1000字范文 > 【泛读】英镑面临退欧后的连续断崖式暴跌


时间:2023-12-19 04:24:43




本文字数:2150 字

阅读时间:15 分钟

The pound’s slide is about more than Brexit


Worries about a trade war and the domestic economy play a role too


IN THE WEE hours of June 24th the pound plunged. The unexpected victory of the Leave campaign in the Brexit referendum meant sterling lost 7% in a single day. Three years later the pound is falling once again. It is now at a two-year low, having fallen by 5% against the dollar since April—and 1% in the past month, the worst performance of any big currency (see chart). Many Britons ascribe any movement in the pound to the twists and turns of the Brexit saga. The cause of its recent slide is, however, more complicated.

Sterling has been weaker since the referendum because the prospect of Brexit has led economists to cut their forecasts for economic growth. It reached a low in October when Theresa May, the prime minister, promised a “hard” Brexit. Yet it appreciated fairly steadily in and .

This was in part because the economy was surprisingly strong. GDP grew only slightly more slowly in -18 than before the referendum. Unemployment fell to multi-decade lows. Despite Mrs May’s best efforts, traders came to believe that the most likely outcome was a “soft” Brexit—that is, a customs union with the European Union and membership of the single market—and thus less economic harm.

The pound’s recent fall started in April, shortly after the EU agreed to delay Brexit to October 31st. Some traders worried that it would brook no further delay. Yet global factors played a greater role. Around May traders began to panic about the effect of a trade war between America and China on global economic growth. That prompted “derisking”—moving assets out of countries highly reliant on inflows of foreign capital. Britain, which runs a large current-account deficit, saw its currency depreciate. But so did Australia and New Zealand, points out Kamal Sharma of Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Both countries also run large current-account deficits.

Since then worries about the trade war have eased—to be replaced by a fresh concern, the health of Britain’s economy. In June the statistics office alarmed analysts by revealing that GDP had fallen in April by 0.4%, although May was better. Other survey >

Sterling’s fall has accelerated in the past week, as the two contenders to replace Mrs May have vied to sound more macho on the need to leave the EU on October 31st, with or without a withdrawal deal. Even now, few if any analysts believe that a no-deal exit is the most likely outcome. But many are on the brink of changing their mind. If no-deal starts to be priced in, the pound will have much further to fall.







这引起了“风险规避(de-前缀为away from 意,指逃离)”——将资产从高度依赖外资流入的国家转移出去。英国经常账户赤字巨大,货币贬值。但是美银美林的Kamal Sharma指出,澳大利亚和新西兰也是如此。两国都有巨额活期账户赤字。








