1000字范文 > 终极解密SR-71黑鸟


时间:2020-05-12 07:18:23



导叙:林登?约翰逊总统公开宣布的存在分类洛克希德sr - 71计划在1964年。sr - 71的第一次飞行将在1964年12月22日。作战飞机1966年开始交付。在整个职业生涯中,sr - 71,非正式,普遍被称为“黑鸟”,仍然是世界上最快的和highest-flying作战飞机。美国空军终止该计划1990年1月,关闭了一百二十四年经营事业。黑鸟计划曾于1997年恢复和少量的训练飞行,但资金瞄准了。该项目于1999年正式结束。

sr - 71黑鸟

1964年7月24日,美国总统林登?约翰逊公开宣布的存在分类洛克希德sr - 71程序。sr - 71的第一次飞行将在1964年12月22日。作战飞机1966年开始交付。在整个职业生涯中,sr - 71,非正式,普遍被称为“黑鸟”,仍然是世界上最快的和highest-flying作战飞机

Kelly Johnson和黑鸟

两个主要人物的u - 2侦察机计划,中央情报局的理查德?比和洛克希德设计师凯利约翰逊(双座A-12B所示),早在1955年决定探索后续侦察机,寻求补救的u - 2侦察机的意想不到的flaw-its容易追踪苏联的雷达。

a 12生产线 是一个激进的飞机,两个大普惠J58引擎mid-mounted三角翼的修改。独特的一切都令人感动垂直尾翼表面被放置在发动机短舱和向内倾斜。它能够飞翔在海拔接近100000英尺3.2马赫超过3800英里。的最不寻常的元素设计的细长的鼻子speedboat-like脊柱,使它的外观的眼镜蛇


a - 12、YF-12和最初的sr - 71飞机由洛克希德?伯班克,加州,然后陆路运送至51区在内华达州进行飞行测试

这张照片展示了配置的进化是什么普遍称为但从未正式命名为黑鸟。十二个迭代后,sr - 71是世界上最快的和最高载人飞机飞行。虽然表面上像a - 12的前任,sr - 71在很多方面不同,包括在中国,机身,杂项子系统

a - 12首飞

中央情报局和美国空军的官方第一次飞行代表发生在1962年4月30日,和去顺利。八天后,洛克希德试飞员卢Schalk a - 12首次超音速

a - 12的空中

,由中央情报局,产生了从1962年到1964年。这是空运操作任务从1963年到1968年。飞机的前体双座YF-12原型拦截器和sr - 71侦察机。a - 12的最终任务是1968年5月。6月的计划和飞机退役

首先生产sr - 71黑鸟

最初的sr - 71是建于伯班克,加利福尼亚。第一个原型(编号61 - 7950)是交付给空军植物42在棕榈谷,加州,1964年10月29日


本有钱,后来负责设计团队的f - 117夜鹰,带领一个小六名工程团队经过无尽的迭代到达最后的a - 12的配置。他们在一扇门两个部门之间延伸,布局的信息源自密集的风洞测试。从数据,a - 12的形状

YF-12A是提出拦截a - 12的版本,这是第一个飞1963年8月7日。a - 12是相似的在很多方面


YF-12被开发成一个高海拔3拦截防御马赫超音速轰炸机。YF-12A是高度复杂的sr - 71高海拔的前身战略侦察机


的在于维21无人机研制了高速,无人战略侦察平台。最初设计从装备特殊在a - 12,空射指定M-21,后来修改后翅马车和火箭助推发射的b - 52轰炸机

sr - 71的声明

1964年7月24日,美国总统林登?约翰逊公开宣布的存在分类洛克希德sr - 71程序。sr - 71的第一次飞行将在1964年12月22日。作战飞机1966年开始交付

sr - 71黑鸟首飞

所有艰难的教训在a - 12项目支付股息sr - 71建设进展顺利,鲍勃Gilliland使飞机的首飞1964年12月22日。飞机表现良好,在战略空军预示着一个光明的未来

sr - 71双座教练

第一个操作sr - 71是一个教练版本称为sr - 71 b,交付给比尔空军基地,加利福尼亚,1966年1月7日。sr - 71 b有一个高架第二教练飞行员的驾驶舱

