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时间:2022-11-23 15:50:49




四级考试英语作文(一): The Greatest Change in the Twentieth

There were a great many changes in the twentieth century. It is difficult to say which of these great changes should be remembered most but, inn my opinion, the invention of the computer is a good candidate, for it has affected our lives in so many ways.

One effect of the computer has been its impact on communication. Thanks to the Internet and computer-controlled satellites, it is now quick and cost-effective to communicate over great distances. This has made the world smaller and has had a great influence on business, leading to greater productivity worldwide. Another great effect of the computer is that it has changed the way we live our daily lives. It has made it a simple task to find and manage information and has brought us countless conveniences. Most of us deal with computers in one way or another every day.

In short, the computer has had such a great impact on so many areas of our lives that I feel its invention was the most memorable change of the twentieth century.

四级考试英语作文(二):Attitude to Famous People’s Opinions

Famous people, such as athletes, actors and other entertainers, are often interviewed by the press. The public tends to give more consideration to the views of the famous than it does to the opinions of more ordinary people. Should we give greater weight to these opinions? In my opinion, we should not, for the following reasons.

First, famous people are not necessarily well informed about the issues under discussion. While everyone has a right to express his opinion, a willingness to speak does not imply knowledge. Second, a famous person may not be impartial true when some type of product endorsement is involved. Third, a reliance on the opinions of famous people may prevent us from thinking for ourselves. We should all develop the ability to evaluate facts and reach our own conclusions.

To sum up, we would be better off learning to evaluate situations and reach our own conclusions than relying on the opinions of others, no matter how well-known.


While it is true that some advertisements do provide useful information about new products, I believe that their primary effect is to encourage people to buy things that they do not really need.

First of all, most advertising does not introduce a brand-new product. Instead, it is designed to persuade consumers that one company’s product is superior to that of another company. Second, when a product is new, the advertising is often designed to create demand for it. In other words, its goal is to convince potential buyers that this new product is really necessary, whether or not it actually is. Third, many advertisements are image ads, designed to sell people luxury products. The ads imply that by buying such products the consumer will gain something else such as happiness, respect or love.

While it can be argued that advertising is sometimes useful to consumers who may want to compare different brands, I believe its overall effect is to get people to buy things that they do not need.

四级考试英语作文(四):Standards to Value Success

Many equate success with financial success and believe that only those earn a lot of money can be considered successful. But there are other ways to measure success. In my opinion, it is definitely possible to be successful without earning a lot of money as long as one lives a meaningful life.

Some people find meaning in life simply by doing something they enjoy. They may or may not become wealthy, but they are very likely to lead a happy life. Others find meaning by making a contribution to the society. They may set a world record, cure a disease, create a beautiful work of art, or bring more convenience to everyday life, still others find satisfaction in educating others, helping the poor, or raising a family. When the ones they nurture do well, they feel successful.

To sum up, there are many ways to measure a person’s success, and material wealth is just one of them.
