1000字范文 > 如何用英语委婉地“反对别人”?


时间:2023-03-01 08:51:43




I don"t think so.我不这么认为。

Sorry, I have a different opinion.抱歉,我有不同观点。

I can"t buy(相当于believe) that.我不相信。

I think your opinions are absolutely nonsense.我认为你的观点简直是胡扯。

I can"t uphold such conduct.我不能忍受那样的行为。

A: Jack, what are you doing?杰克,你在干什么?

B: I"m playing with mud.我在玩泥巴。

A: You know, you shouldn"t do that. I"ve told you so many times, it"s not good for you.你知道你不应该那么做,我已经跟你说过很多次了,这对你没好处。

B: But I love it, it"s really interesting. I love to play it all day.但我很喜欢啊,真的很有趣,我很想在这里玩一整天。

A: You think too much. You like it doesn"t mean you can do it.你想太多了,你喜欢它,并不意味着你能这样做。

B: But it was really fun and I didn"t think there was anything wrong with it.但它真的很有趣,而且我并没有觉得有什么问题。

A: There"s no problem with you playing this. But your score is down because of this. Don"t you know, you should do your homework right now.你玩这个是没有问题,但是你因为玩这个成绩都下降了,难道你不知道吗?你现在应该立即去写作业。

B: That"s boring. I"ve learned all the knowledge.那个太无聊了,我已经把所有的知识都学会了。

A: I don"t think so. Your teacher told me that you cheated on the final exam which means you don"t know anything about it.我可不这么认为,你的老师之前告诉我,你这次期末考试作弊了,这说明你根本都不会那些知识。

B: You"re wrong. I"ve learned that knowledge. I just don"t want to use my brain.你错了,我学会了那些知识,我只是不想动脑计算而已。

A: You"re a liar. Stop and write your homework.你个骗子,赶紧停下去写你的作业。

B: But that"s all I want to do right now.可是我现在只想玩这个。

A: I said no, and I also said that you can play this only if you have done what you should do.我说了不行,而且我之前说过,你只有把你应该做的做好才能玩这个。

B: Please give me another five minutes.请在给我五分钟的时间。

A: No way. Off to (off to表示“出发去做某事”)your homework now.不行,写你的作业去。
