1000字范文 > 唇齿化 labiodentalization英语短句 例句大全

唇齿化 labiodentalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-02 09:28:49


唇齿化 labiodentalization英语短句 例句大全



2)labial tooth row formula唇齿式

3)labiodental sound唇齿音


1.Articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth, as the sounds(f)and(v).唇齿音的用下唇和上齿发音的,如(f)音和(v)音

2.The Origin and the Distribution of the Labio-dental Initials of Zhixi in Zhongyuan Mandarin;中原官话知系字读唇齿音声母的形成与分布

3.Perfect Connection--Art Connotation of Music of Boby-building;琴瑟之好 唇齿相依——谈健美操音乐的艺术内涵

4.Hsin-mei furiously bit down on his lips, for it occurred to him that the word "mating" was also homophonous with "Mei-t"ing" and had a meaning as well.辛楣狠命把牙齿咬跟唇,因为他想着“Mating”跟“梅亭”也是同音而更有意义。

5.protruding eyes, lips, teeth凸出的眼睛、 嘴唇、 牙齿

6.Her lips are cherries and sweet the breath from her pomegranate teeth."唇绽樱颗兮,榴齿含香."

7.Environment and development: share a common lot.环境与发展:唇亡齿寒

8.a consonant whose articulation involves movement of the lips.发音时,双唇运动的辅音。

9.Experiment with the position of your tongue (either near the roof of your mouth, or behind your bottom teeth works well) and also with the positioning of your lips (try puckering them further).试着调整舌位(将舌头或靠近上颚或靠近齿后)和唇型(如撅得更向前些),以发出不同的音。

10.Articulated mainly by closing or partly closing the lips, as the sounds(b), (m), or(w).唇音的闭上嘴唇或部份闭上嘴唇而发音的,如(b),(m)或(w)音

11.Articulated mainly by closing or partly closing the lips, as the sounds(b), (b>mb>), or(w).唇音的闭上嘴唇或部份闭上嘴唇而发音的,如(b),(b>mb>)或(w)音

12.pronounce with rounded lips.用圆形的唇发出声音。

13.the vocal organs,ie the tongue,lips,vocal cords,etc发音器官(舌、唇、声带等)

14.a stop consonant that is produced with the lips.双唇产生的爆破辅音。

15.The Dentals,Labials and the Voiced Initials of the Family of Xuan Ying s(玄应) Speech Sound;玄应音系中的舌音、唇音和全浊声母

16.The interests of Hong Kong and the Motherland are intricately linked and intertwined.香港与祖国一脉相连,唇齿相依。

17.The gate with pearls and rubies richly dight她珠白宝红的皓齿樱唇豁然启开,

18.He caught his lower lip with the edge of white, even teeth.他那洁白平整的牙齿咬着下唇。


labial tooth row formula唇齿式

3)labiodental sound唇齿音

4)lip and teeth relationship唇齿关系


1.To serve the purpose, "mouth/teeth/lip/tongue" metonymies in English and Chinese are selected as the study topic, so as to test whether the present theories of cognitive linguistics could provide a reasonable explanation to the existence of the selected metonymies, whether the continuum of metonymy and metaphor is reflected in these metonymies, and whether t.为此,以英汉的“口齿唇舌”转喻作为研究对象,进行跨语言的对比,以考察以下几个方面的问题:一、认知转喻理论能否对“口齿唇舌”这一转喻现象作出合理解释;二、隐喻与转喻之间的连续体关系在该转喻中是否有所体现;三、这一转喻在英汉语中的表现是否具有普遍性;四、该转喻在两种语言中的普遍性能否在一定程度上反映人类认知的共性。



