1000字范文 > 引人共鸣的情感语录 精辟犀利 让人深有同感!

引人共鸣的情感语录 精辟犀利 让人深有同感!

时间:2021-08-20 02:14:57


引人共鸣的情感语录 精辟犀利 让人深有同感!

一、人生是一条没有回程的单行线,上帝不会给你一张返程的票。对待生活中的每一天若都像生命中的最后一天去对待,人生定会更精彩。记住活在昨天的人失去过去,活在明天的人失去未来,活在今天的人拥有过去和未来。给自己加油,打气,继续去完成你曾经的梦想,勇敢的去挑战自己,历练自己!Life is a one-way street without return. God won"t give you a return ticket. If we treat every day of life like the last day of life, life will be more wonderful.

Remember that those who live yesterday lose the past, those who live tomorrow lose the future, and those who live today have the past and the future. Come on, cheer up, continue to fulfill your dreams, dare to challenge yourself, and experience yourself!

二、不知道是越来越独立,还是越来越心虚,走了这么久,发现唯一靠得住的还是自己,只有你把自己变好了,你足够强大了,才不会在意他人。does not know whether it is more and more independent or more guilty. After walking for so long, it finds that the only reliable thing is yourself. Only when you make yourself better, you are strong enough, you will not care about others.

三、闭上眼睛,安静内心告诉自己。别人想什么,我们控制不了;别人做什么,我们也强求不了。唯一可以做的,就是尽心尽力做好自己的事,走自己的路,按自己的原则,好好生活。即使有人亏待了你,时间也不会亏待你,人生更加不会亏待你。closes its eyes and tells itself quietly. We can"t control what others think; we can"t force others to do. The only thing we can do is to do our best, walk our own way, live a good life according to our own principles. Even if someone treats you badly, time will not treat you badly, and life will not treat you badly.

四、我们就这样,淡化一段情,你选择新欢,我选择时间。没有谁的生活是一帆风顺,总有一些痛苦会折磨我们的心灵,只有相信未来,不乱于心,不困于情,努力工作,明天会更好!In this way, we dilute a relationship, you choose a new lover, I choose the time. No one"s life is smooth sailing, there will always be some pain will torment our soul, only believe in the future, not confused with the heart, not trapped in feelings, hard work, tomorrow will be better!

五、假如你跌倒了,我会扶你站起来,扶不起来的话,我也会躺下去,陪着你。有时候想起你,就觉得以前这个人和我那么好,光晚安都要花半个小时的人,现在不是我的了,真的好难受。If you fall, I will help you stand up, if I can"t, I will lie down and accompany you. Sometimes when I think of you, I think that this person and I used to be so good, it takes half an hour to have a good night, but now it"s not mine, it"s really very uncomfortable.

六、 对于任何人来说,在爱情里最大的委屈就是,他和你在一起,心里想的却是另一个人。而可悲的是,你明明知道,还要装作不知道,只是害怕他真的离开。For anyone, the greatest grievance in love is that he is with you, thinking of another person. Sadly, you know it and pretend you don"t know it, but you"re afraid that he"ll really leave.

七、人生是一连串的抉择,每个人的前途和命运完全把握在自己的手中,只要肯努力,终会有所成。过去的人,有他们出现的意义,但不要太念念不忘。过去的人有过去的好,但最好的,都是你身边的那个。life is a series of choices. Everyone"s future and destiny are completely in his own hands. As long as he is willing to work hard, he will achieve something. Past people have their meaning, but don"t dwell too much on them. People in the past have had a good past, but the best is the one around you.

八、真的朋友,就是下雨天里的一把伞,宁可淋湿自己,也要撑起一片晴空;真的朋友,任凭岁月变迁,依然雷打不动一直都在,纵然风云变幻,依然不离不弃从未走远;真的朋友,风雨飘摇的日子里,能给你最温暖的鼓励,失魂落魄的岁月里,能给你最真诚的陪伴。A true friend is an umbrella in a rainy day, who would rather wet himself, but also hold up a clear sky; a true friend, despite the changes of years, still thunder and thunder has always been there, even if the wind and clouds change,

still never abandon and never go far; a true friend, in the days of wind and rain, can give you the warmest encouragement, in the years of loss of soul, can give you the most sincere company.

九、如果你已经制定了一个远大的计划,那么就在你的生命中,用最大的努力去实现这个目标吧。余生还很长,不能因为一个人的离开而失去了生活的动力,更不能因为一个人而毁掉了自己的余生。If you have made a big plan, try your best to achieve it in your life. The rest of life is still very long. We should not lose the power of life because of one"s departure, let alone destroy the rest of our life because of one"s departure.

十、 在这个世界上,没有一劳永逸、完美无缺的选择。你不可能同时拥有春花和秋月,不可能同时拥有硕果和繁花,不可能所有的好处都是你的。你要学会权衡利弊,学会放弃一些什么,然后才有可能得到些什么。你要学会接受命的残缺和悲哀,然后,心平气和。in this world, there is no once-for-all, perfect choice. You can"t have spring flowers and autumn months at the same time, you can"t have fruits and flowers at the same time, you can"t have all the benefits. You have to learn to weigh the pros and cons, learn to give up something, and then you can get something. You have to learn to accept the incompleteness and sadness of life, and then be calm.


