1000字范文 > 赔偿金 compensation英语短句 例句大全

赔偿金 compensation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-17 21:15:29


赔偿金 compensation英语短句 例句大全



1.Also we analyze thecompensation of giving back loan forward.同时也分析了提前还贷的赔偿金问题。

2.This article analyses specifically several problems,such as concept of the rescineder and termination,conditions of the rescined labor contract,legal reason of the termined labor contract,and its economic subsidy andcompensation according according to the Labor Contract Law of the People s Republic of China.本文以我国劳动合同法为根据,就劳动合同解除和终止的概念、解除的条件、终止的法定事由,以及劳动合同解除或者终止的经济补偿和赔偿金适用进行了分析,并提出了自己的观点。


1.No tax shall be levied as regards the compensation a claimant has obtained.对赔偿请求人取得的赔偿金不予征税。

2.Damages is the proper remedy.损害赔偿金是适当的赔偿方法。

3.The Analysis on the System of the Compensation for Death in Tort Damages;论侵权损害赔偿中的死亡赔偿金制度

pensation for damage, loss, or injury suffered.赔偿金,赔偿物对毁坏、损失或伤害的补偿

5.awarded damages to the plaintiff.判给原告损害赔偿金。

6.Money ordered to be paid as compensation for injury or loss.损害赔偿金因受伤或损失而被命令赔偿的钱

7.The Consideration of Introducing Punitive Damage into State Compensation Law惩罚性损害赔偿金纳入国家赔偿制度之考虑

8.end-of-service grants and indemnities服务终了补助金和赔偿金

9.account for end-of-service grants and indemnities服务终了补助金和赔偿金帐户

10.On the Application of Regular Payment in the Cases of Compensation for Personal Injury;论人身损害赔偿金的定期金给付方式

11.An award of £5,000 will be given to those hurt in the explosion.五千英镑的赔偿金将被赔偿给那些在爆炸中受伤的人。

12.They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty.他们要他付损害赔偿金, 但他藉口贫穷而不偿还.

13.They ask him to pay for the damage but he plead poverty他们要他付损害赔偿金, 但他藉口贫穷而不偿还

14.war reparations损失赔偿[含金钱等

15.International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage国际油污损害赔偿基金

16.Contribution to the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund国际油污赔偿基金摊款

17.stock exchange compensation fund证券交易所赔偿基金

modity Exchange Compensation Fund商品交易所赔偿基金



1.This paper points out the only perfect Bayesian equilibrium which between hospital and patient can reach finally in the dynamic game of incomplete information course of negotiations forindemnity of unskillful and faulty medical on.讨论在医疗事故赔偿金数额谈判这一不完全信息动态博弈中,医患双方最终能够达成的唯一完美贝叶斯均衡。



5)compensation fund赔偿基金

1.However it is not a member state of the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 1992(FUND 92)and does not establish a nationalcompensation fund for oil damage.中国是一个航运大国,也是世界海事组织的理事国,且有着较大的油类进出口量,然而它却不是《1992国际油污赔偿基金公约》的成员国,而且也尚未建立国内油污基金。

6)pecuniary reparation金钱赔偿

1.On legislation, China has three manners of administrative compensation:pecuniary reparation, restitution of property, restitution of the original state,?The three manners have their own scope and condition of application.我国行政赔偿方式有金钱赔偿、返还财产和恢复原状,这种行政赔偿方式各有其适用范围和条件。


