1000字范文 > 宪章 | 实施《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》的操作指南

宪章 | 实施《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》的操作指南

时间:2019-04-04 13:18:06


宪章 | 实施《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》的操作指南


《实施保护世界文化与自然遗产公约的操作指南》(简称《操作指南》)是指导世界遗产事务的操作性规范,反映了世界遗产委员会和教科文组织的时效理念和工作重点,是世界遗产领域开展相关工作的基本依据。《操作指南》的历年变更,反映了世界遗产委员和教科文组织倡导的社会、经济、文化策略的历年发展过程及国际遗产理念与实践不断深化的历程, 反映出世界遗产最新动向与保护趋势。






Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention




A Definition of World Heritage Cultural and Natural Heritage

A 世界遗产的定义文化和自然遗产

Cultural and natural heritage are defined in Articles 1 and 2 of the World Heritage Convention.


Article 1

For the purposes of this Convention, the following shall be considered as "cultural heritage";

- monuments: architectural works, works of monumental sculpture and painting, elements or structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions, cave dwellings and combinations of features, which are of outstanding universal value from the point of view of history, art or science;

- groups of buildings: groups of separate or connected buildings which, because of their architecture, their homogeneity or their place in the landscape, are of outstanding universal value from the point of view of history, art or science;

- sites: works of man or the combined works of nature and of man, and areas including archaeological sites which are of outstanding universal value from the historical, aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological points of view.






Article 2

For the purposes of this Convention, the following shall be considered as "natural heritage":

- natural features consisting of physical and biological formations or groups of such formations, which are of outstanding universal value from the aesthetic or scientific point of view;

- geological and physiographical formations and precisely delineated areas which constitute the habitat of threatened species of animals and plants of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation;

- natural sites or precisely delineated natural areas of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science, conservation or natural beauty.






Mixed Cultural and Natural Heritage


Properties shall be considered as "mixed cultural and natural heritage" if they satisfy a part or the whole of the definitions of both cultural and natural heritage laid out in Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention.


Cultural landscapes


Cultural landscapes are cultural properties and represent the "combined works of nature and of man" designated in Article 1 of the Convention. They are illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlement over time, under the influence of the physical constraints and/or opportunities presented by their natural environment and of successive social, economic and cultural forces, both external and internal.


Movable Heritage


Nominations of immovable heritage which are likely to become movable will not be considered.


Outstanding universal value


1. Outstanding universal value means cultural and/or natural significance which is so exceptional as to transcend national boundaries and to be of common importance for present and future generations of all humanity. As such, the permanent protection of this heritage is of the highest importance to the international community as a whole. The Committee defines the criteria for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List.

1. 突出的普遍价值指文化和/或自然价值之罕见超越了国家界限,对全人类的现在和未来均具有普遍的重大意义。因此,该项遗产的永久性保护对整个国际社会都具有至高的重要性。世界遗产委员会将这一条规定为遗产列入《世界遗产名录》的标准。

2. States Parties are invited to submit nominations of properties of cultural and/or natural value considered to be of "outstanding universal value" for inscription on the World Heritage List.

2. 邀请各缔约国申报其认为具有“突出的普遍价值”的文化和/或自然遗产,以列入《世界遗产名录》。

3. At the time of inscription of a property on the World Heritage List, the Committee adopts a Statement of Outstanding Universal Value (see paragraph 154) which will be the key reference for the future effective protection and management of the property.

3. 遗产列入《世界遗产名录》时,世界遗产委员会会通过一个《突出的普遍价值声明》(见第154段),该声明将是以后遗产有效保护与管理的重要参考。

4. The Convention is not intended to ensure the protection of all properties of great interest, importance or value, but only for a select list of the most outstanding of these from an international viewpoint. It is not to be assumed that a property of national and/or regional importance will automatically be inscribed on the World Heritage List.

4. 该 《公约》 不是旨在保护所有具有重大意义或价值的遗产,而只是保护那些从国际观点看具有最突出价值的遗产。不应该认为某项具有国家和/或区域重要性的遗产会自动列入《 世界遗产名录》。

5. Nominations presented to the Committee shall demonstrate the full commitment of the State Party to preserve the heritage concerned, within its means. Such commitment shall take the form of appropriate policy, legal, scientific, technical, administrative and financial measures adopted and proposed to protect the property and its outstanding universal value.