Sprinkle time in the running water, all the way east, without stopping. Life is a boat, drifting in the river of time. Living in this precious world, flowers with brocade or life with strings, we should have a heart that knows how to live and love life. We should like sunflowers, face the sun with a smiling face, and print the red warmth into our hearts.

十二、我喜欢快乐,却还是为你流下伤心的泪水;曾经以为我是你的春天,可我忘了,春天的后面是寒冬;曾经以为,我能戒情,戒网,戒伤心,可我忘了,最难戒的却是你!I like happiness, but still shed sad tears for you; once thought I was your spring, but I forgot, behind the spring is winter; once thought, I can abstain from emotions, Internet, sadness, but I forgot, the most difficult to abstain is you!

十三、真正的感情不是不吵不闹,而是吵闹后依然在一起;不是没有心痛,而是心痛后学会如何相处相依。其实,并不是所有人都有那么好的脾气;如果,你恰巧碰到了那个愿意迁就你的人,请记得别磨光了他的感情。The real feeling is not not to be quiet, but to be together after being noisy, not to be without heartache, but to learn how to get along with each other after being heartached. In fact, not everyone has such a good temper; if you happen to meet the person who is willing to accommodate you, please remember not to rub off his feelings.

十四、相遇总是猝不及防,而离别多是蓄谋已久,总有一些人会慢慢淡出你的生活,你要学会接受而不是怀念。因为有你我才努力过来的,我很高兴已经尽了力,让我比以前更了解自己。meeting is always cautious, and parting is often deliberate for a long time, there are always some people will slowly fade out of your life, you have to learn to accept rather than miss. Because of you, I have worked hard. I am glad that I have done my best to let me know myself better than before.

十五、做最真实最漂亮的自己,依心而行,别回头,别四顾,别管别人说什么。比不上你的,才议论你;比你强的,人家忙着赶路,根本不会多看你一眼。Be the most authentic and beautiful self, act according to your heart, don"t look back, don"t look around, don"t care what others say. It"s not as good as yours that you are talked about; it"s better than yours that people are too busy to look at you more.

十六、 成熟就意味着你要做到难过不声张,有事自己扛。你走之后,我身边又有了很多人,只是没再对谁那么上心。人生的旅途中,你总有那么一段时间,需要自己走,需要自己扛,不要感觉害怕,不要感觉孤单,这只不过是成长支付的代价。

Maturity means you have to be sad and quiet and carry things on your own. After you left, there were many people around me, but they didn"t care who they were. In the journey of life, you always have a period of time, need to walk, need to carry, do not feel afraid, do not feel lonely, it is only the cost of growth.

十七、如果找不到坚持下去的理由,那就找一个重新开始的理由,生活本来就这么简单,只需要一点点勇气,你就可以把你的生活转个身,重新开始,生命太短,没有时间留给遗憾,若不是终点,请微笑一直向前。If you can"t find a reason to persevere, find a reason to start afresh. Life is so simple. With a little courage, you can turn your life around and start afresh. Life is too short to leave any time for regret. If it"s not the end, please smile and move on.

十八、生活真的好累,可我又不能去死吧,那些难捱的事还得咬咬牙挺过去,不管过程怎么艰难,努力点总比碌碌无为要来的好吧。life is really tired, but I can not die, those difficult things have to grind their teeth through, no matter how difficult the process, hard work is always better than nothing to do.


There is nothing to complain about. Every step of today is to pay for every choice before, which is also called responsibility. No complaint, every step of today is to lay out every success in the future, which is also called precipitation.


A person who really pursues something will make plans according to his own pursuit and put them into practice steadily. In this process, let oneself gradually become full and powerful, only then has the opportunity to approach the dream to the greatest extent. Don"t sigh and grieve before you try your best.

二十一、惟有心怀光亮望向远方,才能看见幸福真正的模样。真正拥抱自己。更好的生活,正在前方等着你!只是,但凡有比较,就难免心生自大,或自卑的情绪,以己之长比人之短,就难免骄矜狂妄,以己以短比人之长,又难免自惭形秽。can only see the true appearance of happiness when they look far away with a bright heart. Really embrace yourself. Better life, waiting for you! However, whenever there are comparisons, it is unavoidable to feel arrogant or inferior.

If you compare your own advantages with others, you will inevitably be arrogant and arrogant. If you compare your own shortcomings with those of others, you will inevitably be ashamed of yourself.

二十二、你要逼自己优秀,因为只要变优秀了,所有事才会跟着好起来,别整天奢望会遇见什么对的人,因为就算遇见了也抓不住,你优秀了,自然有对的人与你并肩,错的人迟早走散,而相爱的终将再相逢。You have to force yourself to be excellent, because as long as you become good, everything will follow. Don"t expect to meet the right people all day long, because even if you meet, you can"t catch it. You are excellent, there are naturally the right people side by side with you. Sooner or later, the wrong people will be separated, and love will eventually meet again.





情感语录 | 情感中能真正读懂这9句话的人,都是有故事的人。
