1000字范文 > 云南省特岗教师招聘试题(小学英语科目三)参考答案及解析


时间:2022-12-20 23:10:31



Part One(专业知识)

Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure 40%

Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in the following.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.

1.The boy is so young that he cant take care of .



2.There isold man andyoung child in the room.



3.Lily teaches us English,she?



4.Can you say something about your schoolEnglish?



5.Ill give this letter to your brother if hehere tomorrow.

esB.will come


6.The story is short,it is so good.



7.—May I borrow your book?

—Sure,but pleasequickly.

A.give it backB.give it up

C.give back itD.give up it

8.The girl is late and.

A.so the boy isB.so is the boy

C.so do the boyD.so does the boy

9.Our teacher asked me.

A.what is my nameB.what was my name

C.what my name isD.what my name was

10.The Chinese basketball star Yao Ming has finallyhis dream of playing in NBA.



11.Miss Smithhomeall the students left.She was the last one who left the school.

A.dont go;untilB.didnt go;until


12.—Would you go hiking with Pat?

—.Where shall we go?

A.Help yourself to some vegetablesB.That sounds great

C.Im glad you loved itD.Its time for dinner

13.you read,you will feel in J.K.Rowlings books.

A.More;more interestingB.The more;the more interesting

C.More;the more interestedD.The more;the more interested

14.—Must I carry the box home?

—.you are too young to do that.

A.Yes,you needB.No,you mustnt

C.Yes,you mustD.No,you neednt

15.—do you go swimming in summer?

—Every Sunday.

A.How manyB.How far

C.How oftenD.How much

16.—Does he enjoyEnglish?

—I think so.



17.The table is tooI cant move it.



18.—Can you help me carry the box?


A.Here you areB.Certainly,let me help you

C.Thats all rightD.I dont do

19.Where is my shcool bag?I cantit.



20.This bike is broken.Can youit?

A.look atB.mend


21.Can I getto drink?



22.Peggy isTV at home.



23.I have somefor breakfast.


C.of fruitD.of fruits

24.They are too hardme.



25.I think the shop isnow.



26.They will have a meetingMonday evening.



27.She oftento school7:30 in the morning.



28.—Whats the boy doing?

—Heshis sweater.

A.puttingB.putting on


29.—Can you play the guitar?




30.There are fourevery morning.



31.Excuse me!is your age?


C.WhereD.How old

32.—Can yu seeold cap in the picture?


A.a;my grandfatherB.a;my grandfathers

C.an;my grandfatherD.an;my grandfathers

33.How manyare there in your school?

A.woman teacherB.women techer

C.woman teachersD.women teachers

34.My shoes are.

A.a blue lightB.a light blue

C.blue lightD.light blue

35.This is a picture of my students.Please look after.



36.The twinstheir mother.

A.see likeB.look the same

C.look likeD.like look

37.What do yousoap opera?

A.think ofB.think for

C.think withD.think

38.My aunt has adaughter.

A.two years oldB.twoyearold

C.two year oldD.two years

39.She and her sister are.They look the same.



40.sit on the hallway.



Ⅱ.Reading Comprehension 30%

Directions:There are 3 passanges in the following.For each of them there are four choices markedA,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice.

Passgae 1

Round eyes,round head,round ears,round body!What is this little animal?It looks like a bear,but he is not a bear.Hes koala.His eyes look like buttons.He has small feet and big ears,and his nose looks like your new black shoes.

Where do koalas live?In Australia.There are many koalas in Australia.The people of Australia love them.

When a koala is born,he has no fur.And he is no bigger than your little toe.

The mother koala has a pocket in the front of her body.The baby koala stays there for six months.

When the baby koala leaves the pocket,he has lots of fur.And he is about as big as your shoe.He climbs to his mothers back. He rides there while she teaches him to find food.

The koala could not live without a special tree.It is the eucalyptus tree.The tree gives him both his home and his food.

The koala sleeps most of the day.He looks for food at night.He likes only eucalyptus trees.He eats nothing else.The koala gets water from the eucalyptus tree.How?By eating leaves with dew on them!

1.The koala hasfeet andears.



2.Koalas live in.



3.Does the koala have fur when he is born?

A.Yes,he has.B.No,he doesnt.

C.Yes,he does.D.Yes,he is.

4.Where can koalas get the food?

A.From the eucalyptus.B.From the grass.

C.From his mother.D.Form the earth.

5.What do koalas do most of the day?


C.Play games.D.Sleeping.

Passage 2


One day a Frenchman goes to New York.He doesnt know a word of English.When he arrives in New York,he takes a bus to a hotel.

It is Sunday,and the Frenchman decides to go out for a walk.As he walks down the street,he suddenly remembers that he doesnt know the name of the street.So he decides to write it down.He looks at the wall near the corner of the street.Then he sees English words and copies them down in his notebook.“Now I know the name of the street,” he says to himself, “It will be easy for me to go back to the hotel.”