5. 委员会的申报应该表明该缔约国在其力所能及的范围内将全力以赴保存该项遗产。这种承诺应该体现在建议和采纳合适的政策、法律、科学、技术、管理和财政措施,保护该项遗产以及遗产的突出的普遍价值。

A Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List


1. The Committee seeks to establish a representative, balanced and credible World Heritage List in conformity with the four Strategic Objectives adopted by the Committee at its 26th session (Budapest, 2002).

1. 委员会根据第26届会议确定的四个战略目标,致力于构建一个具有代表性、平衡性和可信性的《世界遗产名录》。(布达佩斯,2002)

The Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List


2. The Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List is designed to identify and fill the major gaps in the World Heritage List. It does this by encouraging more countries to become States Parties to the Convention and to develop Tentative Lists as defined in paragraph 62 and nominations of properties for inscription on the World Heritage List (see /en/globalstrategy)

2. 构建具有代表性、平衡性、可信性的《世界遗产名录》的全球战略旨在明确并填补《世界遗产名录》的主要空白。该战略鼓励更多的国家加入《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》并按照62段中定义编撰《预备清单》、准备《世界遗产名录》申报文件(详情请登录:/en/globalstrategy)

3. States Parties and the Advisory Bodies are encouraged to participate in the implementation of the Global Strategy in cooperation with the Secretariat and other partners. Regional and thematic Global Strategy meetings and comparative and thematic studies are organized for this purpose. The results of these meetings and studies are available to assist States Parties in preparing Tentative Lists and nominations. The reports of the expert meetings and studies presented to the World Heritage Committee are available at the following Web address: /en/globalstrategy

3. 鼓励各缔约国和专家咨询机构同秘书处及其他合作方合作,参与实施《全球战略》。为此,组织召开了“全球战略”区域及主题会议,并开展对比研究及主题研究。会议和研究成果将协助缔约国编撰《预备清单》和申报材料。可访问网址:/en/globalstrategy,查阅提交给世界遗产委员会的专家会议报告和研究报告。

4. All efforts should be made to maintain a reasonable balance between cultural and natural heritage on the World Heritage List.

4. 要尽一切努力,保持《世界遗产名录》内文化和自然遗产的平衡。

5. No formal limit is imposed on the total number of properties to be inscribed on the World Heritage List.

5. 没有正式限制《世界遗产名录》中遗产总数。

Other measures


1. To promote the establishment of a representative, balanced Resolution adopted by the 12th Operational Guidelines for the Implementation o 16 f the World Heritage Convention and credible World Heritage List, States Parties are requested to consider whether their heritage is already well represented on the List and if so to slow down their rate of submission of further nominations by:

a) spacing voluntarily their nominations according to conditions that they will define, and/or;

b) proposing only properties falling into categories still under-represented, and/or;

c) linking each of their nominations with a nomination presented by a State Party whose heritage is underrepresented; or

d) deciding, on a voluntary basis, to suspend the presentation of new nominations.

1. 要构建具有代表性、平衡性、可信性的《世界遗产名录》,缔约国须考虑其遗产是否已在遗产名录上得到充分的代表,如果是,就要采取以下措施,放慢新申报的提交速度:

a) 依据自身情况,自主增大申报间隔,和/或;

b) 只申报名录内代表不足的类别遗产,和/或;

c) 每次申报都同名录内代表不足的缔约国的申报联系起来,或;

d) 自主决定暂停提交新的申报。

2. States Parties whose heritage of outstanding universal value is under-represented on the World Heritage List are requested to:

a) give priority to the preparation of their Tentative Lists and nominations;

b) initiate and consolidate partnerships at the regional level based on the exchange of technical expertise;

c) encourage bilateral and multilateral co-operation so as to increase their expertise and the technical capacities of institutions in charge of the protection, safeguarding and management of their heritage;

d) participate, as much as possible, in the sessions of the World Heritage Committee.