sr - 71庆祝1000架次

sr - 71 b(空军编号61 - 7956)1000年庆祝任务在比尔空军基地,加利福尼亚,1982年1月。飞机仍在空军服务,直到项目最初在1990年被取消。当时由NASA的德莱顿飞行研究中心在爱德华兹空军基地,CA从1991年到1997年,由美国国家航空航天局共同使用和超然2在爱德华兹空军基地当空军计划在1995年被重新激活。这sr - 71比其他任何sr - 71飞行小时,3967小时。这架飞机的最后一次飞行是在1997年10月19日航展在爱德华兹空军基地

sr - 71空中加油

因为他们是由一个独特制定航空燃油,sr - 71黑鸟专门加油了kc - 135加油机

sr - 71起飞加力燃烧室

J58引擎,发达国家在1950年代Pratt & Whitney,设计运营长3 马赫的速度和在海拔超过80000英尺的地方。J58是第一个引擎下运作而设计,长时间使用后,它是第一个引擎在Mach 3为空军具备空间飞行资格。sr - 71以及YF-12A和大部分的a - 12是由两个J58s

sr - 71成功总数

sr - 71登录53490小时的飞行时间的总和,其中11675已经在Mach 3 。他们飞了3551架次的操作17294小时,在此期间超过一千枚地对空导弹被解雇他们。所有的错过

sr - 71激活

三次重新激活sr - 71年代广泛翻新后回到空军1995年6月28日脱离2在爱德华兹空军基地,加利福尼亚。曝露出的飞机被修改时,空军计划1997年10月撤资

当美国空军退休sr - 71 1990年,决定给国家航空航天博物馆的一个例子。空军飞机(编号61 - 7972)是用于设置一个新的横贯大陆的速度记录,穿越2404英里在六十七分钟的,54秒

美国国家航空航天局sr -71

除了它的战斗能力,黑鸟飞机也是一个很好的研究。NASA YF-12和sr - 71飞机操作实验工作,获得两个sr - 71 a和b sr - 71教练机超声波测试平台。Thiis照片显示了LASRE吊舱上机身后部的sr - 71飞机在起飞的第一次飞行体验一个空中冷流测试。1998年3月4日发生的飞行。LASRE是线性的简称Aerospike sr - 71实验

sr - 71美国空军国家博物馆展出

在其职业生涯中,sr - 71的美国空军国家博物馆展出(编号61 - 7976年)累计2981小时的飞行时间,出动飞机942架次,其中包括257作战任务,从比尔空军基地,加州;棕榈谷,加州,嘉手纳AB,日本,和皇家空军米尔登霍尔,英格兰。飞机是飞往博物馆在1990年3月

附一篇相关文章《SR- 71黑鸟:快速的历史》设计、制造、使用全过程(文发不完,请看二)



Toward The Blackbird

Two of the leading figures in the U-2

program, the CIA’s Richard Bissell and Lockheed designer Kelly Johnson, had as

early as 1955 decided to explore a follow-on reconnaissance aircraft that would

seek to remedy the U-2’s unexpected flaw—its easy tracking by Soviet radar.

Multiple studies led to the conclusion that the best design to overfly the

Soviet Union with impunity was a Mach 3, 90,000-foot-altitude aircraft with

what would come to be called stealth characteristics.


两个主要人物的u - 2侦察机计划,中央情报局的理查德?比和洛克希德设计师凯利约翰逊,早在1955年决定探索后续侦察机,寻求补救的u - 2侦察机的意想不到的flaw-its容易追踪苏联的雷达。多项研究的最佳设计导致的结论是,飞越苏联而不受惩罚是一个3马赫,90000英尺高空的飞机会被称为隐形特点。

Thus, the two most effective and

longest-lived reconnaissance aircraft, both produced by Skunk Works, would be

aerodynamically antithetical. The U-2 was a lightly built subsonic aircraft,

essentially a jet-powered sailplane. The new aircraft, which after many

transformations would become the A-12 (and in a more sophisticated version, the

SR-71), was a large, heavy, immensely strong aircraft designed to cruise in

afterburner at three times the speed of sound for hours on end.

