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时间:2022-11-09 14:01:59





The most precious feeling in life, I think is friendship with friends. Li bai, a great poet in the tang dynasty, wrote a thousand words in his farewell to his friend, wang lun: "the pool of peach blossoms is only a thousand feet deep, not as good as the one who gave me love." This famous line fully expresses the value of friendship. There is no generation gap between friends, which is based on honesty. Friendship between friends requires honesty and commitment. Both sides should have the quality and heart of "giving and sharing, tolerance and acceptance, sharing and listening." No man is the saddest man in the world without a friend.

When I was a child, I thought my friend was just a companion in his own play, and didn't understand what it meant. I don't know that a true friend is hard-won, and it is hard to be a friend to someone else.

In grade school and began to know a friend a little meaning, know a friend is a big help for me, friendship gave me many happy, gave me a lot of confidence, also gave me a lot of support. Let me understand that a friend is a shoulder that makes you cry. A friend is a great wave that can make you enthusiastic. A friend is a well that can let you talk about your pain. A friend is a pair of hands that can pull you out of the depths of despair.

In junior high school, I took a closer look at the friendship between friends. By studying politics, I understand that failure to maintain so-called friendship is a violation of principle. Unprincipled friendship cannot last long. Before friendship and principle, many people may choose to friendship, actually is wrong, to remember only the selection principles, and adhere to the principle, to make friendships and principles both sides don't get hurt.

Marx once said, "friendship requires loyalty to sow, passion to irrigate, principle to cultivate, understanding to care." This paragraph tells us to think of the friendship between friends forever and forever, must use oneself the most sincere heart to treat, should be warm and considerate to the friend. The most important thing is not to violate the principle.


My childhood is like a dream, time is like water, I am in sixth grade. Students who have been around for six years will be separated soon.

Although rectified before graduation, can some intimate classmates are ready "alumni", to his good friend, after fill in, hurriedly back carefully preserved.

My friends are more numerous, I received five, I filled in very carefully, like the exam. The friendship, with its tender green record, stores the flower of our original friendship, and reveals the pure beauty of our friendship. Sometimes with pink records, I keep my pure, beautiful fantasy, and my friends help us. Sometimes in the lavender record, let the friendship be unique, distinctive and mysterious. Sometimes with blue record, store the refreshing of friendship, like a fresh spring of peace...

We don't have a time machine, we have to live in the present. While in elementary school, the long and short 6 years, I and friends of the good things can only become the memories, that's miss yesterday like a bunch of flowers, is about to start slowly wither too delicate, and we can only record the every little bit, just like every day to give flowers pour a cup of water, I hope it is longer.

Maybe there will be only a few records paper "favorite color" issues such as "favorite food", can we fill out, hearts are warm, record, I were shaking penholder and recall those memories with friends.

I don't like those dramatic friendships. Too perfunctory of friendship. Friends not be you pour into the pain of the bin, not specifically to amuse you laugh clown, more is not your success at the top of a hard behind the scenes of the unknown. Friendship is really between two or more people, but the friendship is mutual, not one person who is silent and does nothing for you.

Friendship between friends is true and friendship is transparent. There is no secret between true friends. They know each other.

A friend is like a few computers connected together. You delete my old gloom and make sure I am happy today; I set up a beautiful vision for you, and I will cancel your momentary troubles. You store rich knowledge for me and copy forever happiness; I will paste the bright future for you and print a beautiful life...

Maybe later, we can't together to warm each other, encourage each other, and you are in my life in the computer copy good deeds, paste the joy of success, click on the happy time, the collection of classic moments... Always stored in my friendship document. On the day of the breakup, tears were touched by the ice, the smile was the rise of the tears, and the recorded friendship was the immortal poem


Friendship is the palliative of our sorrow, the relief of our passion; It is the drain of our pressure, the refuge of the disaster; It is the agent of our doubts, the fresh agent of our thoughts, the exhalation of our thoughts, and the exercise and improvement of our meditation.

It was a chance to meet xiao ru. There was a bridge on my way to school, and every time I walked on the bridge, I looked down. Once I walked slowly over the bridge, and I saw her, a white girl. She also saw me, looked at each other, smiled at each other, and went on for two weeks, every day. I was surprised by the coincidence. It was like making a movie. I had been looking forward to this moment, without the need for words, but as if there was no stopping the conversation, and then she came across and said, "hello." So we became friends.

Because we are not in a school, we seldom meet every day, so every day on the bridge is a time when we cherish each other. Then she thought of a way: write a note. That summer, she gave me an entire twenty-six note, and I kept it in my diary. It contains the encouragement of learning, the comfort of life, the spiritual sustenance. In my spare time, I will spread the note on the table, and the fine note, like the smiley face of xiao ru, is beautiful.

On weekends, we will go to the book town together, eat a bag of chips together, watch the cat and mouse together, share the happiness together, and bear the sorrow together. We review the pros and cons of the new class, discuss the pros and cons of the Internet, and even dream about the gods living in the mountains. Gradually, I find that we have a lot of similarities in how things view the world.

Now, instead of writing notes, we call each other every night. On the phone, always have said not over words, I later discovered one day don't talk on the phone, just like what shortcomings only called sleep, although this chat some waste of time, but we'd be happy to, cherish.

Remember a philosopher once said, "it is a kind of helplessness to have a relationship, but it is a kind of sadness." When I met with xiao ru, I went from meeting to acquaintance to knowing that it was a "karma". I would cherish this friendship forever. Let's make our friendship and make a good future together.


Remember what you said, you said our friendship is forever. But why, it doesn't count.

I said to you, "will you save our friendship?" You said, "yes, I will. Go and play." Innocent I do not know that it is just a word to deal with, such a day pass, when the nightmare comes but not be aware of.

When I was in the 5th grade class, you said to me, "I am going to inform whoever is in the class today. Please don't cry. I will save the friendship between us." ' '

I always believed that our friendship would last, but I was wrong, I was wrong from the beginning, and when I saw you pass by me, you didn't even look at me.

I hope that none of them will suffer the same.


In the long river I remember some things have faded, but there are two things that I will never forget.

Remember when I was in the third grade, I was playing in the playground, a basketball fell from the sky and hit me on the head, when I was hit by the eyes of the stars, the pain made me cry. Then, in a trance, I saw wu ying come to me quickly and she asked, "what's wrong with you?" I told wu ying, wu ying touched my head and said, "there is nothing, I will knead it for you." Soon my heart will be warm. Wu ying put me in the class again, I rest rest, feel much better.

Being helped, I feel the warmth; Helping others makes me feel happier.

I remember once when I was playing a ball game with doudou and qianqian. When qianqian threw the ball to me, he was robbed by a strong brother. Doug wanted to get the ball back, but the big brother hit her. I was very afraid, but I could not see my friend being beaten, so I stood out, my eyes staring, my hands pinching, my feet stamping, and I said aloud, "give us back the ball!" The elder brother looked at me and walked away. Dou dou and qian qian took my hand and said, "you are so brave! Thank you!" I smiled and said, "we are friends!" All three of us laughed.

What do you say when a friend in need is a friend?


What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life. Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher.

When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help.

We admire the great friendship between Marx and Engel, which firmly combined them and pushed them forward on the road to exploring and fulfilling Communism.

Friendship isn't almighty, but no one can live happily without it.




