1000字范文 > 仁爱版 | 初三下册英语重点知识点梳理 让你开学成绩赶超学霸!

仁爱版 | 初三下册英语重点知识点梳理 让你开学成绩赶超学霸!

时间:2022-09-29 20:15:20


仁爱版 | 初三下册英语重点知识点梳理 让你开学成绩赶超学霸!

Unit 5 Topic 1



1. attract (v.) 吸引---attraction (名词)-- attractive (adj.) 吸引人的 2. tour ---tourist (名词) 游客

3. introduce (动词)--introduction(名词)

4.long ( adj. )--- length ( n. )

5. high( adj.) –height ( n.)

6. wear ---- wore ---- worn

7 enemy -- enemies

8. responsible ---- responsibility

( 二.)重点短语

1. know little about 对……几乎不了解

Know more / a little / nothing about…

2. place(s) of interest 名胜古迹

3. the birthplace of Chinese culture 中华文化的发源地

4. attract millions of tourists 吸引了成百万的游客

5. a great number of 许多

the number of …的数目

6. the second longest river 第二长河

7. fetch sb. sth. = fetch sth. for sb. 为某人取某物

8. introduce…in detail 详细地介绍……

introduce A to B 把A 介绍给B

introduce oneself 自我介绍

9.lie in 位于……内

10.run / go through…流经 / 途经……

11. be well worth doing sth.很值得做某事

12. regard…as…把……看成…..

be regarded as …被当作…

13. a symbol of imperial power 帝王权利的象征

14.carve sth. on the stone 把…刻在石头上

15.guard the whole nation 守卫整个民族

16.play an important part / role in 在…发挥重要作用

17.be made of white marble 由白色的大理石制成

18.stretch from …..to…从…. 延伸到….

19.be made of packed earth and wood 由成袋的泥土和木头制成

be made of stone and brick 由石头和砖块制成

20.bring tourists into China 把游客带入中国

21.a treasure of Chinese civilization 中华民族的瑰宝

22.join…together …. 把…连接在一起

23.wear away (wore away, have / has worn away ) 磨损

24.separate …. from …把…从…分开

25. be famous for 因…而著名

be famous as …

be known as …. 作为….而出名

26.an important Chinese export 一项很重要的中国出口产品

27.sound similar to 听起来和…很相像

28.the mild climate 温和的气候

29. rich soil 肥沃的土地

30.develop unique tea culture 发展独一无二的茶文化


1. It is / has been ……since ….. 自从…以来已经多久了

2. And many of them are famous, such as Mount Song, Mount Huang and Mount Emei.


3. Among them, the Changjiang River is the longest one and the second longest one is the Yellow River.


4. What grand buildings!多么壮丽的建筑物啊!

5. It’s said that ….. 据说…

6. It’s a mountain with lots of strange pine trees. 它是一座长着很多奇松的山

7.It stretches from Shanghaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west .


8.The first emperor ,QinShihuang, joined all these smaller walls together to make the Great Wall.


9. These early walls that were made of packed earth and wood wore away in the rain and wind.


10.The Great Wall was first built by ancient people to separate them from their enemies.

\ 起初建筑长城是为了将人们和敌人分离开。

11. TheGreat Wall is a treasure of Chinese civilization and it is regarded as a symbol of the Chinese nation.



1. If you want to learn more, Ican fetch you Guide to China.


fetch = go somewhere and bring sth./ sb. back 到别处去取回或把人请来

fetch sb. sth.= fetch sth. for sb. 为某人取某物

eg. Could you fetch me some chalk? = Could you fetch some chalk for me?

Have you fetched the doctor?