2. 如果遗产具有突出的普遍价值,且在《世界遗产名录》上代表不足,这样的缔约国需要:

a) 优先考虑准备《预备清单》和申报材料;

b) 在所属区域内,寻求并巩固技术交流合作关系;

c) 鼓励双边和多边合作以增强缔约国负责遗产保护、保卫和管理机构的专业技能

d) 尽可能参加世界遗产委员会的各届会议。

3. The Committee has decided, on an experimental and transitory basis, to apply the following mechanism at its 30th session ():

a) examine up to two complete nominations per State Party, provided that at least one of such nominations concerns a natural property; and,

b) set at 45 the annual limit on the number of nominations it will review, inclusive of nominations deferred and referred by previous sessions of the Committee, extensions (except minor modifications of limits of the property), transboundary and serial nominations,

c) the following order of priorities will be applied:

i) nominations of properties submitted by States Parties with no properties inscribed on the


ii) nominations of properties from any State Party that illustrate un-represented or less represented categories of natural and cultural categories;

iii) other nominations;

iv) when applying this priority system, date of receipt of full and complete nominations by the Secretariat shall be used as secondary determining factor within the category where the number of nomination fixed by the Committee has been reached.

3. 委员会决定,在第30届大会()上暂时试用以下机制:

a) 最多审查缔约国的两项完整申报,其中至少有一项与自然遗产有关;

b) 确定委员会每年审查的申报数目不超过45个,其中包括往届会议推迟审议的项目、再审项目、扩展项目(遗产限制的细微变动除外)、跨界项目和系列项目,

c) 优先顺序如下所示:

1) 名录内尚没有遗产列入的缔约国提交的遗产申报;

2) 不限国别,但申报是名录内没有或为数不多的自然或文化遗产类别

3) 其他申报;

4) 采用该优先顺序机制时,如果某领域内委员会所确定的申报名额已满,则秘书处收到完整申报材料的日期将被作为第二决定因素来考虑。

Tentative Lists


1. A Tentative List is an inventory of those properties situated on its territory which each State Party considers suitable for inscription on the World Heritage List. States Parties should therefore include, in their Tentative Lists, the names of those properties which they consider to be cultural and/or natural heritage of outstanding universal value and which they intend to nominate during the following years.

1. 《预备清单》是缔约国认为其境内具备世界遗产资格的遗产的详细目录,其中应包括其认为具有突出的普遍价值的文化和/或自然遗产的名称和今后几年内要申报的遗产的名称。

2. Nominations to the World Heritage List are not considered unless the nominated property has already been included on the State Party"s Tentative List.

2. 如果缔约国提交的申报遗产未曾列入该国的《预备清单》,委员会将 不予考虑。

3. States Parties are encouraged to prepare their Tentative Lists with the participation of a wide variety of stakeholders, including site managers, local and regional governments, local communities, NGOs and other interested parties and partners.

3. 鼓励缔约国在准备其《预备清单》时邀请各利益相关方包括遗产地管理人员、地方和地区政府、当地社区、非政府组织以及其他相关机构参与全过程。

4. States Parties shall submit Tentative Lists to the Secretariat, preferably at least one year prior to the submission of any nomination. States Parties are encouraged to re-examine and re-submit their Tentative List at least every ten years.

4. 缔约国呈报《预备清单》至秘书处的时间最好提前申报遗产一年。委员会鼓励缔约国至少每十年重新审查或递交其《预备清单》。

5. States Parties are requested to submit their Tentative Lists in English or French using the standard format in Annex 2, containing the name of the properties, their geographical location, a brief description of the properties, and justification of their outstanding universal value.

