1000字范文 > TED演讲 | 当键盘侠越来越多 会带来什么后果?

TED演讲 | 当键盘侠越来越多 会带来什么后果?

时间:2021-02-09 03:07:50


TED演讲 | 当键盘侠越来越多 会带来什么后果?



演讲者:Jon Ronson标题:当键盘侠越来越多,会带来什么后果?When online shaming goes too far

当键盘侠越来越多 来自TED英语演说优选 00:00 17:33


In the early days of Twitter, it was like aplace of radical de-shaming.People would admit shameful secrets about themselves,Twitter刚出不久时,像是个奇葩类的供消除羞耻感的地方。人们会直讳一些羞于启齿的秘密,and other people would say, "Oh my God, I"m exactly thesame."Voiceless people realized that they had a voice,and it was powerful and eloquent.其他人就会搭腔说,“天啊,我跟你一模一样。”欲言无处诉的人意识到自己有话语权了,而且还能声势浩大、振振有词。If a newspaper ran some racist or homophobic column,werealized we could do something about it. We could get them.遇到哪份报张发表了某种歧视或反GAY的言论时,我们就知道可以采取行动了。我们能把他们揪出来。We could hit them with a weapon that we understood but they didn"t --a social media shaming.Advertisers would withdraw their advertising.我们可以用炮轰他们——用他们觉得陌生而我们得心应手的武器,叫社交媒体羞辱法。广告商就会撤回广告。When powerful people misused their privilege,we were going to get them.遇到有权有势之士滥用特权的时候,我们就可以把他们给揪出来。This was like the democratization of justice.Hierarchies were being leveled out.We were going to do things better.简直就像法律的民主化。阶层差异被推平了。很多事情我们都可以做得更好了。Soon after that, a disgraced pop science writer called Jonah Lehrer --he"d been caught plagiarizing and faking quotes,and he was drenched in shame and regret, he told me.And he had the opportunityto publicly apologize at a foundation lunch.This was going to be the most important speech of his life.那之后不久,一位名叫乔纳·雷尔的知名科学作家,做了件丢人的事——抄袭和捏造引据,并因之深陷羞辱和悔恨,他对我说,他得到一个机会可以在一次基金午餐会上公开道歉。那将会是他生命中最重要的一次讲话的了。Maybe it would win him some salvation.He knew before he arrivedthat the foundation was going to be live-streaming his event,but what he didn"t know until he turned up,was that they"d erected a giant screen Twitter feed right next to his head.(Laughter)Another one in a monitor screen in his eye line.可能会为他挽回一点颜面。出席之前他知道该基金会将要流媒体直播他的讲话,但他没有料到的是,到了会场之后,才发现现场竖起了一个巨大的推特荧屏,就挨他的头旁边。(笑声)另一个电脑荧屏则在他的视线之内。I don"t think the foundation did this because they were monstrous.I think they were clueless: I think this was a unique momentwhen the beautiful naivety of Twitterwas hitting the increasingly horrific reality.该基金会的如此做法我不认为是出于豺狼之性,我认为他们是愚昧而已:以我之见,就在那特别一刻推特的美丽单纯与现实的日益残酷来了场正面碰撞。And here were some of the Tweets that were cascading into his eye line,as he was trying to apologize: "Jonah Lehrer, boring us into forgiving him."(Laughter)以下几条是当时在现场出现的推文,当时他正准备道歉:“乔纳·雷尔,想通过让我们无聊的方式来原谅他。”(笑声)And, "Jonah Lehrer has not proven that he is capable of feeling shame."That one must have been written by the best psychiatrist ever,to know that about such a tiny figure behind a lectern.“乔纳·雷尔仍未证明自己是个会羞耻的人。”写这条的人一定是史上最高明的精神医生,远远看一眼讲台后的小小身影就能进行诊断

