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试点 experimental unit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-23 12:20:43


试点 experimental unit英语短句 例句大全

试点,experimental unit

1)experimental unit试点

1.The feasibility and suggestions of developing pollution-discharge right tradeexperimental unit in Hunan province;湖南省开展排污权交易试点的可行性及建议

2.This army area command was assigned asexperimental unit of military medical insurance system innovation in ××.文章从健全组织统一部署、加强宣传提高认识、培训骨干技术支持、分类指导突出重点 4个方面介绍了试点的主要做法 ;从政策规定、信息技术、运行环节 3个方面分析了试点过程中发现的问题 ;对如何确保军人在医改中得到实惠、加强与地方政府的协调、医改经费的分类保障等重点和难点问题进行了讨论 ,提出了一些意见和建


1.She was experimenting in selected units.她在试点单位进行试验。

2.The first part was the pilot program.第一部分是试点计划。

3.The scope and number of foreign funded import and export enterprises pilots will be increased;扩大外商投资外贸企业的试点范围和试点数量;

4.The pilot zone with certain recently state, what does pilot drugstore have?最近国家确定的试点地区,试点药店有哪些?

5.A place for practice, observation, or testing.试点用于练习、观察或测试的场所

6.tie-down firing试车台点火试验火箭

7.open-cup flash-and-fire test开口闪点与着火点试验

8.Cleveland open cup test克利夫兰开杯闪点测试

9.ASTM melting point美国材料试验学会熔点

10.automatic dew-point measurement instrument气体雾点自动测试仪

11.testing method for melting point of synthetic fibers合成纤维熔点试验法

12.Tag open cup test method泰格开杯闪点试验法

13.put out feelers cautiously check the views of others谨慎地试探别人的观点

14.tag closed tester泰格密闭闪点试验器

15.dew cycle corrosion tester露点循环腐蚀试验机

16.air dew-point automatic tester气体露点自动测试仪

17.automatic pour point tester自动燃油倾流点测试仪

18.I have a job interview at one o"clock.我一点钟有工作面试。



1.Practical research onpilot project of comprehensive control of soil erosion in black soil areas in Northeast China;东北黑土区水土流失综合防治试点工程的实践探索

2.Actively and steadily promotingpilot effoits on power markets forharmonious construction and development of electric power industry ——Comprehensive simulation of month ahead and day ahead markets of East China Power Market is unfoldedState Electricity Regulatory Committee East China Bureau;积极稳妥地推进电力市场试点工作促进和谐电力的建设和发展——华东电力市场月前、日前综合模拟全面展开

3.Pilot Hygienic Inspection and Supervision on Central Air-Conditioning Ventilation System in Public Places in Sichuan Province;四川省公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生监督管理试点情况分析


1.Analysis ofexperiment with university enrollment with full autonomy;对高校自主招生试点的思考

2.The writer as a the manager in anexperimental college of long-distance education illustrates the way, in which long-distance education is developed, based on somproblems in theexperimental works.笔者作为现代远程教育试点院校的管理人员 ,从远程教育的发展以及试点工作中存在的一些问题入手 ,对于如何开展远程教育作了简要的阐述 ,并提出了指导性建


1.Problems and countermeasure in thetrial of specialty technology post term system;中级职称任期制试点工作中存在的问题及对策

2.Preliminary Exploration of Trial & Evaluation of Industrial Technology Allicance产业技术联盟试点与评价初探

3.For solving the split of share,the government beginstrial work.股权分置问题是我国股市重大历史遗留问题,为解决股权分置问题我国政府已开始启动试点工作。


1.Southwest University of Technology is an university with the integration of production, studying and research, which is one of theexperimental universities in the college English reform of the new round.西南科技大学是我国西部产、学、研相结合的以理工科为主的综合性大学,是我国新一轮大学英语教学改革的试点院校之一。

2.Success ofexperimental major depends on hard work of teachers and students.试点专业办得成功与否 ,需要师生共同努力。

6)TP (test point)试验点,测试点


试点1.正式进行某项工作之前﹐先做试验﹐以取得经验。 2.正式进行某项工作之前﹐做小型试验的地方。
