1000字范文 > 读写任务Many people believe that in the future computers will be used in lots of everyday acti

读写任务Many people believe that in the future computers will be used in lots of everyday acti

时间:2020-05-27 16:42:59


读写任务Many people believe that in the future computers will be used in lots of everyday acti


读写任务Many people believe that in the future computers will be used in lots of everyday activities. It is thought that we won’t go shopping because many goods are available on the Internet.There will be no more books because all books will be available from electronic libraries.The Internet will be used to book holidays, rent films and order food. Most telephone calls will be made over the Internet as well. Some people are excited about these new developments.Others, however, do not think that computers will replace our present ways of shopping and communicating.

Is Internet shopping as much fun as traditional shopping ? Many people say it is not. It is fun to go into shops and look at the goods in person. It is also unlikely that many people will want to read large texts on their computers because paper books will possibly be more user- friendly. Maybe, computers won’t change these habits.









2. 作文中不能出现自己的真实姓名和学校名称。


概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。This passage mainly talks about different uses of Internet shopping such as buying goods, booking holidays, renting films and so on. It also states people’s different attitudes towards Internet shopping..


(答案→)This passage mainly talks about different uses of Internet shopping such as buying goods, booking holidays, renting films and so on. It also states people’s different attitudes towards Internet shopping..

