favorite restaurant one evening to have supper. I knew the owner very well. 3

I went to my favorite restaurant one evening to have supper. I knew the owner very well. 3

时间:2022-12-19 13:18:08


I went to my favorite restaurant one evening to have supper. I knew the owner very well. 3


I went to my favorite restaurant one evening to have supper. I knew the owner very well. 36 _ I was waiting for the soup to arrive, I looked around to see if I knew anyone in the restaurant. It was 37_ that I noticed a man sitting at the corner table 38 watching in my direction, as if he knew me. The man had a newspaper open 39him, which he was 40 to read, though all the while I could see that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought the soup, the man was clearly 41_ by the familiar way in which the waiter and I talked to each other. He became even more puzzled as time went on and it grew more and more obvious that I was well 42 in the restaurant. In the end he got up and went to the kitchen. After a few minutes he came_ 43 again, paid his bill and left without 44 looking in my direction.

When I finished and was 45 to pay my bill, I called the owner over and 46him what the man had wanted. The owner at47_ didn’t want to tell me. I 48 “Well”, he said “ that man was a detective.” “49?” I said, much surprised. “he followed you here because he_ 50 you were the man he was looking for,” the owner said. “He showed me a photo of the51 man. He certainly looked 52 you! Of course since we know you here. I was able to make him 53 _that he had made a mistake.” “It’s 54 I came to a restaurant where I’m where I’m known,” I said, “otherwise I 55have been taken to police station!”

【小题1】A While B. After C. Before D. Until

【小题2】A.timeB.thenC.hereD.there【小题3】A.beganB.enjoyedC.keptD.stopped【小题4】A.behindB.overC.in front ofD.beside【小题5】A.pretending B.seenC.preparedD.hold【小题6】A.frightened B.surprised C.puzzledD.pleased【小题7】A.treatedB.welcomed C.receivedD.known【小题8】A.aroundB.upC.inD.out【小题9】A.anotherB.allC.anyD.each【小题10】A.ableB.aboutC.willingD.anxious【小题11】A.toldB.showedC.askedD.gave【小题12】A.lastB.firstC.leastD.once【小题13】A.insistedB.apologized C.wonderedD.regretted【小题14】A.CertainlyB.ReallyC.WhyD.How【小题15】A.knewB.foundC.explainD.thought【小题16】A.strangeB.famousC.wantedD.curious【小题17】A.forB.atC.afterD.like【小题18】A.believeB.agreeC.rememberD.learn【小题19】A.necessaryB.funnyC.luckyD.clear【小题20】A.needB.willC.canD.mightA




【小题1】A 连词辨析。A当…时;B在…之后;C在…之前;D直到…才。句意:当我在等我的汤的时候…

【小题2】B 用法分析。本题是一个强调句型,强调的是时间状语then,就在这时我注意到坐在角落的一个人不停第看着我这个方向。

【小题3】C 动词辨析。Keep doing sth不停地做某事。解析同上。

【小题4】C 介词辨析。A在..后面;B超过;C在…前面;D在…旁边;在他的面前有一份报纸,他假装在看。

【小题5】A 动词辨析。A假装;B看见;C准备了D坚持。解析同上。

【小题6】C 形容词辨析.A 害怕;B惊讶的;C困惑的;D高兴的。他对我和服务员之间熟悉的关系很困惑。

【小题7】D 词义辨析。A对待;B欢迎;C收到;D知道。我在这家餐厅里很出名well-known出名的。

【小题8】D 词义分析。Come out出来。指一会他就从厨房里出来了,付钱走了,一眼也没有再看我、

【小题9】A 词义辨析。A另一个;B所有;C任何;D每一个。解析同上。

【小题10】B 固定词组。Be about to do sth正要做某事。

【小题11】C 动词辨析。A告诉;B展示;C问;D给。指我把店主叫了过来,问他具体情况。

【小题12】B 固定词组。At first起初。指刚开始的时候他不愿意说,但是我坚持要求他告诉我。

【小题13】A 动词辨析。A坚持;B道歉;C想知道;D后悔;解析同上。

【小题14】B 副词辨析。A当然;B真的;C为什么;D如何。指我对他是一个侦探感觉很惊讶。故B正确。


【小题16】C 固定用法。Want通缉。Wanted指被通缉的人。他认为我就是那个被通缉的人。

【小题17】D 固定词组。Look like看起来像…这那个通缉犯和我看起来很相似。

【小题18】A 动词辨析。A相信同意;C记得;D学会。我让他相信他犯了一个错误。

【小题19】C 形容词辨析。A必要的;B滑稽的;C幸运地;D清楚的;我走进了一个熟悉我的餐厅真是幸运。

【小题20】D 情态动词辨析。A需要;B将;C可能;D也许。句意:我也许会被带进警察局。