因此,最有效和寿命最长的两个侦察飞机,这两个臭鼬工厂生产的,将空气动力学的对立面。u - 2侦察机是亚音速飞机白手起家的,本质上是一个喷气动力滑翔机。经过多次转换的新飞机将成为a - 12(在一个更复杂的版本,sr - 71),是一位身材高大,沉重,无比强大的飞机设计巡航在加力燃烧室的三倍音速几个小时。

Johnson led his team through a long series

of possible configurations that ranged from a slender paper-airplane-like arrow

shape to configurations that looked much like the Convair B-58 Hustler.

约翰逊领导他的团队通过一系列可能的配置,包括一个细长paper-airplane-like箭头形状来配置,看上去就像Convair B-58《好色客》。

Johnson’s small project team slowly

elucidated the formula for success, working from one design to the next,

sometimes going back to incorporate features from an older design into a new

one. This was done in classic style, mostly with slide rules and with every

drawing requiring an engineer’s hand on the drafting board. Mercifully, at the time

no one realized how painfully slow the process was.


Internal Lockheed tests hinted at what

would be fully exploited in the future—wedge shapes had the effect of

deflecting radar waves and reducing the radar signature.


Ben Rich, who would later be in charge of

the design team for the F-117 Nighthawk, led a small six-man engineering team

that included no aircraft designers through the endless iterations to arrive at

the final configuration. They worked on a door stretched between two desks,

laying out the information that was derived from the intensive wind-tunnel


本有钱,后来负责设计团队的f - 117夜鹰,领导一个小六名工程团队,包括没有飞机设计师通过无休止的迭代到达最终的配置。他们在一扇门两个部门之间延伸,布局的信息源自密集的风洞测试。

From the data, the shape of the A-12 was

derived. The long fuselage was given chines to obtain lift. To reduce the radar

cross section, the engines were located in their mid-wing position, so that the

shock wave at the design cruise speed of Mach 3.2 would just miss the inlets,

and the outboard section of the wings were given a conical camber to relive

pressure. When they showed the proposed shape to Johnson he said, “That’s

it—you’ve got it.”

从数据,a - 12的形状。长机身给脊柱获得提升。降低雷达截面,引擎位于他们进行位置,以便激波在设计巡航速度3.2马赫的只会错过水湾和翅膀的外侧部分给定一个锥形曲面重温压力。时显示该形状约翰逊说,“这就是——你已经明白了。”

Johnson appointed Dick Boehme as program

manager, although it was a task he himself relished and never really

relinquished. Richard Bissell and John Parangosky represented the CIA while

Brig. Gen. Leo Geary acted for the Air Force, Bissell established an evaluation

team headed by Dr. E. M. Land (of Polaroid fame) to monitor the program, which

had received the code name Gusto.

约翰逊任命迪克麦为项目经理,尽管这是一个任务他自己喜欢,从未放弃。理查德比和约翰Parangosky代表中央情报局在空军准将利奥吉尔里行动,比建立一个评估小组由e . m .土地博士(宝丽来的名声)监控项目,收到的代号。

It soon became evident that radar

technology had remained far in advance of radar countermeasure technology. It

was deemed impossible to create an aircraft that would be invisible—or almost

so—to radar, and the design requirements were changed to recognize this. On 28

August, Johnson was informed that Lockheed’s latest design, the A-12, had been

accepted, with the proviso that work be intensified to reduce the radar


很快,雷达技术一直在雷达对抗技术的进步。创建一个飞机,被认为是不可能将无形或几乎所以雷达、和设计要求都改变了。认识到这一点。8月28日,约翰逊被告知,洛克希德公司的最新设计,a - 12,被接受了,但书,加强合作,减少雷达信号。

The A-12 was a radical aircraft, with two

large Pratt & Whitney J58 engines mid-mounted on the modified delta wing.

Distinctive all-moving vertical tail surfaces were placed above the engine

nacelles and canted inward. It was to be able to fly at Mach 3.2 at altitudes

approaching 100,000 feet over a range of 3,800 miles. The most unusual element

of the design was the elongated nose with its speedboat-like chines that gave

it the appearance of a hooded cobra.

a - 12是一个激进的飞机,两个大普惠J58引擎mid-mounted三角翼的修改。独特的一切都令人感动垂直尾翼表面被放置在发动机短舱和向内倾斜。它能够飞翔在海拔接近100000英尺3.2马赫超过3800英里。的最不寻常的元素设计的细长的鼻子speedboat-like脊柱,使它的外观的眼镜蛇。

It was mutually agreed that the Skunk Works

approach would prevail, and that the security measures that had worked so well

for the U-2 were to be made even more stringent. Johnson set the first flight

date just twenty months in the future. Project Gusto was terminated; the new

project was code-named Oxcart. Lockheed was granted a contract to build five

A-12s for $96.6 million over the next twenty-four months.