*bring 指从别处把某人(物)带来(拿来)。

take 指拿去;带去”。与bring相反。

fetch 指到别处去取回或把人请来

carry 指搬动较重的物体,无方向性。

eg. Bring me today’s newspaper, please. 请帮我把今天的报纸拿来。

Take this book to my office. 把这本书拿到我的办公室去。

Please fetch a doctor for Lao Li. 请为老李请一位医生来。

Students often help the old man carry water. 学生们经常帮那位老人提水。

2. It (The Yellow River) is the second longest river in China. 它(黄河)是中国的第二长河。

“ the +序数词+形容词最高级+可数名词单数”, 表示“第几……的”。如:

I think computer is the first most useful tool of all. 我想电脑是所有工具中最有用的。

The second most important thing is to come here by yourself. 第二重要的事是你自己来到这儿。

3. It goes through nine provinces and finally joins the Bohai Sea. 它流经九个省份,最终汇入渤海湾。

go through “穿过;通过”,指通过两边,相当于一条直线

go across “穿过;横穿”,指从这边到那边,相当于一条线段

eg. go through the street (竖)穿过街道

go across the street = cross the street (横)过马路

4. be known/famous as…“作为……而出名”

be known/famous for…“因……而出名”

be known to…“为……所熟知”

eg. Yao Ming is known/famous as a basketball player. 姚明作为一名蓝球运动员而出名.

West Lake is known/famous for its beautiful scenery. 西湖因秀丽的景色而出名.

Beijing is known to all the people in the world because of the Olympic Games.



定语从句: 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句。而被修饰的名词或代词被称为先行词。



that 指代“人或物”

which 指代“物”

who/ whom 指代“人”

whose 指代“某人的”

l 关系代词在从句作主语或宾语; whose作定语。作宾语时关系代词可省略。


China is a big country thathas about 5,000 years of history.


That’s all (that) I know. 那是我所知道的全部。

It’s a book which introduces China in detail. 它是一本详细介绍中国的书。

It’s Mount Tai that/ whichlies in Shandong Province.


That’s the most fantastic place (that) Ihave ever heard of.


West Lakewhich lies in Hangzhou is one of the most famous lakes in China.


There are three beautiful places whichshouldn’t be missed by visitors to China.


Unit 5 Topic2


1.think (v.) --- thinker (n.)

2.lead (v.) ---leader (n.)

3.sail (v.) --- sailing (n.) --- sailor (n.)

4.graduate (v.) --- graduation (n.)

5.research (v.) --- researcher (n.)

6.discover (v.) --- discovery (n.)

7.express (v.) --- expression (n.)

8.kindness (n.)---kind (adj.)

9.east (n.) --- eastern (adj.)


1.in the field of education 在教育领域

2.in the year 551 B.C. 在公元前551年

3.a great thinker 一名伟大的思想家

4.in one’s twenties / thirties 在某人20几、30几岁

5.pass away 去世

6.be proud of 为...感到自豪

7.be the pride of 是...的骄傲

8.play an important role / part in 在...起重要作用

9.succeed in doing sth 成功地做...

10.die of / from illness 死于疾病

11.graduate from... 毕业于...

12.make a contribution(s) to sth 为...做贡献

13.return to 返回...

14.set up 建立

15.in charge of 掌管/负责...

16.at the age of 在...岁时

17.travel across the Pacific Ocean to the United Statesfor further study 飘洋过海到美国深造

18.at first 起初

19.at the end of 在...末(结尾)

20.make fireworks 制作烟花


1.He was a great thinker whohad many wise ideas about human nature and behavior.


2. He was also a famous philosopher whose wise saying have influenced many people in different countries.他也是一名著名的哲学家,他的至理名言影响了不同国家的许多人。

3.He was really a great man from whomI can learn a lot.


4.At that time, the compass played an important role in his sailing.


5.He even succeeded in sailing to the east coast of Africa.


6. It’s hard to believe. 难以置信。

7.Unfortunately, he died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433.


8.What a shame! 真可惜

9.Qian Xuesen graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


10.He became a teacher as well as a researcher who studied rockets and missile theories.


11. He was in charge of developing China’s missiles, rocket and spacecraft research programs. 他主管中国的导弹,火箭和宇宙飞船的研究项目。

12. He was honored as “The Father of China’s Missiles”. 他被誉为中国导弹之父。

13. He is really the pride of China. 他的确是中国人的骄傲。

Unit 5 Topic 3


1.see…doing 看见……正在做某事

2.long ago 很久以前


4.have sth. done 让某事被做

5.a symbol of ……的象征

6.look like 看起来像

7.some/one day 某一天

8.ring out 发出清脆的叫声

9.make a report about 做有关……的报告

10.in class 课堂上

11.give up doing 放弃做某事

give…up 放弃

12.not only…but also…不仅……而且

13.in/during one’s lifetime在某人的一生中

14.admire sb. for sth. 因某事钦佩某人

15.exploring spirit 探索精神

16.be born 出生

17.neither…nor 既不……也不

18.encourage sb. to do 鼓励某人做某事

19.call sb... 叫/称某人...

