1000字范文 > 全程实验教学 whole course experimentation teaching英语短句 例句大全

全程实验教学 whole course experimentation teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-03 18:59:42


全程实验教学 whole course experimentation teaching英语短句 例句大全

全程实验教学,whole course experimentation teaching

1)whole course experimentation teaching全程实验教学

1.Implementwhole course experimentation teaching on the platform of open-management lab;以开放式实验室为平台,实施全程实验教学


1.Implement whole course experimentation teaching on the platform of open-management lab;以开放式实验室为平台,实施全程实验教学

2.Emphasizing lab assistant"s whole preparation for lessons and improving the quality of experimental teaching of undergraduate course抓实验教师全程备课 上本科实验教学质量

3.Exploring to the Experimental Teaching of Electronic Commerce Security《电子商务安全》课程实验教学的探索

4.A Try in Training Student s Ability in a Whole Course Involvement Experinental Teaching;全程参与式实验教学对学生能力培养的尝试

5.Discussion on Mathematics Curriculum Standards in the Phase of Full-time Compulsory Education (Experimental Manuscript);全日制义务教育阶段数学课程标准(实验稿)刍议

6.Constructing a Hardware Experimental Teaching Platform for Optimizing Experimental Teaching Procedure;构建实验教学平台 优化实验教学过程

7.Founding Top-Quality Course,Promoting Overall Construction of Experimental Teaching Center;打造精品实验课程 全面推进实验教学示范中心建设

8.The management of experiment teaching quality must be all-around.对实验教学质量的管理,必须是全面的、全过程的管理。

9.Research into the Construction of the Whole Process Simulation Experimental Teaching System of Finance and Economics Courses;财经类专业课程全程仿真实验教学体系建设的研究

10.Enhancing the Reform of Experimental Teaching to Improve the Quality of Experimental Teaching;深化实验教学改革,全面提高实验教学质量

11.On Management of Experiment Teaching Under Open Teaching Model;全开放式教学模式下的实验教学管理

12.Construction of Hydraulic Engineering Lab and Reformations of Experiment Teaching水利工程实验室建设与实验教学改革

13.Understanding and Practice in Constructing the Course College Mathematics Experiments大学数学实验课程教学的实践与认识

14.Mathematical Experiment Methods and Mathematics Experiment Course Teaching;数学实验方法与大学数学实验课程教学

15.Teaching reform and exploration of experiment course in rock and soil engineering工程岩土学实验课程教学改革与探索

16.Discussion about a Note in "Mathematics Course Criteria" of the Full-time Compulsory Education;关于《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿)》中一个注释的探讨

17.Reform and practice in laboratory courses of medical physics;医用物理学实验课程教学改革与实践

18.Characteristics of Environmental Engineering Labs and Reforms in Teaching Activities;环境工程学实验室的特点与教学实践


holographic experimental teaching全息实验教学

3)distance experiment teaching远程实验教学

1.Application of VRML-baseddistance experiment teaching and key technologies involved;VRML在远程实验教学中的应用及关键技术

4)Experiment course teaching实验课程教学

5)programming experiment teaching编程实验教学

6)course teaching experiment课程教学实验