He walks for a long time in the city.Then he feels tired and wants to go back to his hotel.He takes out his notebook and shows the words to a young woman.The young woman reads the words in his notebook and looks at the Frenchman.She doesns know what he wants.

Then the Frenchman stops an old man and shows him the words.The old man doesns know what the Frenchnam wants,either.

At last the Frenchman sees a young man.He knows some French.When the Frenchman shows him the words in the notebook and asks where the street is,the young man laughs and laughs,for there are the words in the Frenchmans notebook:ONEWAY STREET.

6.The Frenchman decides to write down the name of the street because he.

A.knows English

B.knows French

C.enjoys it

D.thinks it will help him to find the way back

7.The young woman doesnt tell the Frenchman where the street is because.

A.she doesns know the words

B.“ONEWAY STREET” isnt name of a place

C.she doesnt like him

D.she is from France,too

8.The old man doesnt tell the Frenchman where the street is because.

A.the name of the street

B.some English words

C.the name of the hotel

D.the name of the shop

9.The young man laughs and laughs because.

A.what the Frenchman writen isnt the name of the street

B.the “ONEWAY STREET” is the name of an interesting place

C.the street is not far

D.he knows the street very well

10.dont know what he Frenchman wants.

A.The young man and the young woman

B.The young woman and the old man

C.The young man and the old man

D.The young man and the Frenchman himself

Passage 3

The Internet is becoming important in our life.How much do you know about it?

The Internet is a large,worldwide collection of computer networks.A network is a small group of computers put together.The Internet is many different networks from all over the world.Once you have learned to use the Internet,you can do a lot of interesting things on the World Wide Web.

What is the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web has been the most popular development of the Internet.The Web is like a big electronic book with millions of pages.These pages are called homepages.

You can find information about almost anything in the world on these pages.For example,you can use Internet instead of a library to find information for your homework.You can also find information about your favorite sport or film star,talk to your friends or even do some shopping on the pages.Most pages have words,pictures and even sound or music.

What is email?

Electronic mail (email) is a way of sending messages to other people.Its much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter.

If you want to use email,you must have an email address.This address must have letters and dots and an @ (meaning ‘at’).This is what an address looks like:emily @ .Write a message,type in the persons email address,then send the message across the Internet.People dont need to use stamps,envelopes or go to the post office since the invention of the Internet.

Quick,easy and interesting—thats the Internet!

11.The Internet is.

A.a big computerB.a small group of computers

C.lots of computer networksD.the World Wide Web

12.The World Wide Web is like.

A.an electronic bookB.homepages

C.an electronic pageD.an interesting picture

13.What does “talk to your friend on the pages” mean?It means.

A.you can talk to your friends face to face

B.you can type your words in the computer and then send them to your friends across the Internet

C.you talk to your friend through the same computer

D.you go to your friends house to talk to them

14.People like to use email to send mesages to their friends and family because.

A.they dont have to pay any money

B.its faster and cheaper

C.they dont need to have stamps,envelopes or addresses

D.sending email is interesting

15.The “e” in email means.



Ⅲ.Mistakeidentification 10%

Diretions:There are ten sentences in this part.In each there are four underlined parts marked A,B,C and D.Choose the WRONG ONE.

()1.Those womenA are fromBAmericaC and JapaneseD.

()2.Jim andA Tom teachBourC EnglishD.

()3.Mr Green isA very friendB toCusD.

()4.My favouriteA sport at schoolBisCskateD.

()5.At nightA you can seeBmillion of C stars in the skyD.

()6.If I dontA get exercise enoughB,youC cant pass the examD.

()7.I dont know howAthe mistakesBwereCcome aboutD.

()8.Turned toA the right,andB you will findC the place you wantD

()9.We spendA as much timeBasC we can go overD English.

()10.The frightenedA girl satBin the cornerC,criedD.

Ⅳ.Proofreading and Error Correction 10%

Directions:The passage contains TEN errors.Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error.In each case,only ONE word is involed.You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:

When art museum wants a exhibit1.an

it never buys things in finished form and hangs2.去掉

them on the wall.When a natural history museum3.√

wants an exhibition,it must often build it.4.exhibit

Dear Mr.Brown,

I am writing to thank you with your kind help,1.

Before you came to teach us,I had not interested in2.

English.My pronunciation was terribly.I could only3.

speak a few words.But one and a half year later,4.

I now think English fun to learn.I got a lot from your5.

encouraging words.I will always remember what you6.

said,“If you try to,you can be No.1!”I hope youve7.

had pleasant journey and will come to China again8.

sometimes in the future.I will write again and9.

send you the photos we take together.10.

Yours sincerely

Li Min

Part Two(教法技能)

Ⅴ.Translation 30%

Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese.

Education and children are always a focus of concern.Since it was put into practice,Project Hope has received a positive response from people of all walks of life at home and abroad.

In 1989,the decisionmakers of the newly established China Youth Development Foundation set their eyes on basic education in the povertystricken areas.At that time,80 million people in China still lived below the poverty line.For a long time,Chinas education expenditure was allocated by the government lacking support from the people and society.As a result,schools in poor areas were far from adequate ,Each year a million students dropped out of school due to poverty.A public welfare activity aimed at helping school dropouts and improving school conditions came into being,and the decisionmakers of the foundation named it “Project Hope”.