5. 缔约国需要递交英文或法语的《预备清单》,且采用附件2所示的标准格式,其中包括遗产名称、地理位置、简短描述以及其具有突出的普遍价值的陈述。

6. The original duly signed version of the completed Tentative List shall be submitted by the State Party, to:

UNESCO World Heritage Centre 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP


Tel: +33 (0) 1 4568 1136

E-mail: wh-tentativelists@

6. 缔约国应将已签名的完整《预备清单》原件递交至:联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心 法国巴黎(7, place de Fontenoy,Paris 07 SP,France)

电话:+33 (0) 1 4568 1136

电邮: wh-tentativelists@

7. If all information has been provided, the Tentative List will be registered by the Secretariat and transmitted to the relevant Advisory Bodies for information. A summary of all Tentative Lists is presented annually to the Committee. The Secretariat, in consultation with the States Parties concerned, updates its records, in particular by removing from the Tentative Lists the inscribed properties and nominated properties which were not inscribed.

7. 如果所有信息均已提供,秘书处会将《预备清单》登记并转呈给相关专家咨询机构。每年都要向委员会递交所有《预备清单》的概要。秘书处与相关缔约国协商,更新其记录,将《预备清单》上已纳入《世界遗产名录》和已拒绝申报除名。

8. The Tentative Lists of States Parties are available at the following Web address: /en/tentativelists

8. 登录/en/tentativelists,查阅缔约国《预备清单》:

9. Tentative Lists are a useful and important planning tool for States Parties, the World Heritage Committee, the Secretariat, and the Advisory Bodies, as they provide an indication of future nominations.


10. States Parties are encouraged to consult the analyses of both the World Heritage List and Tentative Lists prepared at the request of the Committee by ICOMOS and IUCN to identify the gaps in the World Heritage List. These analyses could enable States Parties to compare themes, regions, geo-cultural groupings and bio-geographic provinces for prospective World Heritage properties.

10. 鼓励缔约国参考国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)和世界保护自然联盟(IUCN) 应委员会要求准备的《世界遗产名录》和《预备清单》的分析报告,确定《世界遗产名录》内的空白。这些分析使缔约国能够比较主题、区域、地理文化群和生物地理区等方面以确定未来的世界遗产。

11. In addition, States Parties are encouraged to consult the specific thematic studies carried out by the Advisory Bodies (see paragraph 147). These studies are informed by a review of the Tentative Lists submitted by States Parties and by reports of meetings on the harmonization of Tentative Lists, as well as by other technical studies performed by the Advisory Bodies and qualified organizations and individuals. A list of those studies already completed is available at the following Web address: /en/globalstrategy

11.另外,鼓励缔约国参考由专家咨询机构完成的具体主题研究报告 (见147段)。这些研究包括《预备清单》评估、《预备清单》协调会议报告、以及专家咨询机构和其他具资质的团体和个人的相关技术研究。完成的研究报告列表详见:/en/globalstrategy

12. States Parties are encouraged to harmonize their Tentative Lists at regional and thematic levels. Harmonization of Tentative Lists is the process whereby States Parties, with the assistance of the Advisory Bodies, collectively assess their respective Tentative List to review gaps and identify common themes. The outcome of harmonization can result in improved Tentative Lists, new nominations from States Parties and cooperation amongst groups of States Parties in the preparation of nominations.


13. To implement the Global Strategy, cooperative efforts in capacity-building and training may be necessary to assist States Parties to acquire and/or consolidate their expertise in the preparation, updating and harmonisation of their Tentative List and the preparation of nominations.


14. International Assistance may be requested by States Parties for the purpose of preparing, updating and harmonizing Tentative Lists (see Chapter VII).


15. The Advisory Bodies and the Secretariat will use the opportunity of evaluation missions to hold regional training workshops to assist under-represented States in the methods of preparation of their Tentative List and nominations


Criteria for the assessment of outstanding universal value


1. The Committee considers a property as having outstanding universal value (see paragraphs 49-53) if the property meets one or more of the following criteria. Nominated properties shall therefore :

(i) represent a masterpiece of human creative genius;

(ii) exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design;

(iii) bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared;

(iv) be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history;

(v) be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change;

(vi) be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance. (The Committee considers that this criterion should preferably be used in conjunction with other criteria) ;

(vii) contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance;

(viii) be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth"s history, including the record of life, significant on-going geological processes in the development of landforms, or significant geomorphic or physiographic features;

(ix) be outstanding examples representing significant ongoing ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, fresh water, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals;

(x) contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation.


