1000字范文 > III. Cloze (20 points)I’d meant to go to Miros that day. I’d packed my bag and was ready.

III. Cloze (20 points)I’d meant to go to Miros that day. I’d packed my bag and was ready.

时间:2020-01-15 08:08:04


III. Cloze (20 points)I’d meant to go to Miros that day. I’d packed my bag and was ready.


III. Cloze (20 points)

I’d meant to go to Miros that day. I’d packed my bag and was ready. The motor-boat36 in on time. The sky was cloudy, but the wind wasn’t too strong for the two-hour 37. I stood at my window, staring at the boat. Then I lost 38 of her, an old light-house partly blocked my view of the harbour. A dozen passengers were 39 their way there. I was about to join them---when a man’s face 40 at the light-house window.

This was strange, because the light-house had been empty, unused and 41 for thirty years. It was stranger still---because I’d seen that 42 before. I couldn’t place it but it was, or had once been, familiar to me. I opened my window and 43 across.

“I know we’ve met before, but I can’t remember where.”

I 44 him to open his if he could and answer me. He did neither. The face behind the glass 45 motionless. Seeing him more clearly now, I knew he was not looking at me. He seemed to be looking upwards, 46 the clouds. How well I’d known that face, sometime, somewhere!

I 47 again. “We met years ago. Was it in Athens in the 1950s? I used to live in Plaka.”

He didn’t reply nor give any 48 that he’d heard. I went back further, to 49 I was in the navy.” Perhaps we met at sea during the war,” and that thought at once 50 him to mind. Commander Leftis! He was Commander Leftis of course! How could I have forgotten? I’d saved his life once. But surely he…

The motor-boat 51 her bell. I turned my eyes. The wind had risen, but she was pulling. 52. Laughing, I called, “Now I’ve missed her, and it’s your 53, Commander!’

As the boat drew away, the face at the window faded. 54 minute it was there, looking up. I could see the whites of the eyes. The 55 it was gone.

Well, I didn’t rush to the light-house. I knew that Leftis was dead. He died at sea in 1963 or ’64. But there’s one other thing I ought to tell you: the motor-boat never reached Miros. It was lost in a storm, with all the passengers.

36.A.reached B.arrived C.went D.came

37.A.voyage B.crossing C.travel D.boating

38.A.sight B.way C.patience D.chances

39.A.searching B.finding C.making D.hurrying

40.A.placed B.existed C.occurred D.appeared

41.A.locked B.opened C.rebuilt D.chained

42.A.man B.face C.window D.light-house

43.A.jumped B.ran C.shouted D.screamed

44.A.expected B.hoped C.believed D.asked

45.A.became B.remained C.seemed D.grew

46.A.through B.after C.for D.at

47.A.persuaded B.repeated C.tried D.continued

48.A.suggestion B.answer C.sign D.action

49.A.when B.which C.where D.how

50.A.kept B.brought C.caused D.changed

51.A.beat B.rang C.turned on D.put on

52.A.up B.down C.in D.out

53.A.problem B.question C.duty D.fault

54.A.Each B.Every C.One D.Some

55.A.next B.rest C.other D.last36-50 DBACD ABCAB DCCAB BDDCA



