1000字范文 > 企业形象战略 Corporate Identity Strategy英语短句 例句大全

企业形象战略 Corporate Identity Strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-01 17:14:40


企业形象战略 Corporate Identity Strategy英语短句 例句大全

企业形象战略,Corporate Identity Strategy

1)Corporate Identity Strategy企业形象战略


1.CIS──Corporate Image Strategy that cannot be Ignored;CIS──不容忽略的企业形象战略

2.The Contruction of Architectural Enterprise Cutlure and the Strategy of the Enterprise Image;试论建筑企业文化建设与企业形象战略

3.Some Problem on Presenting the Corporate Identity System;我国企业实施企业形象战略的有关问题

4.Results The great significance of the CIS was analyzed, and the CIS presenting measures for an enterprise to achieve its goal was proposed.结果分析了企业形象战略的重要意义,提出了实施企业形象战略的具体措施与途径。

5.Connotation of Strategy of Corporate Identity and Its Practical Significance;企业形象策划战略的内涵与现实意义

6.Changing the Image of an Enterprise by Introducing the CI Strategy;导入CI战略 实施企业形象创新

7.Consulting on company branding: We assist our customers to define brand strategy, create great company image and culture.企业品牌战略的制定,企业文化的提炼和解释,企业形象设计和推广。

8.Research on Chinese Enterprises International Marketing Strategy Based on Country of Origin;基于原产地形象的中国企业国际营销战略研究

9.Strategic construction of corporate culture in the products identity system;企业文化在产品形象系统中的战略性构建

10.Implement the strategy of brand construction to shape the famous CI of Ningxia Coal Corporation;实施品牌运营战略 塑造宁煤名牌企业形象

11.About the Role of Enterprise s Law Consultant in Improving CIS Image Strategy in Enterprises;浅谈企业法律顾问在推进企业CIS形象战略中的作用

12.Through introducing CI Strategy which has produced marked effect in modelling business images, create integrated, unique, truely and vital library images.通过借鉴和导入在塑造企业形象方面卓见成效的CI战略,塑造出完整、特、实、动的图书馆形象。

13.Foreign sports enterprises reorganize the resources,( promote) the enterprises" images and push the blending development of sports industry when carrying out strategic alliance.国外体育企业开展战略联盟整合了公司资源,提升了公司的企业形象,促进了产业的交融发展。

14.Place of Origin Images, Enterprises" Brand and Business Tactics原产地形象、企业品牌与营销策略

15.Research on Corporate Image Restoration Strategies in Specific Crisis Situation企业危机情境中的形象修复策略研究

16.How to Establish the Corporate Identity of Small Medium-sized Enterprises by Design Stratagem;设计策略如何树立中小企业的企业形象

17.On carrying out brand strategy in the enterprise;浅谈企业品牌策略——企业如何树立产品名牌形象

18.On Entrepreneurs Image, Corporate Image and Product Image;企业家形象、企业形象、产品形象探微


Jewelry Corporate Image Strategy珠宝企业形象战略

3)AThe Study on Corporate Identity Strategy企业形象战略研究

4)enterprise strategy企业战略

1.The effect of standards for developing new products onenterprise strategy:Reflection on enhancing the competitiveness of Fujian manufacturing industry;新产品开发的标准对企业战略的影响——提高福建制造业竞争水平思考之一

2.Index system and technique ofenterprise strategy integrant performance;企业战略整体绩效评价指标体系与方法

3.A Study on the Relationship Model of Information Technology, Enterprise Strategy, Business Process and Organization Structure;信息技术与企业战略、业务流程及组织结构整合的关系模型研究

5)Business strategy企业战略

1.Research on Approaches of Building IT Strategy Aligning with Business Strategy——Case Study on UPS and FEDEX;建立与企业战略相适应的IT战略的路径和方法研究——对UPS和FedEx的战略匹配案例研究

2.A Study on Knowledge Based Business Strategy Substantiation;知识为核心之企业战略研究

3.A model of business technological innovation based on balanced scorecard is established according to the relationship between technological innovation and business strategy.从分析技术创新与企业战略之间的关系出发,首次把技术创新因素引入到平衡计分卡结构模型之中,构建了基于平衡计分卡的企业技术创新框架模型。


1.Study on Integration of BPR, Enterprise Strategy, Information Technology and Organizational Structure;流程再造与企业战略、信息技术及组织结构的整合研究

2.The article presents the reason that BPR should bestrategy-oriented,and the ways for the strategies to guide the processes,and for the processes to meet the requirements of the strategies.通过对企业流程和企业战略二者之间关系的研究,提出企业为建立有效的流程再造实施方略,需要从企业战略的高度出发,从企业整体上审视流程。

bined with the questions of knowledge management in construction firms nowadays, this paper gives the thought of knowledge management from several aspects, such asstrategy, knowledge share, enterprise culture, virtual construction, etc.在阐述知识管理含义的基础上,分析现阶段建筑企业知识管理存在的问题,从企业战略、知识共享、企业文化和虚拟建设等方面入手,建立知识共享体系,组建学习型组织、虚拟企业,从而提高建筑企业的应变能力、创新能力和核心竞争力。


