1000字范文 > 第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)It was hard to accept

第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)It was hard to accept

时间:2021-08-17 00:14:25


第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)It was hard to accept



It was hard to accept, but the horrible day had finally arrived. I still remember the tears in my six-year-old sister’s eyes as she looked around the 36_closet in wonder. The space once filled with 37_ clothes now held only loneliness and sorrow. This little child had come to the 38_ that her father was gone. He had 39_ us, and there was simply no way to change it.

Being the 40_ of four girls has never been easy, but with the departure of our father, our 41_ and dreams were ruined beyond repair. My mother, the most amazingly warm-hearted person in the world, worked harder than anyone should simply to 42_ our broken family. However, long hours at work often prevented her from 43_ being there in our times of need. This is where I have acted as the temporary 44_ of my three small sisters.

Many students 45_ essays about their leadership positions in school and the community, but I 46_that my greatest accomplishment is the 47_ I have played within my own family.

The senior year in high school is not 48_ for anyone, especially when it feels like the entire world is 49_ on your shoulders. I’ve been trying hard to fulfill the dream my mother 50_ for my future. She was not able 51_ her college education dure to lack of money, 52_ this success is her top priority(优先处理的事)for her 53_.

A leader is described as noe who has influence on others. I hope that my leadership 54_ the lives of my sisters and everyone around me. In 55_myself to my family and school, I have set goals that I will accomplish great things.

36.A.heavy B.full C.empty D.broken

37.A.her B.his C.our D.their

38.A.protection B.prediction C.realization D.imagination

39.A.left B.avoided C.controlled D.believed

40.A.busiest B.happiest C.smartest D.oldest

41.A.career B.world C.school pany

42.A.examine B.suit C.enjoy D.mend

43.A.physically B.carefully C.mentally D.proudly

44.A.caretaker B.playmate C.teacher D.friend

45.A.hate B.write C.learn D.teach

46.A.ignore B.feel C.deny D.regret

47.A.card B.music C.role D.game

48.A.sad B.boring C.hard D.simple

49.A.resting B.working C.focusing D.basing

50.A.abandons B.explains C.continues D.holds

51.A.give plete C.survive D.forget

52.A.as B.but C.so D.or

53.A.future B.job C.family D.children

54.A.saves B.risks C.affects D.spends

55.A.presenting B.devoting C.connecting D.attaching36-40:CBCAD 41-45:BDAAB 46-50:BCDAD 51-55:BCDCB


(答案→)36-40:CBCAD 41-45:BDAAB 46-50:BCDAD 51-55:BCDCB


第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)It was hard to accept but the horrible day had finally arriv
