1000字范文 > 自学考试大学英语(二)最后冲刺模拟试题 1

自学考试大学英语(二)最后冲刺模拟试题 1

时间:2020-03-17 15:47:27


自学考试大学英语(二)最后冲刺模拟试题 1


ⅠVocabulary and Structure ( 10 points,1 point for each item ) 


1China is not it used to be.

Awhich Bthat

Cwhat Dwhere【 】

2Here she received more attention the salespeople.

Ato Bfrom

Cfor Din【 】

3He’ll go to Shenzhen by .

AairBthe air

Ca airDan air【 】

4If I it,I would do it in a different way.

Awere to do Bwere doing

Cwas doing Dam to do【 】

5No sooner she fell ill.

Ahas Anne arrived there than

Bhad Anne arrived there than

CAnne had arrived there when

Dhad Anne arrived there when【 】

6He worked as as a skilled worker.

Afast Bquick

Cquicker Dfaster【 】

7 he tries, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.

AWhat hard BHow hard

CWhatever hard DHowever hard【 】

8You start if you arrive worried and ten minutes late.

Ato an advantage Bat an advantage

Cat a disadvantage Dto a disadvantage【 】

9The most evidence of black holes comes from research into binary star systems.

Aconvince Bconvincing

Cconvinced Dconvinces【 】

10He insisted that we the following week.

Ashall leave Bshould leave

Cmust leave Dleft【 】

ⅡCloze Test ( 10 points,1 point for each item ) 


The book is the best research machine 11 .Since mass printing began a few 12 years ago, it has given hundreds of millions of people information they could not have found anywhere 13 .

But many readers dont know 14 a book is organized to help them. They see the different 15 of a book. However, the 16 for such organization escapes 17 .The first thing to 18 is the title. Every now and then, the 19 doesn’t tell you very much about 20 is inside, but usually it does. Sometimes a subtitle gives you more information than the main title.

11Ainvent BinventedCdiscover Ddiscovered

12Ahundred Bhundreds ofChundredes Dhundred of

13Alater BearlyCyet Delse

14Awhat BhowCwhether Dwhy

15Aelements BfactorsCparts Dportions

16Areason BcauseCfactor Dexcuse

17Ahim BsheCthem Dyou

18Acare Blook atCsearch Dfind

19Abook BworkerCwriter Dhow

20Awhat BwhichCthat Dhow

ⅢReading Comprehension ( 30 points,2 points for each item ) 


Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

I began teaching at the James School twenty-two years ago when I was twenty-six. In those days the place was very different. But time changes, and of course educational theory changes, too. Methods and materials change. Even the classroom looks different.

Twenty years ago, our classroom was a lot less pleasant. Very old-fashioned. We had fewer windows, for example. There were five rows of desks, six desks in a row. Since everything was nailed to the floor, a student sat in the same place all day long. Oh, we had to be very strict. Now students move all over the room. They go to different areas for different subjects, and they write at these movable desks. The students are more mobile, and because they’re more mobile, they’re less restless, and because they’re less restless, they are more attentive. At least that’s the theoryAnd as a matter of fact, we really don’t have many behavior problems here.

We use a modified open classroom system here at the James. I’ll try to explain what that means. Each student makes a work contract with his teacher. Basically, he agrees to a certain amount of work on a certain project. He hands the work in when he gets it done. He works at his own speed and plans his own time. If he is particularly motivated in one subject—math, for instance—he can explore the subject more thoroughly than the others. But he must also complete his contract in arts or reading or social science. Freedom within a structured system: that’s what we are trying to offer.

21Now,the author of this passage must be in his .

A20’s B30’s

C40’s D50’s【 】

22Now we really do not have many behavior problems in the classroom because .

Athe students are more mobile and attentive

Bthe teachers are more strict

Cthe teachers are less strict

Dthe students are less attentive and restless【 】

23The main idea of the third paragraph is about .

Athe characteristic of the modified open classroom system

Bthe characteristic of the work contract

Cthe freedom of the students

Dthe generosity of the teachers【 】

24In a modified open classroom system, .

Athe student needn’t do any home work

Bthe student can get more freedom in their study

Cthe subject that the student should learn is decided by the teacher

Dthere is not any discipline that the student should obey【 】

25According to the author, the educational system today is .

Amore strict and attentive

Bmore pleasant and efficient

Cis similar to the educational system twenty years age

Dis satisfied by every teacher and student【 】

Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

A breakthrough in the provision of energy from the sun for the European Economic Community(EEC)could be brought forward by up to two decades, if a modest increase could be provided in the EEC’s research effort in this field, according to the senior EEC scientists engaged in experiments in solar energy at EEC’s scientific laboratories at Ispra, near Milan.

The senior West German scientist in charge of the Community’s solar energy programme, Mr.Joachim Gretz, told journalists that at present levels of research spending it was most unlikely that solar energy would provide as much as three percent of the Community’s energy requirements even after the year 2,000.But he said that with a modest increase in the present sums devoted by the EEC to this work it was possible that the breakthrough could be achieved by the end of the next decade.

26The phrase“modest increase”in the first sentence means 

Aincrease in the need of energy

Bincrease in the money spent on energy

Cincrease in the effort to make the research

Dincrease in the number of scientists in the programme【 】

27The phrase“engaged in”in the first sentence most probably means .

Ataking part in Btaking in

Cinterested in Dattracted by【 】

28Some scientists believe that the most important thing for a breakthrough in the use of solar energy is .

Aadvanced technology and learned scientists

Bmore experiments and advertisement

Cresearch spending

Dwellequipped laboratories【 】

29According to Mr.Gretz, the present research spending will enable the scientists to provide .

Aless than 3% of the EEC’s needs before the year 2000

B3% of the EEC’s need before the 21st century

Ca little more than 3% of the EEC’s needs after the year 2000

DOnly 3% of the EEC’s needs in the future【 】

30We can infer from this passage .

Ajust like many other people, scientists also like money

Bmodest increase in the money for the programme will make sure for a breakthrough

Cthe scientists’ hard work is the deciding factor for the success of the programme

Da breakthrough in the research needs not only the effort of the scientists but also necessary research spending.【 】