(i) 代表人类创造精神的杰作;










2. To be deemed of outstanding universal value, a property must also meet the conditions of integrity and/or authenticity and must have an adequate protection and management system to ensure its safeguarding.


Integrity and/or authenticity




1. Properties nominated under criteria (i) to (vi) must meet the conditions of authenticity. Annex 4 which includes the Nara Document on Authenticity, provides a practical basis for examining the authenticity of such properties and is summarized below.


2. The ability to understand the value attributed to the heritage depends on the degree to which information sources about this value may be understood as credible or truthful. Knowledge and understanding of these sources of information, in relation to original and subsequent characteristics of the cultural heritage, and their meaning, are the requisite bases for assessing all aspects of authenticity.


3. Judgments about value attributed to cultural heritage, as well as the credibility of related information sources, may differ from culture to culture, and even within the same culture. The respect due to all cultures requires that cultural heritage must be considered and judged primarily within the cultural contexts to which it belongs.


4. Depending on the type of cultural heritage, and its cultural context, properties may be understood to meet the conditions of authenticity if their cultural value (as recognized in the nomination criteria proposed) are truthfully and credibly expressed through a variety of attributes including:

• form and design;

• materials and substance;

• use and function;

• traditions, techniques and management systems;

• location and setting;

• language, and other forms of intangible heritage;

• spirit and feeling; and

• other internal and external factors.

4.依据文化遗产类别及其文化背景,如果遗产的文化价值 (申报标准所认可的)之下列特征是真实可信的,则被认为具有真实性:

· 外形和设计;

· 材料和实体;

· 用途和功能;

· 传统,技术和管理体制;

· 位置和背景环境;

· 语言和其他形式的非物质遗产;

· 精神和感觉;以及

· 其他内外因素。

5. Attributes such as spirit and feeling do not lend themselves easily to practical applications of the conditions of authenticity, but nevertheless are important indicators of character and sense of place, for example, in communities maintaining tradition and cultural continuity.


6. The use of all these sources permits elaboration of the specific artistic, historic, social, and scientific dimensions of the cultural heritage being examined. "Information sources" are defined as all physical, written, oral, and figurative sources, which make it possible to know the nature, specificities, meaning, and history of the cultural heritage.


7. When the conditions of authenticity are considered in preparing a nomination for a property, the State Party should Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention first identify all of the applicable significant attributes of authenticity. The statement of authenticity should assess the degree to which authenticity is present in, or expressed by, each of these significant attributes.


8. In relation to authenticity, the reconstruction of archaeological remains or historic buildings or districts is justifiable only in exceptional circumstances. Reconstruction is acceptable only on the basis of complete and detailed documentation and to no extent on conjecture.




1. All properties nominated for inscription on the World Heritage List shall satisfy the conditions of integrity.


2. Integrity is a measure of the wholeness and intactness of the natural and/or cultural heritage and its attributes. Examining the conditions of integrity, therefore requires assessing the extent to which the property:

a) includes all elements necessary to express its outstanding universal value;

b) is of adequate size to ensure the complete representation of the features and processes which

convey the property’s significance;

c) suffers from adverse effects of development and/or neglect. This should be presented in a statement of integrity.


a) 包括所有表现其突出的普遍价值的必要因素;

b) 形体上足够大,确保能完整地代表体现遗产价值的特色和过程;

c) 受到发展的负面影响和/或被忽视。

3. For properties nominated under criteria (i) to (vi), the physical fabric of the property and/or its significant features should be in good condition, and the impact of deterioration processes controlled. A significant proportion of the elements necessary to convey the totality of the value conveyed by the property should be included. Relationships and dynamic functions present in cultural landscapes, historic towns or other living properties essential to their distinctive character should also be maintained.


2. For all properties nominated under criteria (vii) - (x), biophysical processes and landform features should be relatively intact. However, it is recognized that no area is totally pristine and that all natural areas are in a dynamic state, and to some extent involve contact with people. Human activities, including those of traditional societies and local communities, often occur in natural areas. These activities may be consistent with the outstanding universal value of the area where they are ecologically sustainable


3. In addition, for properties nominated under criteria (vii) to (x), a corresponding condition of integrity has been defined for each criterion.


