1000字范文 > 模型化 modeling英语短句 例句大全

模型化 modeling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-26 06:06:12


模型化 modeling英语短句 例句大全



1.Modeling and Simulation of Microstructure Evolution in Ceramic Sintering;陶瓷烧结过程显微组织演化的模型化与模拟

2.Review on Progress of Modeling Research on Hydramine Technique;醇胺法工艺模型化研究进展评述

3.Modeling Composition Design of Cold Rolled Hot-dip Galvanized Dual-phase Steel;冷轧热镀锌双相钢成分设计模型化的研究


1.Modeling Simulation and Optimization of USC-80U Naphtha Pyrolysis FurnaceUSC-80U型乙烯裂解炉模型化与仿真优化

2.Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society: (MGMS)分子图形与模型化学会

3.Catalytic Conversion of Biomass Tar Model Compound;生物质焦油模型化合物催化转化研究

4.This model may be classified as either an optimizing model or simulation model.这个模型可分为最佳化模型或模拟模型。

5.The models include grouping-and-grading model and weight optimization model.数学模型包括分组分级模型和权重优化模型。

6.Model Normalization and Multi-agent Domain Organization Model;模型规范化与多主体域组织模型研究

7.The Biology Evolution Model Based on the Penna Model;基于Penna模型的生物演化模型

8.structural mode control system结构化模型控制系统

9.modular supercomputer architecture模块化巨型机体系结构

10.structural modelling system结构化模型建立系统

11.Synthesis of Model Compounds of Superoxide Dismutase and Their Chemical Simulation;超氧化物歧化酶模型物的合成及化学模拟

12.Research on the Quantitative Evaluation Model on Industrial Cluster s Competitiveness--The Parsing of GEM Model and Constructing of GEMN Model;产业集群竞争力评价量化模型研究——GEM模型解析与GEMN模型构建

13.Fuzzy Optimize Model of Multi-goal Decision-making in Ent erprise Development企业发展的多目标决策模糊优化模型

14.A Parametric Drawing System of Large Injection Mold Base;塑料注射模大型模架参数化绘图系统

15.Design and Implementation of Structured Conceptual Modeling System;概念模型结构化建模工具设计与实现

16.Simulation Model Study and Development of Blocking Power System;模块化电力系统仿真模型研究与开发

17.Personalized Recommendation Algorithms Based on the Fuzzy Interest Pattern;基于模糊兴趣模型的个性化推荐算法

18.A Culture-Oriented and Computer-Assisted Language Teaching Simulation Model;文化导向型模拟法外语教学模式初探



1.Porous Media Modelling of Compact Heat Exchanger;紧凑换热器的多孔介质模型化

2.Microstructuralmodelling plays an important role of numerical simulation in metal hot plastic forming process, and its key part is the modeling of microstructure evolution.概述了金属热态塑性成形过程中的微观组织演变及其模型化的研究概况 ,详细评述了描述材料组织演变的两类模型 ,即数值模型和随机模型 ,探讨了现有模型的基本概念、适用范围及工业应用等 ,并指出了组织演变模型研究中存在的不足及今后的研究重点。

3.This is a review which critically evaluates the development in themodelling of the PET final C-polymerization with 30 references.总结了聚酯终缩聚过程的化学反应及其动力学,对于聚酯终缩聚的间歇和连续两种不同生产方式的模型化分别进行了评述,指出了没有恰当地考虑传质与反应的耦合作用是目前模型化过程中存在的主要问题,提出了副产物含量控制、模型动态化和参数优化是未来模型化发展方向。


1.Research on Modeling of Human Ocular Tissue Layers Thickness and Non-contact Ophthalmic Detection System;眼膜组织厚度模型化及非接触式测量系统的研究

2.With great improvements had been made and applied to position with carrier phase and internet broadcast,searchers have done more further tomodel the corrections of GPS,which been sent to users.随着载波相位观测技术与网络通讯技术的发展与成熟,对于区域内GPS改正数模型化并通过网络传播于用户的研究亦已取得相当的成果。

3.This thesis will do some research on the methods of fault diagnosis based on themodeling and fuzzy neural network.本文研究了基于模型化和模糊神经网络的故障诊断方法,并对某个电力系统作分层次分级别处理。

4)block-oriented model模块化模型

1.Adaptive predistortion for power amplifiers based onblock-oriented model模块化模型功率放大器的自适应预失真

5)typed model类型化模型

6)aging life model老化模型

1.Hygrothermalaging life model of a composite solid propellant;某固体推进剂湿热老化模型


