1000字范文 > 少儿英文儿歌歌词:The wabash Cannonball

少儿英文儿歌歌词:The wabash Cannonball

时间:2018-11-26 20:28:28


少儿英文儿歌歌词:The wabash Cannonball

★以下是少儿英语频道为大家整理的《少儿英文儿歌歌词:The wabash Cannonball》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站少儿英语频道。

From the great Atlantic Ocean

To the wide Pacific shore

From the queen of flowing mountains

To the southland by the shore

She"s a-mighty tall and handsome

And known quite well by all

She"s the mighty engine of

The Wabash Cannonball

Great cities of importance

We see along the way

Chicago and St. Louis

Rock Island, so they say

Springfield and Decatur

Peoria above all

You can reach your destination

On the Wabash Cannonball

This train, she runs to Quincy

Monroe and Mexico

She runs to Kansas City

And she"s never running slow

She runs right into Denver

Where she makes an awful squall

They all know by the whistle

She"s the Wabash Cannonball

There"re many other cities

That you can go and see

St. Paul and Minneapolis

Ashtabula, Kankakee

The lakes of Minnehaha

Where the laughing waters fall

You"ll reach them by no other

But the Wabash Cannonball

So, listen to the jingle

The rumble and the roar

As she glides along the woodland

Through the hills and by the shore

Hear the mighty rush of the engine

Hear that lonesome hobo call

You"re traveling through the jungles on

The Wabash Cannonball

You"re traveling through the jungles on

The Wabash Cannonball