这是双方同意的臭鼬工厂方法将占上风,和工作的安全措施的u - 2侦察机被更严格。约翰逊设置第一次飞行日期在未来20个月。项目的热情被终止;新项目的代号是牛车。洛克希德公司被授予合同建立5 a - 12 9660万美元在未来24个月。

Mountains To Climb

Few aircraft have so captured the

imagination of the world as the Lockheed Blackbird, as the A-12/SR-71 series

became known. The mystery surrounding its creation and employment, its starkly

beautiful sculptural shape, and its absolute dominance in aircraft performance

for more than thirty years give the Blackbird a place unique in history as both

an instrument of technology and as a cultural icon.


很少有飞机的想像力世界洛克希德黑鸟,为a - 12 / sr -


The scope of the design problem was

summarized in a July 1969 paper presented by Johnson to the American Institute

of Aeronautics and Astronautics, detailing the problems and solutions of the

YF-12A aircraft from his perspective. (The YF-12A was a proposed interceptor

version of the A-12, which was first flown 7 August 1963. It was similar in

most respects to the A-12.) His remarks give some dimension to the challenge he

accepted, and to his remarkable optimism in promising to meet that challenge

with the delivery of a flyable aircraft in twenty months.

设计问题的范围是在1969年7月的一篇论文中总结了约翰逊美国航空航天学院,详细的问题和解决方案YF-12A飞机从他的角度看问题。(YF-12A提议拦截a - 12的版本,这是第一个飞1963年8月7日。这是在很多方面类似于a - 12)。他的话给他接受了挑战,一些尺寸和他非凡的乐观情绪承诺满足这一挑战可以飞行的航空器在20个月的交付。

The powerplants were initially left to

Pratt & Whitney, for whom Johnson expressed the greatest admiration; later,

his own team, led by Rich, would have to intervene. The engine would ultimately

become one of the most sophisticated in the world, packaged in by far the most

sophisticated nacelle.


In his paper, Johnson noted that the

structural engineers were concerned about the anticipated high temperatures,

ranging from 1,050 degrees Fahrenheit in the nacelle to 585 degrees at the nose

and as low as 470 degrees at the tail. These had to be endured for a prolonged

duration. This led to a decision to use unconventional titanium alloys in a

structure that had to be open for equipment installation, inspection, and




The Vietnam War made exceptional demands

upon the SR-71. It was also used intensively from its base at RAF Mildenhall in

the United Kingdom. Missions included surveillance of the Middle East,

including Libya, Lebanon, and Yemen. Special assistance was rendered to Israel

during the Yom Kippur War. In Southeast Asia, many flights from Kadena were

made over North Vietnam, where the cameras could return photos of cargo on the

decks and in the holds of ships in the harbor. While a typical flight over

North Korea lasted only seven minutes, hundreds of much longer surveillance

flights were conducted over China.

越南战争对sr - 71提出特殊要求。也是从其基地密集使用英国皇家空军米尔登霍尔。任务包括中东的监测,包括利比亚、黎巴嫩和也门。特别援助呈现以色列在赎罪日战争。在东南亚,许多航班从嘉手纳是在越南北部,在甲板上的摄像头可以返回货物的照片和船舶在港口。而典型的飞行在朝鲜只持续了7分钟,数以百计的更长时间监控航班在中国进行的。


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“请求60000英尺高度的空域使用权,over。” (大约是18000米,这是多数战斗机的升限,民用飞机基本没戏,但对于能爬升到三万米的SR71来说……)

沉默了片刻,传来了塔台调度员略带惊奇和嘲讽的声音: “你打算怎么爬升到那个高度?”

沉默。飞行员回复: “我们不打算爬升到那个高度。我们要下降到那个高度。over。” “.........”