20.during the following years 在接下来的几年里

21.take an active part in 积极参加

22.a highly respected lawyer 高度受人尊重的律师

23.break out 爆发

24.get rid of 消除, 解除, 革除

25.set sb. free 释放某人

26.less than/more than \ 少于/多于

27.study by oneself 自学

28.break up the country 分裂这个国家

29.consider sth. sth. 把某物看成某物

30.at that time 在那时

31.according to 根据

32.order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事

33.…meters high/long/wide 多少米高/长/宽

34.continue to do 继续做某事

35.working people 劳动人民


1. I really hope I can visit some of these places.


2. I think we have learned a lot from the famous people around the world.


3. Not only did she discover radium but also she won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime. 她不仅发现了镭,而且在她的一生中两度获得诺贝尔奖。

4.I admire Thomas Edison both for his exploring spirit and for his great inventions.


5.During the following years, he took a more active part in politics.


6.Studies show that it took 100 000 people over 20 years to complete it.


7. The biggest stone weighs as much as 15 tons. 最大的石头重达15吨。


1. either..or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also…连主语,谓语动词使用就近原则。

Eg: Either you or he is right. 要么你对,要么他对。

Neither he nor his parents have been to Beijing. 他和他的父母都没去过北京。

Not only Jane but also her friends like Chinese food. 不仅简而且她的朋友都喜欢中国的美食。

2. both…and…连主语,谓语动词用复数

Eg: Both he and his uncle like Beijing Opera. 他和他的舅舅都喜欢京剧。

Unit 6 Topic1


1.learn to do sth 学习去做某事

2.play Chinese chess 下中国象棋

3.in one’s spare time 在某人空闲时间

4.prefer doing sth 更喜欢做某事

5.would rather do/ sth than do/ sth 比起..更愿意做...

6.a story with a sad ending 有着悲伤结尾的故事

7.make us laugh 使我们发笑

8.in a tired voice 以疲劳的嗓音

9.in surprise 惊讶地

10.science fiction movies 科幻电影

11.be interested in 对...感兴趣

12.be shown 上映

13.be based on 以...为基础

14.with the help of 在...的帮助下

15.put on 穿上,上演

16.a group of 一队,一群

17.get lost 迷路

18.start a different kind of friendship 开始一种非比寻常的友谊

19.three pieces of news 三条新闻

20.take up 占据 从事(职业)

21.have a huge influence on 对...有巨大的影响

22.as is known to all 众所周知

23.provide sb with sth 向某人提供某物

24.instead of doing 代替做某事

25.do outdoor activities 做户外活动

26.in general 一般来说

27.after all 毕竟


1. It is hard for me to learn to play Chinese chess.对我来说学习下中国象棋是困难的。

2. In my spare time, I prefer watching TV.在我空闲时候,我更喜欢看电视

3. ---I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. --- So would I


wouldrather do= prefer to do


当would rather 表示比较时, 为了避免重复,有事会省略比较的对象。

In fact, many people living in the city would rather live in the country。事实上,许多住在城里的人更愿意生活在乡下。

4. You look a little tired today. Are you all right? 今天你看来有点疲劳。你还好吗?

5. I am very interested in them. 我对它们很感兴趣

6. Could you teach me how to play it? 你能教我怎样下棋吗?

7. Many people spend most of their spare time watching it.


8. As is known to all, television is one of the most important ways of getting information. 众所周知,电视是获得信息最重要的方式之一。

9. Therefore, television is not only a way we learn about the world, but also a good entertainment.


10. Instead of doing outdoor activities, they usually sit in front of the screen for hours enjoying the funny shows and cartoons without a break.