In September of 1990,the UNs Convention on Childrens Rights was enacted,demanding that by the end of the 20th century,every child had the right to enjoy a basic education.The Chinese representative to the UN signed the convention on behalf of the Chinese government.

Project Hope is a nongovernmental public welfare undertaking with the widest participation and the greatest influence in the 1990s.Over the past ten years,moving stories have happened every day.On the Chinese mainland,935 percent of the total population know about Project Hope,and six out of ten have given donations to the project.In Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macao,Taiwan and abroad,with overseas Chinese and foreign nationals of Chinese origin as the mainstay,individuals,social organizations and enterprises are also making donations to the project.

In China,children are often likened to the “sun”,but even the sun has to endure wind and rain.An article in this issue entitled “Thank You,My Son”written by a mother records the attitude of a child toward an incurable disease.Her son died,but he was a proud victor.At the place where the sun set,we seem to be able to see a rainbow.The article is well worth reading.

Ⅵ.Writing 30%

Directions:The interest of learning is important for the primary school children.Please write a composition about 80~100 words on your Answer Sheet.

Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure

1.A 【解析】短语为“take care of oneself”,本题主语是男孩,因此答案选A。

2.A 【解析】old音标中第一个字母为元音,用an; young为辅音用a 。

3.C 【解析】略。

4.B 【解析】用英语说用介词 in。

5.A 【解析】略。

6.B 【解析】略。

7.A 【解析】give it back 意思为换回;give it up意思为放弃。

8.B 【解析】略。

9.C 【解析】略。

10.A 【解析】中国篮球明星姚明最终实现了成为NBA球员的梦想。此题为现在完成时态。

11.B 【解析】略。

12.B 【解析】略。

13.D 【解析】略。

14.D 【解析】略。

15.C 【解析】通过回答可知问题是多长时间去游泳一次,因此用how often。

16.C 【解析】略。

17.B 【解析】因为箱子太重,所以搬不动,可知答案为B。

18.B 【解析】略。

19.C 【解析】略。

20.B 【解析】略。

21.C 【解析】get something to drink 喝点什么。

22.C 【解析】略。

23.B 【解析】略。

24.B 【解析】对于……来说,用介词for。

25.D 【解析】略。

26.C 【解析】略。

27.B 【解析】她经常去学校用第三人称单数goes,在具体的某一时间用介词at。

28.B 【解析】put on 是穿衣的动作,根据题意本题为现在进行时,因此答案为B。

29.B 【解析】略。

30.A 【解析】略。

31.A 【解析】What is your age?为询问年龄的书面表达。

32.D 【解析】略。

33.D 【解析】略。

34.D 【解析】略。

35.A 【解析】略。

36.C 【解析】look like…,长得像……;look the same后若接名词或代词,要加上as,即look the same as…。

37.A 【解析】略。

38.B 【解析】略。

39.D 【解析】略。

40.C 【解析】祈使句以助动词 do 开头。

Ⅱ.Reading Comprehension

1-5 BCBAD6-10 DBBAB11-15 CABBC


1.D 【解析】Japanese为形容词,本题应用名词Japan。

2.C 【解析】our 应改为 us。

3.B 【解析】友好的应该用形容词 friendly 。

4.D 【解析】skate 应改为skating。

5.C 【解析】million应改为 millions。

6.C 【解析】本题主语错误,因此将you 改为I。

7.C 【解析】应删去。

8.A 【解析】Turned改为 Turn。

9.D 【解析】go over改为going over

10.D 【解析】cried改为crying.

Ⅳ.Proofreading and Error Correction











Part Two



1989年, 新成立的中国青少年发展基金会的决策者决定要关注贫困地区的基础教育。在那时中国有8千万人口的生活水平仍然低于贫困线。很长一段时间,教育经费完全由政府分配,很少受到人民和社会的支持。由于贫困地区学校的经费远远不足,每年有上百万的学生因贫困而辍学。旨在帮助辍学学生和改善学校教学条件的公益性活动应运而生,基金会的决策者将其命名为“希望工程”。


19世纪末,“希望工程”是人们参与最广泛和影响最大的非政府的公共福利事业。在过去的十年里, 每天都有鼓舞人心的事情发生。在中国内地,93.5%的人们知道“希望工程”,有六成的人们在参加希望工程活动,在香港、澳门特别行政区,台湾和国外,以海外华人和外国侨民、华人华侨为主体的个人、社会组织和企业也参加希望工程活动。



Interest is the best teacher.Motivating the students’ interest of learning English is an important problem in teaching English.We must try our best to motivate the students’ interest of learning English.

The methods mentioned above may not suit every child since each child has his own way of learning.However,one thing is universal—interest is the best teacher.If parents,as well as teachers,can arouse a child’s interest in English,they will make amazing progress in language learning.