4. Properties proposed under criterion (vii) should be of outstanding universal value and include areas that are essential for maintaining the beauty of the property. For example, a property whose scenic value depends on a waterfall, would meet the conditions of integrity if it includes adjacent catchment and downstream areas that are integrally linked to the maintenance of the aesthetic qualities of the property.


5. Properties proposed under criterion (viii) should contain all or most of the key interrelated and interdependent elements in their natural relationships. Forexample, an "ice age" area would meet the conditions of integrity if it includes the snow field, the glacier itself and samples of cutting patterns, deposition and colonization (e.g. striations, moraines, pioneer stages of plant succession, etc.); in the case of volcanoes, the magmatic series should be complete and all or most of the varieties of effusive rocks and types of eruptions be represented.


6.Properties proposed under criterion (ix) should have sufficient size and contain the necessary elements to demonstrate the key aspects of processes that are essential for the long term conservation of the ecosystems and the biological diversity they contain. For example, an area of tropical rain forest would meet the conditions of integrity if it includes a certain amount of variation in elevation above sea level, changes in topography and soil types, patch systems and naturally regenerating patches; similarly a coral reef should include, for example, seagrass, mangrove or other adjacent ecosystems that regulate nutrient and sediment inputs into the reef.


7. Properties proposed under criterion (x) should be the most important properties for the conservation of biological diversity. Only those properties which are the most biologically diverse and/or representative are likely to meet this criterion. The properties should contain habitats for maintaining the most diverse fauna and flora characteristic of the bio-geographic province and ecosystems under consideration. For example, a tropical savannah would meet the conditions of integrity if it includes a complete assemblage of co-evolved herbivores and plants; an island ecosystem should include habitats for maintaining endemic biota; a property containing wide ranging species should be large enough to include the most critical habitats essential to ensure the survival of viable populations of those species; for an area containing migratory species, seasonal breeding and nesting sites, and migratory routes, wherever they are located, should be adequately protected.


Protection and management


1. Protection and management of World Heritage properties should ensure that the outstanding universal value, the conditions of integrity and/or authenticity at the time of inscription are maintained or enhanced in the future.


2. All properties inscribed on the World Heritage List must have adequate long-term legislative, regulatory, institutional and/or traditional protection and management to ensure their safeguarding. This protection should include adequately delineated boundaries. Similarly States Parties should demonstrate adequate protection at the national, regional, municipal, and/or traditional level for the nominated property. They should append appropriate texts to the nomination with a clear explanation of the way this protection operates to protect the property.


3. Legislative and regulatory measures at national and local levels should assure the survival of the property and its protection against development and change that might negatively impact the outstanding universal value, or the integrity and/or authenticity of the property. States Parties should also assure the full and effective implementation of such measures.


Boundaries for effective protection


1. The delineation of boundaries is an essential requirement in the establishment of effective protection of nominated properties. Boundaries should be drawn to ensure the full expression of the outstanding universal value and the integrity and/or authenticity of the property.


2. For properties nominated under criteria (i) - (vi), boundaries should be drawn to include all those areas and attributes which are a direct tangible expression of the outstanding universal value of the property, as well as those areas which in the light of future research possibilities offer potential to contribute to and enhance such understanding.


3. For properties nominated under criteria (vii) - (x), boundaries should reflect the spatial requirements of habitats, species, processes or phenomena that provide the basis for their inscription on the World Heritage List. The boundaries should include sufficient areas immediately adjacent to the area of outstanding universal value in order to protect the property"s heritage values from direct effect of human encroachments and impacts of resource use outside of the nominated area.


4. The boundaries of the nominated property may coincide with one or more existing or proposed protected areas, such as national parks or nature reserves, biosphere reserves or protected historic districts. While such established areas for protection may contain several management zones, only some of those zones may satisfy criteria for inscription.