Unit 6Topic 2


1.defeat their enemies 打败他们的敌人

2.in order to 为了

3.in fact 实际上

4.inmy view 在我看来; 我认为

5.withoutthe help of… 如果没有...的帮助

6.beconsidered to be… 被认为是...

7.alot of poetry 很多诗

8.beregarded as…被视为...

9.beknown/famous for 因...而著名

10.growup 长大

11.gofor long walks in the mountains 在山里长时间地散步

12.takeboat rides 乘船

13.havea strong imagination 想象力很丰富

14.graduatefrom... 从...毕业

15.eachtime 每次

16.froman early age 从小

17.beinterested in…对...感兴趣

18.beset free 被...释放

19.fightagainst ...与...作斗争

20.haveone’s hair cut (让别人)理发

21.allof a sudden 突如其来地,猛然地

22.look at me that way 那样地看着我

23.cutoff 切除, 切断

24.withoutthe least hope of owning them 丝毫没有拥有它的希望

25.longfor 渴望, 羡慕;憧憬

26.atfirst 起先

27.haveno idea 不知道,不了解

28.put...away 把...收好

29.atpresent 目前


1.I think he is the bravest character I’ve ever known.


2.In fact, it was Sandy and Pigsy who helped the Monkey King win every battle.

实际上, 正是沙和尚和猪八戒帮助了孙悟空赢得每次战役。

3. In my view, neither the Monkey King nor harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends. 在我看来, 如果没有朋友的帮助,孙悟空和哈利波特都不会成为英雄。

4. That’s true. One tree can’t make a forest. 确实是这样的。独木不成林。

5.Romeo and Juliet was a famous tragedy written by Shakespeare.


6.In one poem, Wordsworth explained how happy he was each time he saw a rainbow.

在一首诗中, Wordsworth解释他每次看到彩虹是多么地高兴。

7. Isn’t it lovely, Jim? 它很好看对吗,Jim?

8.From an early age, Shakespeare was interested in acting in plays.


9. I do understand. 我真的理解。

10.I have no idea what it could be.


Unit 6 Topic3


1.graduate from 从......毕业

2.a graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

3.get ready for 为......做好准备

4.pass the final examination 通过期末考试

5.give speeches at the ceremony 在典礼上做演讲

6.remember our friendship forever 永远铭记我们的友谊

7. around the corner 很近;即将发生

8.on the back of 在......后面

9.have a class get-together 举行班级聚会

10.exchange the presents with each other 互换礼物

11.make plans for the future 为未来制定计划

12.dozens of 许多

13.from the bottom of my heart 从内心深处

14.wish you success 祝你成功

15.get along well with 和某人相处的好

16.to one’s great joy 使某人开心的事

17.Excellent Student Award 优秀学生奖

18.keep on working 继续工作

19.the friendship among the classmates 同学间的友谊

20.express thanks to sb. 向某人表达感谢

21.the fruits of one’s past three years’hard work 过去三年辛勤工作的劳动成果

22.receive a diploma 取得文凭

23.chat with sb. 跟某人闲谈

24.mark the end of a period 标志着一个阶段的结束

e to an end 结束

26.give big hugs to sb. 紧紧的拥抱某人

27.join sb. any minute 随时加入

28.set off出发

29.get back to sp. 回到某地

30.promise to do sth. 保证做某事

31.have a great future 拥有一个光明的未来

32.look forward to doing 期待做某事

33.take care 保重

34.have a safe flight 一路平安

35.an Address book 通讯录

36.parting wishes 临别赠言


1.How time flies! 时光飞逝

2. Take it easy.放轻松,慢慢来。

3.I’ll say I have learned not only how to study, but how to be a man.


4.Thinking back on the past three years, I have learned that if I want to succeed, I must study hard.


5.Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it.


6.Where there is a will, there is a way.


7.As is known to all, “Everything comes to him who waits.”


8.I’m sure it will be more and more valuable as time goes by.


9.There is no royal road to learning.


10.A graduation ceremony is a custom which takes place when students graduate from a school.


11.During the ceremony,It is common for several students to give speeches.


12.It is also sad because the time when they studied with friends has come to an end.


13.I wish my classmates and teachers health, happiness and good luck.


14.I’m sad to be here watching you all heading back home.

