1000字范文 > 区域技术创新能力 the capacity of regional technical innovation英语短句 例句大全

区域技术创新能力 the capacity of regional technical innovation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-21 00:04:34


区域技术创新能力 the capacity of regional technical innovation英语短句 例句大全

区域技术创新能力,the capacity of regional technical innovation

1)the capacity of regional technical innovation区域技术创新能力

1.As an aspect of the regional innovation system,the capacity of regional technical innovation reflects the degree of the regional innovation system operation.区域技术创新能力作为区域创新系统的一个研究内容,是区域技术创新系统功能发挥程度的反映。


1.Technological innovation capacity evaluation summarize of Science Park;科技园区区域技术创新能力评价综述

2.Factor analysis for evaluation of regionaltechnology innovation ability;区域技术创新能力评价中的因子分析

3.Cluster Empirical Analyses on the Capacity of Region Technical Innovation of China;中国区域技术创新能力的聚类实证分析

4.Linear Empirical Analyses of the Capacity of Regional Technological Innovation of China;中国区域技术创新能力的线性实证分析

5.Principal-Components Empirical Study on the Capacity of Region Technical Innovation of China;中国区域技术创新能力的主成份实证研究

6.Assessment and Analysis on the Capacity of Region Technical Innovation in China during Transitional Phase;转型时期中国区域技术创新能力评价与分析

7.Interrelated Factor Analyses on the Capacity of Region Technical Innovation of China;中国区域技术创新能力的相关因素分析

8.Analysis of Regional Effect of FDI on Technology Innovation in ChinaFDI对我国区域技术创新能力影响的研究

9.Study on the Evaluation of Regional Technological Innovation Capability Based on Innovation Synergy基于协同的区域技术创新能力评价研究

10.Study on the Enterprise"s Technological Innovation Ability, Basing on the Regional Innovation Network基于区域创新网络的企业技术创新能力研究

11.Analysis Regional Inequality in Technological Innovation Capability in Our Country;我国区域之间技术创新能力差异的实证分析

12.Analysis of the Regional Difference of the Technical Innovation Capacity for Foreign Enterprises;外商企业技术创新能力的区域差异分析

13.Resarch on Evaluation Method and Application of Regional Industrial Technologcial Innovation Ability区域产业技术创新能力评价方法及应用研究

14.Technology spillovers of FDI and its threshold effect of regional innovation capability:An empirical analysisFDI技术溢出及其区域创新能力门槛效应研究

15.Malmquist Research on Technical Innovation Capability基于Malmquist指数的区域工业企业技术创新能力研究

16.A Study on the Influences of RIN and GT Development on the Industry Innovative Capability;区域创新网络与共性技术研发对产业创新能力的影响研究

17.Innovation Environment of High-Tech Zones and Enterprise Innovation Ability;高新区技术创新环境与企业技术创新能力论略

18.Implement Comprehensive Teachnical Innovation, Devote Major Efforts to Developing Regional Economy;全面实施技术创新 大力发展区域经济


regional science and technology innovation capacity区域科技创新能力

1.Based on the index system ofregional science and technology innovation capacity and the fact in Wuhan,an index system ofregional science and technology innovation capacity for Wuhan is established,including knowledge creating, knowledge flows,technological innovation,innovation environment and management and economic benefit of innovation.在区域科技创新能力指标体系的基础上,结合武汉区域实际,从知识创造、知识流动、企业技术创新、技术创新环境与管理以及创新的经济效益等5个方面构建了武汉区域科技创新能力评价指标体系。

3)regional technology innovation区域技术创新

1.The article discusses the present problems and causes ofregional technology innovation by studying and analyzing the present situation of Langfang s enterprises.本文通过对廊坊市工业企业技术创新现状调查研究 ,剖析了区域技术创新系统存在的问题和原因 ,提出了加快廊坊市工业企业技术创新的思路和对策。

4)regional technological innovation区域技术创新

1.On the Unbalance and the Approaches to Balance of the Regional Technological Innovation Eco-Economic System;区域技术创新生态经济系统失调及其实现平衡的途径

2.Natural Resource Development,Regional Technological Innovation and Economic Growth:A Mechanism Interpretation and Empirical Test of Resource Curse;自然资源开发、区域技术创新与经济增长——一个对“资源诅咒”的机理解释及实证检验

3.Technological innovation capacity of Science Park is a decisive factor of regional economic growth and competition,whose power is an important measure of weighingregional technological innovation strength.科技园区区域技术创新能力是区域经济增长和竞争的决定性因素,其强弱是衡量一个区域技术创新实力的重要尺度。

5)regional innovation ability区域创新能力

1.0 software,this paper scores,classifies and sequencesregional innovation ability for 14 provinces of China.0计算机软件进行主成分分析,对我国在区域创新体系建设方面较具代表性的14个省市的区域创新能力发展现状进行评分、划类和排序,论证了我国区域创新体系大致的发展状况和未来发展前景,并提出了相关的政策建议,以期为各地经济的健康发展提供更好的思路。

2.This paper summarizes theregional innovation ability of Shanxi Province in the period of Tenth Five-year Plan,and probes into the position of each index ofregional innovation ability of Shanxi Province in China.概述了"十五"期间山西省区域创新能力,探讨了山西省区域创新能力的各项指标在全国的排名情况。

3.Anhui is one of the central provinces, which develops very slowly; and itsregional innovation ability is in the middle and lower level of the country.中部省份安徽,经济发展缓慢,区域创新能力一直处于全国中下游水平。

6)Regional innovation capability区域创新能力

1.The record numbers of inquiry in the web & regional innovation capability;区域创新能力指标与网上查询记录数

2.A research of regional innovation capability evaluation index system;区域创新能力评估的指标体系研究

3.The pattern of China regional innovation capability and its implication;中国区域创新能力的分布与成因


领导者创新能力领导者创新能力leader"s creative capability领导者创新能力(leader’5 ereative eapa-bilitv)领导者在各种领导活动中,善于捕捉新事物的萌芽,提出新的设想、新的方案,创造性地进行工作的能力。创造是领导活动的根本属性,一个称职的领导者,应当是创造新世界的先锋和组织者。勇于开拓创新是现代领导者的基本特征。富有创新能力的领导者具有如下特征:(l)兴趣广泛,能从平凡中发现奇特,从人人习以为常的现象中找到“异常”之处。(2)具有敏锐的洞察力,能及时找出实际存在和理想模式之间的差距,能察觉到别人未注意到的情况,不断地发现人们的需要和本部门的潜力。(3)善于创造性地思维,敢于怀疑,不墨守成规,善于运用与众不同的原则和方法使问题得到圆满地解决。(4)对事物具有深思熟虑,严密推敲的科学态度。(5)处理问题灵活多变,对于党的路线、方针和政策,上级的指示,不是消极地、被动地“照章办事”,而是善于从实际情况出发,灵活地加以贯彻执行。(6)意志坚强,在各种困难面前不动摇,有坚定的信心和信念。(黄志机撰王树茂审)
