1000字范文 > 菜肴 dish英语短句 例句大全

菜肴 dish英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-21 06:50:05


菜肴 dish英语短句 例句大全



1.The art ofdish naming and the dietetic culture;菜肴命名艺术与饮食文化

2.Effects of Cooking Craft on the Nutritional Components of Dishes;烹调工艺对菜肴营养成分的影响

3.Smell and taste are both human olfactory cognition ofdishes and the dialectical relations between them are unity of opposites which complement each other.菜肴的香与臭同属于人体对菜肴嗅觉的认识范畴,他们之间是对立统一、相辅相成的辩证关系。


1.Shanghai food is rather oily,沪帮的菜肴油水较重

2.The nearby restaurant keeps an excellent table.附近那家餐馆菜肴上乘。

3.The table was groaning with food.餐桌上摆满了菜肴。

4.Best of all things in New Orleans was the food.新奥尔良的菜肴最有名。

5.the dominant flavour in a dish一份菜肴的主要香味

6.making vegetable and meats softer to eat.以使菜肴更加松软可口。

7.Spices give relish to a dish.调味香料使菜肴味美。

8.delicious food and excellent services精美的菜肴,优质的服务

9.The food was well cooked.菜肴烹调得非常精致。

10.highly seasoned dishes调味调得很浓的菜肴

11.You will enjoy our wide arrays of delectable dishes at a reasonable price.精心烹饪的菜肴、理的消费,为您献上美味的菜肴。

parison between Naming Chinese Dishes and Naming Western Ones and Translation of Names of Chinese Dishes into English;中西菜肴命名对比及中式菜肴英译方法探究

13.A dish or an order of thin slices of fried or broiled bacon.薰肉菜由烤的或煮的咸肉做成的菜肴或一道菜

14.Stewed, boiled, steamed, stir-fried, smoked food and braised food with soy source are Chinese usual dishes.炖、、、、和红烧的食品是中国人的常用菜肴。

15.More delicious dishes you"ll get when you cook with this condiment.烹调时用了本调料,菜肴更加鲜美可口。

16.shore dinner由海鲜菜肴组成的一顿饭

17.one"s favorite color [dish, flower]某人特别喜爱的颜色 [菜肴,花]

18.He ate of the good things heartily.他津津有味地吃着那些可口的菜肴。



1.Chinese cooking helps the formation of the tastiness ofdishes;中国烹饪有利于菜肴鲜味的形成

2.There have been various ways t o namedishes since ancient time, displaying the richness of Chinese cuisine.菜名是菜肴的重要组成部分 ,具有商业价值和推销功能 ,中国菜肴命名方法多样 ,特别是艺术菜名 ,古已有之 ,体现了中国饮食文化的博大精深。

3.The flower ingredients can not only add colors, flavors, tastes and shapes todishes, but also has obviously specific value in nutriology, cosmetology and diet therapy.鲜花是植物的精英,在我国以花入馔有着悠久的历史,花馔不但能增添菜肴的色、香、味、型,同时对人体具有独特的营养、美容和食疗价值。

3)vegetable dish蔬菜菜肴

4)Dish cooking菜肴制作

5)dish quality菜肴质量

1.The advent of AIC brings a big challenge to the traditionaldish quality evaluation system.自动烹饪机器人(简称AIC)的问世,打破了传统的菜肴质量评价体系。

2.The evaluation index ofdish quality depends on two aspects; outside and inside indexes.菜肴质量的控制是餐饮生产过程中的重要环节,菜肴质量的评价指标取决于外部指标和内部指标两个方面,从这两大指标入手实施全面的质量控制,是制作优质菜点的重要保证。

6)dish flavor菜肴风味

1.Maillard reaction is one of the main sources ofdish flavors in cooking process.在烹饪过程中,美拉德反应是菜肴风味产生的主要来源之一。

2.The appearance of the restaurants selling Northern flavor food, Southern flavor food, vegetarian food, Sichuan flavor food on Bianjin, Linan markets is the powerful evidence of the early formation of Chinesedish flavor schools.汴京、临安市场上出现的北食店、南食店、川饭店、素食店正是中国菜肴风味流派初步形成的有力佐证。