Buffer zones


1. Wherever necessary for the proper conservation of the property, an adequate buffer zone should be provided.


2. For the purposes of effective protection of the nominated property, a buffer zone is an area surrounding the nominated property which has complementary legal and/or customary restrictions placed on its use and development to give an added layer of protection to the property. This should include the immediate setting of the nominated property, important views and other areas or attributes that are functionally important as a support to the property and its protection. The area constituting the buffer zone should be determined in each case through appropriate mechanisms. Details on the size, characteristics and authorized uses of a buffer zone, as well as a map indicating the precise boundaries of the property and its buffer zone, should be provided in the nomination.


3. A clear explanation of how the buffer zone protects the property should also be provided.


4. Where no buffer zone is proposed, the nomination should Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention include a statement as to why a buffer zone is not required.


5. Although buffer zones are not normally part of the nominated property, any modifications to the buffer zone subsequent to inscription of a property on the World Heritage List should be approved by the World Heritage Committee.

5.虽然缓冲区并非所申报的遗产的正式组成部分 但是《世界遗产名录》内遗产的缓冲区的任何变动都需经世界遗产委员会批准。

Management systems


1. Each nominated property should have an appropriate management plan or other documented management system which should specify how the outstanding universal value of a property should be preserved, preferably through participatory means.


2. The purpose of a management system is to ensure the effective protection of the nominated property for present and future generations.


3. An effective management system depends on the type, characteristics and needs of the nominated property and its cultural and natural context. Management systems may vary according to different cultural perspectives, the resources available and other factors. They may incorporate traditional practices, existing urban or regional planning instruments, and other planning control mechanisms, both formal and informal.


4. In recognizing the diversity mentioned above, common elements of an effective management system could include: a) a thorough shared understanding of the property by all stakeholders;

b) a cycle of planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and feedback;

c) the involvement of partners and stakeholders;

d) the allocation of necessary resources;

e) capacity-building; and

f) an accountable, transparent description of how the management system functions.


a) 各利益方对遗产价值共同的透彻理解;

b) 规划、实施、监管、评估和反馈的循环机制;

c) 合作者与各利益相关方的共同参与;

d) 必要资源的配置;

e) 能力建设;以及

f) 对管理体制运作的可信、公开透明的描述。

5. Effective management involves a cycle of long-term and day-to-day actions to protect, conserve and present the nominated property.


6. Moreover, in the context of the implementation of the Convention, the World Heritage Committee has established a process of Reactive Monitoring (see Chapter IV) and a process of Periodic Reporting (see Chapter V).


7. In the case of serial properties, a management system or mechanisms for ensuring the co-ordinated management of the separate components are essential and should be documented in the nomination (see paragraphs 137-139).

7.如果是系列遗产,能确保各个组成部分协调管理的管理体制或机制非常必要,应该在申报材料中阐明 (见137-139段)。

8. In some circumstances, a management plan or other management system may not be in place at the time when a property is nominated for the consideration of the World Heritage Committee. The State Party concerned should then indicate when such a management plan or system would be put in place, and how it proposes to mobilize the resources required for the preparation and implementation of the new management plan or system. The State Party should also provide other document(s) (e.g. operational plans) which will guide the management of the site until such time when a management plan is finalized.


9. Where the intrinsic qualities of a property nominated are threatened by action of man and yet meet the criteria and the conditions of authenticity or integrity set out in paragraphs 78-95, an action plan outlining the corrective measures required should be submitted with the nomination file. Should the corrective measures submitted by the nominating State Party not be taken within the time proposed by the State Party, the property will be considered by the Committee for delisting in accordance with the


10. States Parties are responsible for implementing effective management activities for a World Heritage property. State Parties should do so in close collaboration with property managers, the agency with management authority and other partners, and stakeholders in property management.


11. The Committee recommends that States Parties include risk preparedness as an element in their World Heritage site management plans and training strategies.


Sustainable use


1. World Heritage properties may support a variety of ongoing and proposed uses that are ecologically and culturally sustainable. The State Party and partners must ensure that such sustainable use does not adversely impact the outstanding universal value, integrity and/or authenticity of the property. Furthermore, any uses should be ecologically and culturally sustainable. For some properties, human use would not be appropriate.


本文编辑:刘亚琪 余俊颖
