1000字范文 > 大学英语四级翻译练习题和范文


时间:2022-01-28 04:33:00





黄帝(Yellow Emperor)被认为是中华文明的奠基人和祖先。他生活在大约4000年前。他是黄河中部流域一个最强部落的神秘首领。在该时期,许多部落在黄河附近定居。部落之间相互征战以获取更多耕地。持续不断的战争给人民带来诸多苦难。黄帝决定结束这种情势。他制定出一套道德规范(ethical code),训练他 的军队。他和他的军队征服了黄河流域的一大片区域,成为了部落联盟(tribalunion)的首领。


The Yellow Emperor is considered to be the founderof Chinese civilization as well as its ancestor. Helived about four thousand years ago. He was themystical chief of one of the strongest tribes in themiddle valley of the Yellow River. During this periodmany tribes came to settle around the Yellow River. They fought with each other to get morefarmland. The constant war caused much suffering to the people. The Yellow Emperor decidedto put an end to this situation. He worked out an ethical code and trained his army. With hisarmy, the Yellow Emperor conquered a wide area along the Yellow River. He was made chief ofthe tribal union.


与后宫(the imperial harem)其他许多女人不同,慈禧(Empress Dowager Cixi) 因读写汉字的能力而受重视。这给她提供了充足的机会来协助生病的皇帝处理国家日常事务。咸丰帝(Xianfeng Emperor)曾多次让慈禧读奏折(palace memorials) 给他听,并让她按照他的意愿在奏折上写批复。因此,慈禧对国家大事十分熟悉,并且从生病的皇帝那儿学会了管理国家的艺术。国内外的历史学家普遍都把她描述成王朝没落的罪人(sinner)。


Unlike many other women in the imperial harem,Empress Dowager Cixi was known for her ability toread and write. This provided her ampleopportunities to help the ailing emperor in daily stategoverning. On various occasions, the XianfengEmperor had Cixi read palace memorials for him, and leave comments on the memorialsaccording to his will. As a result, Cixi became well-infonned about state af&irs, and learnedthe techniques of state governing from the ailing emperor. Historians both home and abroadhave generally portrayed her as a sinner responsible for the fall of the Dynasty.


龙深深地植根于中国文化之中。中国人经常称自己为“龙的传人”。龙看起来像 多种动物的组合。传统意义上,中国文化认为龙是负责降雨的神仙(immortal),象 征着帝王和权力。据说,龙年出生的人是强大的。在古代中国人心中,龙是一个神, 代表了中国人民的理想和意志。那时,没有人曾怀疑过龙的存在,它看起来几乎是万能的。


Dragons are deeply rooted in the Chinese culture.The Chinese often consider themselves as “thedescendants of the dragon”. The dragon looks like acombination of many kinds of animals. Traditionally,it is regarded as the immortal of rainfalls in Chineseculture and symbolizes the emperor and power. It is said that people born in the year of thedragon are powerful. In the minds of the ancient Chinese people, the dragon was a god thatembodied the will and ideals of the Chinese people. Nobody had any doubts about the existenceof dragons. It seems that the dragon is capable of managing almost anything.
