1000字范文 > 【英语】海员常用英语口语问与答 PART 3

【英语】海员常用英语口语问与答 PART 3

时间:2018-10-23 02:55:32


【英语】海员常用英语口语问与答 PART 3

1.What is your purpose to prepare the Confirmation of Collision Occurrence to the Captain of the other vessel?

----to make the fact clear and avoid possible disputes.

2.What shall be usually attached to the report on the collision accident?

----abstract of Log Book, witnesses, and photo pictures if necessary.

3.When should a sea protest be submitted to and endorsed by the authorities concerned?

----when heavy weather was encountered, and the ship or cargo might have been damaged.

4. Generally speaking, which is responsible for damage after a collision between moored and a vessel underway?

----the vessel underway is responsible for the damage.

5.What is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision?

---- Five short and rapid blasts.

6. What actions will you take after a collision with another vessel?

----take coordinate actions between the two vessels, stand by rescue.

7. As a Chief Office r, what is your responsibility in damage control operation?

----in damage control operation, the chief officer is in charge of the operation on the spot.

8. What does “SOPEP” mean?

----Ship Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.

9. Whom shall be reported to in case of an oil pollution incident?

----The authorities of the coastal countries.

10.What is the first step in handling the cargo damage caused by the stevedores? ----report the incident to the Chief Officer and ask the foreman to confirm the cargo damage.

11.What anti-stowaway precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port?

----Patrol the ship and check all the possible places.

12.What is your first response when you detect a fire?

----1) shout aloud to the crewmembers

2) sound fire alarm nearby

3) report to the bridge

13.What can be used to handle an oil spill?

----use saw dust or sponge or other oil pollution.

14.What are the ways to refloat a grounded vessel?

----1) wait for high tide.

2) transfer some cargoes, bunkers or ballasts from the grounded area to the end of the other side.

3) ask tug for assistance.

15.Can you list some ways of correcting listing?

----Yes, I can. 1) ballast or deballast to adjust the list.2) shift some cargo damage.

16.What will you fist do if you find some oil near your vessel while bunkering?

----Stop bunkering and report to Coastal Guard.

17.What will you do first if a crewmember was seriously injured?

----Take some due measures and ask for emergency medical assistance from shore or other ships if possible.

18.What will you do first if your vessel is under attack by pirates?

----Sound the alarm to muster all the crewmembers in station to fight against the pirates according to ISPS.

19. What kind of fire extinguishers can you use for an electric fire?

----Foam extinguisher, CO2 extinguisher and so on.

20. What can not be used for an electric fire?

----water and foam.

21. What are the three components of fire?

---- oxygen, fuel and ignation.

22. How often is a fire drill required to be carried out on cargo ships?

----once a moth.

23. What must you do if you find a fire on board?

----sound the alarm and report to the bridge at once.

24. What does the Muster List show?

----Crew’s station and liability in fire-fighting and boat drills.

25. What will you first do if you see a person fall overboard?

----Throw a life to him, keep him in sight, hard-a-starboard if he falls overboard on the starboard side to the and report to the captain.

26. How often is a boat drill required to be carried out on cargo ships?

---- once a moth.

27. Can you list at least three different kinds of fire extinguishers?

---- CO2 extinguisher ,Foam extinguisher, water and dry powder.

28. In general, what parties are involved in a fire drill?

---- fire-fighting party, separation party, rescue party and so on.

29. Where should fire control plan be located?

----in the corridor of the main deck and in the water-tight boxes marked fire control plan on the both sides of the accommodation quarters.

30. How often will the lifeboat be launched into water?

----once three months, It can be launched with the harbor’s promission..

31. What does “retreat signal” mean?

----to order the team to return its base.

32. What is “general alarm signal”?

----emergency alarm for collision , grounding, flooding and so on.

33. What does “fire patrol” mean?

----patrol to find the sign of fire.

34. What is “damage control team”?

----a group of crew fight against damage.

35. What is on fire?

----inflammable material burn accidentally

36. Is smoke toxic? ----Yes, it is toxic.

37. Is fire under control?

----Yes, it is under control.

38. Is the fire extinguished?

----Yes, it is extinguished.

39. Has flooding stopped?

----Yes, the flooding stopped.

40. How much water is in the vessel?

----about 1000 T.

41. Is danger imminent?

----Yes, it is imminent.

42. What is the nature of sea bottom?


43. What is the sea state?

----calm/ rough.

44. What does “initial course” mean in search and rescue operation?

“Initial course” refers to the course directed by the OSC (on-scene commander﹞or CSS (coodinator of surface search) at the beginning of a search.

45. What does “ jettison of cargo” mean?

Jettison cargo: to deliberately throw cargo for ship’s safety sake.

46. What’s the difference between “heel” and “list”?

Heel means an inclination to port or to starboard due to outside reasons such as strong wind , current,etc. List means an inclination to port or to starboard due to inside reasons such as loading, discharging,etc.

47. What does “EPIRB”stand for?

EPIRB stands for Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon.

48. What does SAR stand for?

SAR stands for Search and Rescue.

49. What is INMARSAT short for ?

INMARSAT stands for International Maritime Satellite Organization.

50. What does UTC stand for?

UTC stands for Universal Time Coodinated.

51. What does RCC stand for?

RCC stands for Rescue Coodination center.

52. What is SART?

SART stands for Search and Rescue Transponder.

53. Can you list three or more search patterns?

Expanding square search pattern, sector search pattern, parallel search pattern, ship / aircraft coodinated search pattern.

54. What does a “ hampered vessel” mean?

A hampered vessel means a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, that is to say, a vessel which is from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre as required by COLREG and is therefore unable to keep put of the way of another vessel.

55. What does MMSI stand for ?

MMSI stands for Mritime Mobile Service Identities.

56. What is “Muster List “ ?

Muster list is a list showing crew’s station and liability in fire fighting and boat drills.

57. What does OSC stand for ?

OSC stands for on-scene commander.

58. What does VHF stand for ?

VHF stands for very high frequency.

59. What is the result of search ?

The result of search is negative.

60. Will you abandon vessel?
